Dr. Jamey Jacob: WINDMAP

Friday, April 9, 2021


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Event Contact

Dukka KC
Email: dukka.kc@wichita.edu

Dr. Jamey Jacob is the director of the OSU Unmanned Systems Research Institute John Hendrix Chair and professor of aerospace engineering in the School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at Oklahoma State University.

He will be talking about WINDMAP at 10 a.m. Friday, April 9. WINDMAP addresses emerging needs in real-time weather forecasting to improve the safety of low altitude aircraft operations through the integration of real-time observations from autonomous systems with numerical weather prediction and flight management and safety systems. Through inclusion of diverse disciplines, this project will provide manned and unmanned aircraft improved situational awareness to enhance safety and efficiency, particularly for unmanned traffic management, urban air mobility, and airport operations.

In addition to the challenges of traffic congestion and obstacles, critical technology gaps exist for modeling, detecting, and accommodating the dynamic local weather environment and for precision navigation through uncertain weather conditions. WINDMAP is composed of a highly interdisciplinary team involving expertise from engineering (aerospace, computer, mechanical, and robotics), sensors, atmospheric physics, aviation weather, and numerical modeling to directly address these technical challenges.

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