Congratulations to those who received awards in September!  So far in FY2025, WSU researchers under Academic Affairs have submitted external proposals in the amount of $34,260,488 and have received $40,003,395 in external awards.

Special congratulations to WSU’s Community Engagement Institute (CEI) which turns 40 this month!  Since the Office of Research started tracking all sponsored awards in Banner, CEI has grown from around $2.3 million in FY 2012 to $7.2 million in FY 2024!  Please join us in congratulating Dr. Scott Wituk and the Community Engagement Institute on this incredible achievement!

If you have questions about the content of this newsletter, please contact



 PI/Department:  Visvakumar Aravinthan, Electrical & Computer Engr

Sponsor:  Sunflower Electric Power Corporation

Amount:  $95,000


 PI/Department:  Visvakumar Aravinthan, Electrical & Computer Engr

Co-PI/Department: Xiaoheng Wang, HWS of Urban & Public Affairs

Sponsor:  Univ of Kansas Ctr - Research, Inc. / Natl Science Foundation

Amount:  $272,921


 PI/Department:  Misty Bruckner, Public Policy & Management Center

Sponsor:  City Clerks and Municipal Financial Officers Association

Amount:  $167,508


 PI/Department:  Misty Bruckner, Public Policy & Management Center

Sponsor:  City of Maize

Amount:  $54,580


 PI/Department:  Misty Bruckner, Public Policy & Management Center

Sponsor:  Barber County, KS

Amount:  $19,600


 PI/Department:  Misty Bruckner, Public Policy & Management Center

Sponsor:  Sedgwick County

Amount:  $32,533


 PI/Department:  Misty Bruckner, Public Policy & Management Center

Sponsor:  City of Newton

Amount:  $2,400


 PI/Department:  Misty Bruckner, Public Policy & Management Center

Sponsor:  City of Newton

Amount:  $14,000


 PI/Department:  Misty Bruckner, Public Policy & Management Center

Sponsor:  Aging Projects, Inc.

Amount:  $8,250


 PI/Department:  Misty Bruckner, Public Policy & Management Center

Sponsor:  Kansas Department of Commerce

Amount:  $18,212


 PI/Department:  Troy Bruun, Financial Operations

Sponsor:  State of Kansas / U.S. Department of Treasury

Amount:  $20,500,000


 PI/Department:  Diana Carbajal, ED - GEAR UP

Sponsor:  Department of Education - US

Amount:  $3,500,000


 PI/Department:  Suzanne Hawley, Public Health Sciences

Sponsor:  University of Iowa / Health Resources & Services Admin

Amount:  $112,320


 PI/Department:  Suzanne Hawley, Public Health Sciences

Sponsor:  University of Iowa / Dept of Health and Human Services

Amount:  $4,783


 PI/Department:  Michael Jorgensen, Industrial & Manufacturing Eng

Sponsor:  University of Cincinnati / State of Ohio Bureau of Workers' Compensation

Amount:  $88,500


 PI/Department:  Linda Kliment, Aerospace Engineering

Sponsor:  Natl Aeronautics & Space Admn 

Amount:  $50,000


 PI/Department:  Yueh-Ju Lin, Mathematics & Statistics

Sponsor:  Natl Science Foundation

Amount:  $239,598


 PI/Department:  Rajprasad Loganathan, Biological Sciences

Sponsor:  Natl Institutes of Health

Amount:  $165,982


 PI/Department:  Vijay Matheswaran, Aerospace Engineering

Co-PI/Department: Manira Rani, Electrical & Computer Engr

Sponsor:  Natl Aeronautics & Space Admn

Amount:  $26,575


 PI/Department:  Chengzong Pang, Electrical & Computer Engr

Sponsor:  Various

Amount:  $7,750


 PI/Department:  Lisa Parcell, The Research Partnership

Co-PI/Department: Jeffrey Jarman, The Research Partnership

Sponsor:  Fairmount Technologies, LLC

Amount:  $7,600


 PI/Department:  Lisa Parcell, The Research Partnership

Co-PI/Department: Jeffrey Jarman, The Research Partnership 

Sponsor:  IMS Consulting and Expert Services

Amount:  $4,500


 PI/Department:  Lisa Parcell, The Research Partnership

Co-PI/Department: Jeffrey Jarman, The Research Partnership 

Sponsor:  IMS Consulting and Expert Services

Amount:  $3,500


 PI/Department:  Lisa Parcell, The Research Partnership

Co-PI/Department: Jeffrey Jarman, The Research Partnership

Sponsor:  IMS Consulting and Expert Services

Amount:  $4,000


 PI/Department:  Lisa Parcell, The Research Partnership

Co-PI/Department: Jeffrey Jarman, The Research Partnership 

Sponsor:  IMS Consulting and Expert Services

Amount:  $5,000


 PI/Department:  Lisa Parcell, The Research Partnership

Co-PI/Department: Jeffrey Jarman, The Research Partnership

Sponsor:  IMS Consulting and Expert Services

Amount:  $2,200


 PI/Department:  Lisa Parcell, The Research Partnership

Co-PI/Department: Jeffrey Jarman, The Research Partnership

Sponsor:  IMS Consulting and Expert Services

Amount:  $4,000


 PI/Department:  Lisa Parcell, The Research Partnership

Co-PI/Department: Jeffrey Jarman, The Research Partnership 

Sponsor:  IMS Consulting and Expert Services

Amount:  $4,000


 PI/Department:  Lisa Parcell, The Research Partnership

Co-PI/Department: Jeffrey Jarman, The Research Partnership

Sponsor:  IMS Consulting and Expert Services

Amount:  $5,000


 PI/Department:  JoBeth Reinert, Edwin A. Ulrich Museum of Art

Sponsor:  Art Bridges Foundation

Amount:  $13,800


 PI/Department:  Sergio Salinas Monroy, School of Computing

Sponsor:  Univ of Kansas Ctr - Research, Inc. / Natl Science Foundation

Amount:  $122,184


 PI/Department:  Maggie Schoonover, Innovation and Design

Co-PI/Department: Jeremy Patterson, Innovation and Design

Sponsor:  Natl Aeronautics & Space Admn

Amount:  $50,000


 PI/Department:  Catherine Searle, Mathematics & Statistics

Sponsor:  Natl Science Foundation 

Amount:  $87,337


 PI/Department:  Scott Wituk, Community Engagement Institute

Sponsor:  Kansas State Department of Education / Corp for National & Community Srv

