Policies and Procedures Manual Additions and Revisions

July 1, 2017 - June 30, 2018

3.10 / Moving Expenses
Revision Date: June 11, 2018
To conform with State of Kansas Department of Administration directive for processing reimbursement of qualified moving expenses through payroll accounts.
Recommended by Office of Financial Operations and Business Technology.

3.02 / Notice of Nondiscrimination
Revision Date: May 21, 2018
To update in response to a civil rights compliance policy review.
Recommended by Office of Equal Opportunity and Title IX.

3.19 / Prohibition of Retaliation
Revision Date: May 21, 2018
To update in response to a civil rights compliance policy review.
Recommended by Office of Equal Opportunity and Title IX.

3.47 / Discrimination Review Procedures for Students, Employees and Visitors
Revision Date: May 21, 2018
To update in response to a civil rights compliance policy review.
Recommended by Office of Equal Opportunity and Title IX.

8.16 / Sexual Misconduct, Relationship Violence, and Stalking Policy for Students
Revision Date: May 21, 2018
To update in response to a civil rights compliance policy review.
Recommended by Office of Equal Opportunity and Title IX.

8.21 / Accommodations for Pregnant and Parenting Students
Effective Date: May 21, 2018
To comply with Title IX requirements.
Recommended by Office of Equal Opportunity and Title IX.

9.26 / Responsible Conduct of Research Training
Effective Date: May 21, 2018
To meet legal requirement that recipients of federal funding be trained in responsible and ethical conduct.
Recommended by multiple offices that participated in its development: Office of Research Compliance, Graduate School, Research Office and General Counsel's Office.

11.03 / Unmanned Aircraft Systems (Drones)
Effective Date: May 21, 2018
To establish minimum requirements for the safe operation of Unmanned Aircraft Systems and aids in compliance with Federal Aviation Administration requirements, state laws, local ordinances and University policies and procedures.
Recommended by multiple offices that participated in its development: Office of Research Compliance, NIAR, Media Resources Center, Aerospace Engineering, University Police Department and General Counsel's Office.

20.01 / Kansas Open Records Act
Revision Date: May 8, 2018
To streamline process and specify circumstances for delayed and declined requests.
Recommended by General Counsel's Office.

4.01 / Faculty Appointments
Effective Date: April 9, 2018
To consolidate content of previous Sections 4.01 through 4.07 along with minor updating of text.
Recommended by Faculty Senate and Office of Academic Affairs.

4.01 / Appointment Notice
4.02 / Term of Appointment
4.03 / Faculty Ranks and Titles
4.04 / Types of Appointments
4.05 / Special Conditions for Appointment
4.06 / Joint Faculty Appointments
4.07 / Standards for Non-Reappointment

4.08 / Recruitment
Rescission Date: April 9, 2018
To rescind superfluous informational section.
Recommended by Faculty Senate and Office of Academic Affairs.

4.10 / Interpretive Statements on Tenure
Rescission Date: April 9, 2018
To rescind superfluous informational section.
Recommended by Faculty Senate and Office of Academic Affairs.

4.11 / Terminations
Rescission Date: April 9, 2018
To rescind superfluous informational section. Refer instead to Section 2.10, Program Discontinuance.
Recommended by Faculty Senate and Office of Academic Affairs.

4.12 / Non-Tenurable Positions
Rescission Date: April 9, 2018
To rescind section rendered superfluous with previous adoption of other policies that address non-tenurable positions.
Recommended by Faculty Senate and Office of Academic Affairs.

The contents of Chapter 5, Faculty Benefits and Responsibilities, and certain sections from Chapter 2, Academic Policies, have been updated, relocated and consolidated with the contents of Chapter 4. Recommended by Faculty Senate and Office of Academic Affairs.

