Paige and Saya with treats

Paige and Saya with friends


Major: Political Science
Minors: Criminal Justice & Japanese
Buddy: Saya from Japan

What have you learned from being a buddy?

Being a buddy has taught me so much about cultural differences. What might be common in one place is not as common in another. As such, I've learned that keeping an open mind and being respectful is key to having a great cultural exchange experience.

How did you benefit from the program?

I benefited from the program by being able to practice my language skills before I travel to Japan myself next semester and making a new friend across the globe. When I visit, I will have a friend who can show me their culture as well.

Paige and Saya at Asian Fest

Why would you recommend the program to other U.S. students?

The program is great if you want to make a connection or practice a language but you don't feel comfortable studying abroad or aren't able to. You have many opportunities to get together with your buddy and take them to tons of places and try new things.