Fundamentals of Hemp and Cannabis

Fundamentals of Hemp and Cannabis provides students a general overview of the biology of industrial hemp and cannabis.  Lectures on the nature and chemistry of cannabis, its pharmacological properties, and genetics, will introduce students to medicinal aspects of cannabis.  Applied aspects of the cultivation, harvesting, and processing of hemp and cannabis are key for industrial hemp, an increasingly valuable row crop for fiber, oil, and seed meal, and for medical cannabis.  Finally, business aspects of these crops are discussed including supply chain and testing, careers in the industry, and future markets.  This course is for nonmajors and does not fulfill requirements for STEM majors.

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Introduction (History; Geography; Types)

Botany (Anatomy; Genetics)

Chemistry (THC; Flavors)

Effects on Humans (Modes of Action; Medicinal)

Phases of Growth (Seedling; Flowering)

Propagation (Seed; Clone; Tissue Culture)

Cultivation (Row crop; Fields)

Cultivation (Greenhouse; Environment)

Cultivation (Hydroponics; Cultivars)

Cultivation (Pests; Disease)

Harvest (Drying; Curing; Trimming)

Processing and Manufacturing: (Extraction; Distilling)

Processing and Manufacturing: (Grain; Fiber; Plastic)

Supply Chain (Testing; Distribution)

Future (Legalization; Markets)

Future (Careers; Involvement)