4.02 / Eligibility of Adjunct Faculty for Employer Provided Health Insurance (relocated from Section 5.15)
4.03 / Faculty Sabbatical Leave (relocated from Section 5.05)
4.04 / Resolution of Internal Disputes for Faculty (relocated from Section 5.06)
4.05 / Professional Development (relocated from Section 5.07)
4.06 / Statements on Professional Rights and Responsibilities of Faculty (relocated from Section 5.08)
4.07 / Consultant Services to Other State Agencies (relocated from Section 5.09)
4.08 / Definition and Assignment of Credit Hours (relocated from Section 2.18)
4.09 / Student Access to Faculty - Office Hours (relocated from Section 2.05)
4.10 / Class Policies (relocated from Section 2.04)
4.11 / Commencement Policy (relocated from Section 5.10)
4.12 / Teaching Loads (relocated from Section 2.07)
4.13 / Chair Policy and Procedures (relocated from Section 2.15)
4.14 / Faculty Personnel Records (relocated from Section 5.11)
4.15 / Subvention (relocated from Section 2.12)
4.16 / Review Procedures for Alleged Violations of the Kansas Board of Regents' Social Media Policy (relocated and retained for faculty with adoption of Section 3.05, Social Media)
4.17 / Graduate Faculty Membership (relocated from Section 5.12)
4.18 / Probationary Period (relocated from Section 4.14)
4.19 / Tenure Policy (relocated from Section 4.13)
4.20 / Post-Tenure Review for Faculty (relocated from Section 5.14)
4.21 / Tenure and Promotion - Guidelines and Criteria (relocated from Section 4.15)
4.22 / Tenure, Promotion, Professor Incentive Review and Post-Tenure Review Calendar (relocated from Section 4.16)
4.23 / Tenure and Promotion - Outline of Process Review (relocated from Section 4.17)
4.24 / Review for Tenure and Promotion: Procedures (relocated from Section 4.18)
4.25 / Full Professor Incentive Review Program (relocated from Section 5.13)
4.26 / Tenure and Promotion Committee (relocated from Section 4.19)
4.31 / Faculty Evaluation (relocated from Section 4.22)
4.32 / Substance Abuse (relocated from Section 5.04)
4.33 / Procedures for Departing Faculty (relocated from Section 4.21)
4.34 / Dismissal for Cause (relocated from Section 4.23)
4.35 / Financial Exigency (relocated from Section 4.24)

1.09 / Strategic Planning Committee
Revision Date: February 23, 2018
To add Diversity and Community Engagement to units represented in strategic planning process.
Recommended by Strategic Planning Office.

2.01 / Undergraduate Catalog and Graduate Bulletin
Rescission Date: February 23, 2018
To rescind superfluous informational section.
Recommended by Office of Academic Affairs.

3.05 / Social Media Use
Effective Date: February 23, 2018
To streamline and replace the previous Section 3.05, Review Procedure for Alleged Violations of the Kansas Board of Regents' Social Media Policy.
Recommended by Office of Human Resources.

3.15 / Internal Dispute Resolution Process
Effective Date: February 23, 2018
To provide a defined, consistent, unbiased grievance process to both UP and USS employees for escalation of concerns that cannot be resolved at the department level.
Replaces Section 6.13, Grievance Procedures, which is hereby rescinded.
Recommended by Office of Human Resources.

3.41 / Separation of Employment
Effective Date: February 23, 2018
To provide consistent guidance and expectations for both UP and USS employees.
Replaces Section 7.11, Leaving Employment, which is hereby rescinded.
Recommended by Office of Human Resources.

3.48 / Coaching and Corrective Action
Effective Date: February 23, 2018
To specify steps in the progressive coaching/corrective action process and expectation for in-person discussions.
Replaces the previous Section 3.48, Employee Discipline Policy.
Recommended by Office of Human Resources.

8.12 / Thesis and Dissertation Sequestration
Relocation Date: February 23, 2018
To relocate to student chapter from Section 2.13. No revisions otherwise.
Recommended by Office of Academic Affairs.

8.20 / Court of Student Academic Appeals
Relocation Date: February 23, 2018
To relocate to student chapter from Section 2.03. No revisions otherwise.
Recommended by Office of Academic Affairs.

Chapter 17 / Rhatigan Student Center
Rescission Date: February 23, 2018
Operating guidance will be posted by the applicable RSC departments on their home pages as appropriate.
Recommended by Division of Student Affairs.

18.03 / Reserved Parking Spaces
Rescission Date: February 23, 2018
To rescind information that is now covered by WSU parking regulations.
Recommended by Office of Finance and Administration.

20.03 / Closing the University in the Event of Severe Weather or Other Emergency Situations
Effective Date: February 23, 2018
To emphasize decision making authority and streamline process. Replaces previous detailed procedures.
Recommended by Strategic Communications and General Counsel's Office.

2.13 / Thesis and Dissertation Embargo
Effective Date: January 30, 2018
To reflect implementation of Shocker Open Access Repository (SOAR).
Replaces previous Thesis and Dissertation Sequestration Policy.
Recommended by ad hoc committee with representatives from Graduate School, WSU Libraries, WSU Ventures, and others and endorsed by Graduate Council.

