ACS Student Chapter Magic Show

ACS Student Chapter

The WSU Student Chapter of the American Chemical Society (ACS) is open to all undergraduate and graduate students with an interest in chemistry. The ACS is an association of professional and academic chemists and chemical engineers composed of local chapters.

Advantages of membership include the establishment of a support structure of friends and faculty within the Chemistry and Biochemistry department and Wichita State University. Opportunities for exposure to professional aspects of chemistry and for involvement in the community are also enhanced. Students can gain leadership experience by becoming ACS student chapter officers.



Any student with an interest in chemistry, biochemistry, forensic science, or biomedical engineering is welcome to participate with student ACS chapter. Chemistry and Biochemistry majors and minors are strongly encouraged to join. Membership to the national ACS organization is encouraged but not required.
Learn more at the ACS student chapter’s website or contact one of the officers listed below to join the GroupMe.

ACS Club E-mail:
Cynthia Hoang, President,
Dr. Moriah Beck, Faculty Advisor,