Latinx or Nah?

Tuesday, Sept. 29, 2020


Cost: Free



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Event Contact

Danielle Johnson
Phone: 316-978-3034
Website: Learn more about Latinx or Nah?

Latinx or Nah?

DIGITAL EVENT: Register for the virtual program at 

A new, gender-neutral, pan-ethnic label, Latinx, has emerged as an alternative that is used by some news and entertainment outlets, corporations, local governments and universities to describe the nation’s Hispanic population.

Join us in our discussion to see who is using the term Latinx. And is it accepted by the Hispanic/Latino community at large?

This panel will be moderated by Danielle Johnson.

Register to attend this event!
In order to attend the Latinx or Nah? panel discussion, you must register for the event. Go to to register for this virtual program.

Upon registering, you will receive a confirmation that you are attending this event. For security purposes, our office will send you the link to the livestream as the date gets closer.

Please note that this event requires access to a fast internet connection, a computer / laptop / tablet with sound and the ability to access a web browser.

For more information, contact the Office of Diversity and Inclusion at 316-978-3034.

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