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child with prosthetic bionic arm

Nov. 20, 2024 – Wichita State University has launched the Institute for Rehabilitation Medicine and Assistive Technology (IRMAT), an innovative collaboration focused on addressing disease and disability through applied research and technology. IRMAT will serve as a hub for cutting-edge, patient-driven research and development of transformative technologies to improve the quality of life for individuals with physical and cognitive disabilities.

Wichita State and Knowmadics members sign the collaboration agreement

Oct. 11, 2023 Wichita State University and Knowmadics are entering into a new collaboration aimed at enhancing the security, and resiliency of satellite constellations and satellite-based communications. The endeavor is intended to strengthen the security of data collection and transfer among space-based Internet of Things (IoT) devices.

National Institute for Research and Digitial Transformation

May 6, 2022 — The steel columns and beams rising on the east edge of the Innovation Campus will soon provide a physical centerpiece for the ongoing work of digital transformation at Wichita State University. The National Institute for Research and Digital Transformation will occupy the building at 18th Street and Oliver by spring 2023.