Wichita Has a Flag? Yes – and a Popular One at That

Nikky Bloomquist, Campus Visit Specialist, shows off a Wichita flag sticker and button.Clinton Dick/Undergraduate Admissions
Nikky Bloomquist, Campus Visit Specialist, shows off a Wichita flag sticker and button.


A well-designed flag is an integral part of a city's identity and its citizens' pride. American cities such as Chicago, Denver and St. Louis boast iconic flags. Wichita joins those cities by having one of the best-designed flags in the nation.

The Wichita flag is prominent throughout the city. It is flown outside businesses, government buildings and homes. The design is also found on a wide variety of merchandise, including apparel, license plates, stickers and home decor.

The Wichita flag (bottom) flies beneath the American and Kansas flag outside of Morrison Hall on Wichita State's campus during the winter.Matt Crow/Undergraduate Admissions
The Wichita flag (bottom) flies beneath the American and Kansas flag outside of Morrison Hall on Wichita State's campus during the winter.


The flag was originally adopted in 1937 and has seen its popularity spike in recent years. It was designed by local artist Cecil McAlister and selected among more than 100 entries in a city flag design contest. The red and white rays symbolize the path to and from a destination, the blue sun represents happiness and contentment and the white Native American Hogan symbol signifies a "permanent home."

Alternate Wichita flag design with Shocker colors.Wichita State Strategic Communications
Alternate Wichita flag design with Shocker colors.


Not only is the flag a staple of the city, but the Shocker colors alternate is a popular part of school pride. The black and Shocker yellow Wichita flag can be seen hanging from the rafters of Charles Koch Arena during athletics events, and is an important facet of the University's identity and brand.


The Wichita flag with Shocker colors hangs at Charles Koch Arena during an Aftershocks game at The Basketball Tournament.Matt Crow/Undergraduate Admissions
The Wichita flag with Shocker colors hangs at Charles Koch Arena during an Aftershocks game at The Basketball Tournament.


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