3.04 / Commitment of Time, Conflict of Interest, Consulting and Other Employment
Effective Date: January 30, 2018
To implement online annual conflict of interest reporting for all employees whether or not the employee has significant financial or managerial interests to report as required by Regents policy.
Recommended by ad hoc committee with representatives from Research Compliance, Research and Technology Transfer, Financial Operations, and General Counsel's Office.

3.18 / Employee Suggestion Program
Rescission Date: January 30, 2018
To rescind inactive program first implemented in 2003 due to legislative action but never utilized.
Recommended by Office of Human Resources and Office of Equal Opportunity.

8.04 / Graduate Assistantships
Revision Date: January 30, 2018
To specify the cap for GTA tuition benefit is 12 credit hours.
Recommended by Graduate Office and endorsed by Graduate Council.

9.14 / Commitment of Time, Conflict of Interest, Consulting and Other Employment
Rescission Date: January 30, 2018
This simply provided a link to Section 3.04 from the Research and Sponsored Programs chapter. 
Recommended by ad hoc committee with representatives from Research Compliance, Research and Technology Transfer, Financial Operations, and General Counsel's Office.

9.15 / Conflict of Interest Reporting Procedures
Rescission Date: January 30, 2018
Superseded by Section 3.04 updating.
Recommended by ad hoc committee with representatives from Research Compliance, Research and Technology Transfer, Financial Operations, and General Counsel's Office.

9.22 / Disclosure of Financial Conflicts of Interest for Research Subject to Public Health Service Financial Conflict of Interest Regulations
Revision Date: January 30, 2018
To update and streamline policy requirements in concert with Section 3.04 updating.
Recommended by ad hoc committee with representatives from Research Compliance, Research and Technology Transfer, Financial Operations, and General Counsel's Office.

11.22 / Political Activities and Campus Facilities

Revision Date: January 30, 2018
To specify that the policy covers grounds as well as facilities, no recording or production of advertisements is permitted, and financial arrangements for facility use must be paid in advance.
Recommended by Office of Government Relations.

4.27 / Promotion for Non-Tenure Track Faculty: Guidelines and Criteria
Effective Date: December 11, 2017
To specify promotion guidelines and criteria for non-tenure track faculty.
Recommended by Faculty Senate.

4.28 / Promotion for Non-Tenure Track Faculty: Outline of Process of Review
Effective Date: December 11, 2017
To specify promotion and incentive review process for non-tenure track faculty.
Recommended by Faculty Senate.

4.29 / Review for Promotion for Non-Tenure Track Faculty: Procedures
Effective Date: December 11, 2017
To specify promotion review procedures for non-tenure track faculty.
Recommended by Faculty Senate.

4.30 / Teaching Professor Incentive Review Program
Effective Date: December 11, 2017
To establish a voluntary incentive review program for non-tenure track faculty holding the level of Teaching Professor, Clinical Professor or Senior Educator.
Recommended by Faculty Senate.

8.05 / Student Code of Conduct
Effective Date: October 3, 2017
To reflect changes to institutional philosophy regarding student behavior, staffing and organizational changes within the University, developments in best practices in the field of student conduct, and increased federal mandates and scrutiny of institutional processes.
Recommended by Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards and Vice President for Student Affairs.

11.12 / Use of University Campus for First Amendment Activities
Effective Date: September 29, 2017
To update and consolidate University policies pertaining to first amendment activities on WSU campus by university and non-university individuals and groups. Supersedes former Sections 11.12 and 11.13.
Recommended by First Amendment Activities Policy Review Committee chaired by Vice President for Student Affairs.

11.12 / Use of University Campus by Non-University Groups for First Amendment Activities
Rescission Date: September 29, 2017
Superseded by new Section 11.12.
Recommended by First Amendment Activities Policy Review Committee chaired by Vice President for Student Affairs.

11.13 / Use of University Campus by University Groups for First Amendment Activities
Rescission Date: September 29, 2017
Superseded by new Section 11.12.
Recommended by First Amendment Activities Policy Review Committee chaired by Vice President for Student Affairs.

8.10 / Students with Disabilities
Effective Date: August 8, 2017
To detail process to follow when a student requests accommodations for a disability, and establish appeal and complaint procedures, to fulfill agreement with National Federation of the Blind.
Recommended by Accessibility Committee chaired by General Counsel's Office.

