Jessica Drum's Dissertation Research Leads to Dream Job at Facebook

Jessica Drum, who graduated in the Fall of 2016 with her Ph.D. in community psychology, studied the way social media impacts our lives, especially when it comes to the positive and negative effects of social media on relationships.

While presenting a poster on her dissertation results in Toronto, she got the chance to meet a presenter who happened to be a researcher at Facebook. “I walked up and introduced myself and talked to her about my research interests and how I’d always wanted to work at Facebook. “We exchanged information and she invited me to dinner with some other Facebook researchers and colleagues. We had a great evening, and by the end of the night she offered to refer me for an interview.” Several interviews later, Jessica was offered a job.

A few students have had the oppertinity to intern there, however, Jessica is the first student from the Psychology Department to get a job with Facebook.

You can read the full article here.