Bachelor of Science in Biology with General Biology/Biomedical Emphasis
This degree program is designed for students interested in careers in laboratory sciences or professional school, including medical, dental, and pharmacy school.
Graduation requirements
- At least 120 Total Credit Hours
- Minimum of 40 hours of approved Biology major couses
- Must include General Biology I and II (BIOL 210 and 211)
- Must include General Ecology (BIOL 418), Genetics (BIOL 418), Molecular Cell Biology
(BIOL 420) and for students admitted Fall 2024 or later Evolution (BIOL 417)
- Must include either Undergraduate Research (BIOL 499; 1-2 hours) or Biology Colloquium
(BIOL 497; 1-2 hours)
- Students admitted before Fall 2024 must include one additional course from selected
list (BIOL 330 Microbiology; BIOL 502 Vascular Plants; BIOL 503 Field Botany; BIOL
524 Vertebrate Zoology; BIOL 528 Parasitology)
- Students admitted Fall 2024 or later must include 15-16 approved biology/biomedical electives from the list below
- Must include two semester each (30 hours) of General Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, and General College Physics
- Must meet Applied Learning requirement (BIOL 418, 499, or 669)
- Must complete the Field Achievement Test in Biology
- Requirement of 2.0 GPA overall, at WSU, and in the major.
- Must complete all courses required by Liberal Arts and Sciences General Education
List of approved biology/biomedical electives:
BIOL 330 |
General Microbiology |
BIOL 330L |
General Microbiology Lab |
BIOL 407 |
Human Genetics |
BIOL 481 |
Cooperative Education |
BIOL 499 |
Undergraduate Research |
BIOL 527 |
Comparative Anatomy |
BIOL 527L |
Comp Anat Lab |
BIOL 528 |
Parasitology |
BIOL 530 |
Applied and Environmental Microbiology |
BIOL 534 |
Human Physiology |
BIOL 535 |
Human Physiology Lab |
BIOL 540 |
Developmental Biology |
BIOL 540L |
Developmental Biology Lab |
BIOL 542 |
Molecular Genetics |
BIOL 590 |
Immunobiology |
BIOL 626 |
Reproductive Biology |
BIOL 640AB |
Human Anatomy |
BIOL 640AL |
Human Anatomy Lab |
BIOL 640AC |
Endocrinology |
BIOL 640G |
Topics in Neurobiology |
BIOL 645 |
Discoveries in Developmental Biology |
BIOL 660 |
Topics in Microbiology |
BIOL 660K |
Astrobiology |
BIOL 661 |
Pathogenic Microbiology |
BIOL 662 |
Virology |
BIOL 666B |
Cancer Biology |
BIOL 710 |
Glycobiology |
BIOL 740D |
Computing for Biologists |
BIOL 740I |
Experimental Design |
BIOL 760 |
Experimental Molecular Biology Lab |
BIOL 767 |
Mechanisms of Hormone Action |
BIOL 773 |
Statistical Applications in Biology |