2.06 / Students with Disabilities - Academic Adjustments
Rescission Date: August 8, 2017
Superseded by Section 8.10.
Recommended by Accessibility Committee chaired by General Counsel's Office.

1.09 / Strategic Planning Committee
Effective Date: August 8, 2017
To define structure and responsibilities of the Strategic Planning Committee, a University-level standing committee implemented by the President to facilitate the advancement of the WSU Strategic Plan.
Recommended by Strategic Planning Office.

3.02 / Notice of Nondiscrimination
Revision Date: August 8, 2017
To add contact information for Office for Civil Rights Kansas office and national headquarters.
Recommended by Office of Equal Opportunity and Office of Human Resources.

8.10 / Students with Disabilities
Effective Date: August 8, 2017
To detail process to follow when a student requests accommodations for a disability, and establish appeal and complaint procedures, to fulfill agreement with National Federation of the Blind.
Recommended by Accessibility Committee chaired by General Counsel's Office.

2.06 / Students with Disabilities - Academic Adjustments
Rescission Date: August 8, 2017
Superseded by Section 8.10.
Recommended by Accessibility Committee chaired by General Counsel's Office.

8.11 / Accessible Content
Effective Date: August 8, 2017
To outline accessibility standards to be implemented by July 2020 to fulfill agreement with National Federation of the Blind.
Recommended by Accessibility Committee chaired by General Counsel's Office.

8.16 / Sexual Misconduct, Relationship Violence, and Stalking Policy for Students
Revision Date: August 8, 2017
To comply with Clery Act and Violence Against Women Act requirements, and other minor updates as needed.
Recommended by Clery Committee chaired by General Counsel's Office.

8.17 / Missing Students
Revision Date: August 8, 2017
To enhance collection and security of missing student emergency contact information by Housing and Residence Life, and the protocol for reporting and investigating possible missing students, to comply with the Clery Act.
Recommended by Clery Committee chaired by General Counsel's Office.

9.16 / Depository for Representations and Certifications 
Effective Date: August 8, 2017
To more clearly establish designation of responsible officers for each compliance requirement, a central depository, and an index of representations and certifications. Replaces former Depository for Certifications and Assurances Policy.
Recommended by Office of Research Compliance and General Counsel's Office.

13.04 / Tuition and Fees Refunds
Revision Date: August 8, 2017
To reflect Department of Defense changes to withdrawal and refund policy, i.e. University will return any unearned tuition assistance funds on a proportional basis through at least the 60 percent portion of the applicable period.
Recommended by Office of Finance and Administration.

13.06 / Tuition and Fees Waivers
Revision Date: August 8, 2017
To insert links to WSU Comprehensive Fee Schedule and Financial Operations Accounts Receivable Waivers/Exemptions/Discounts web page, and specify the Vice President for Finance and Administration's oversight of waivers and exemptions available to students.
Recommended by Office of Finance and Administration.

15.04 / Shipping
Effective Date: August 8, 2017
To strengthen oversight of international shipments to ensure export control compliance. Replaces former Section 16.07, Shipping Materials Off Campus.
Recommended by Office of Research Compliance and Physical Plant.

19.06 / Digital Millennium Copyright Act
Revision Date: August 8, 2017
To update contact information for Designated Agent for complaints under the DMCA and other minor updating.
Recommended by Office of Research Compliance.

20.16 / Food and Beverage Policies
Effective Date: August 8, 2017
To reflect provisions of new food vendor contract. Replaces former Food Service Policy.
Recommended by Division of Student Affairs.

20.19 / Driving State Vehicles
Revision Date: August 8, 2017
To incorporate contents of former Section 20.12, Usage of Multi-Passenger Vans, update guidance for employees who may be permitted to drive state vehicles, and specify that Physical Plant rather than University Police Department will outline required van training/safety classes.
Recommended by Office of Finance and Administration.

20.12 / Usage of Multi-Passenger Vans
Rescission Date: August 8, 2017
Superseded by revised Section 20.19.
Recommended by Office of Finance and Administration.

11.19 / Weapons on University Property
Effective Date: July 1, 2017
To implement weapons policy approved December 14, 2016, by the Kansas Board of Regents.
Recommended by General Counsel's Office.

11.11 / Tobacco Free Campus
Effective Date: July 1, 2017
To provide guidance concerning tobacco use in and around campus grounds and buildings.
Recommended by General Counsel's Office.