Amount:  $278,219


 PI/Department:  Scott Wituk, Community Engagement Institute

Co-PI/Department: Misty Bruckner, Public Policy & Management Center 

Sponsor:  Kansas Health Foundation

Amount:  $27,100


 PI/Department:  Scott Wituk, Community Engagement Institute

Sponsor:  Dept of Health & Environment - Kansas / Dept of Health and Human Services

Amount:  $115,107


 PI/Department:  Scott Wituk, Community Engagement Institute

Sponsor:  Project Hope, LLC

Amount:  $4,382


 PI/Department:  Mehmet Yildirim, Industrial & Manufacturing Eng

Co-PI/Department: Deepak Gupta, Engineering Technology 

Sponsor:  Department of Agriculture

Amount:  $500,000


 PI/Department:  Marci Young, HOPE Services

Sponsor:  Kansas Department for Aging & Disability Services 

Amount:  $35,000



Focused Funding Opportunities

Please reach out early and as soon as you have found a potential opportunity that you wish to apply for.  Early notifications allow the Office of Research to minimize the risk of missing agency deadlines, to fix potential errors, to ensure compliance with WSU policies and procedures, and to ensure the best service from our office. For access to WSU’s Pivot account to search for funding opportunities, please sign up and affiliate with Wichita State University using your WSU email address. To request assistance with a customized search please contact   Again, if any of the following opportunities are of interest to you, please email as soon as possible so that a grant specialist may be assigned to assist. Visit Pre-Award Services to find out more about applying for external funding. 

LIMITED Funding Agency: Hearst Foundations

Title: Funding Priorities in Education

Application Deadlines: Limited Because WSU may only submit one request per calendar year, Notices of Intent to apply must be sent to by October 28, 2024 at 12noon, in case an internal competition is needed.  The goal date for informing you if you have been chosen to proceed is November 11, 2024.  

Purpose: “The Hearst Foundations fund educational institutions demonstrating uncommon success in preparing students to thrive in a global society. The Foundations’ focus is largely on higher education, but they also fund innovative models of early childhood and K-12 education, as well as professional development.”

Amount: Minimum size grant is $100,000

REMINDER LIMITED Funding Agency: National Science Foundation (NSF)

Title: EPSCoR Research Infrastructure Improvement-Focused EPSCoR Collaborations Program

Application Deadlines: Limited Because WSU may only submit one application as the lead applicant, Notices of Intent to apply must be sent to by October 29, 2024 at 12noon, in case an internal competition is needed.  The goal date for informing you if you have been chosen to proceed is November 19, 2024.  Letters of Intent to the funder are due December 17, 2024 with Full Applications due January 28, 2025. 

Purpose: “Through this program, NSF establishes partnerships with government, higher education, and industry that are designed to affect sustainable improvements in a jurisdiction's research infrastructure, Research and Development (R&D) capacity, and hence, its R&D competitiveness.  Projects are investigator-driven and must include researchers from at least two EPSCoR eligible jurisdictions with complementary expertise and resources necessary to address challenges, which neither party could address as well or rapidly independently.  RII Track-2 FEC proposals must be aligned with the following focus area: "advancing climate change research and resilience capacity to expand opportunities for disproportionately affected communities.”

Amount: Up to $4,000,000

Funding Agency: Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program (SERDP)

Title: Supplemental SERDP Exploratory Development (SEED) Broad Agency Announcement for Separating Inorganic Particulates from Fluoropolymers

Application Deadline: October 31, 2024

Purpose: “…to develop and test the feasibility of technologies to separate fluoropolymers from particulate filler using an environmentally friendly process.”

Amount: Not to exceed $250,000

Funding Agency: Parkinson’s Foundation

Title: Impact Awards

Application Deadlines: Letter of Intent due October 31, 2024; Full Proposals due February 28, 2025

Purpose: “All great ideas in science begin with a seed that, when nurtured, can profoundly impact the community. However, without adequate funding, these ideas may never get started, grow, or be fully explored. Recognizing this, the Parkinson's Foundation supports innovative projects from their inception, providing the necessary resources to maximize their impact on the Parkinson's community.”

Amount: Up to $150,000

Funding Agency: K-INBRE

Title: K-INBRE Developmental Research Project Program (DRPP) Awards 2025-2027

Application Deadlines: Letter of Intent due 12 noon on November 1, 2024; Full Proposals due December 2, 2024

Purpose: “The DRPP Award is designed to support young investigators to aid them in building their research programs.”

Amount: $75,000/year

Funding Agency: National Science Foundation (NSF)

Title: Discovery Research PreK-12

Application Deadline: November 13, 2024 

Purpose: “The goal of the Discovery Research PreK-12 program (DRK-12) is to catalyze research and development that enhances all preK-12 teachers’ and students’ opportunities to engage in high-quality learning experiences related to the sciences, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). The program’s objectives are to: (1) build knowledge about how to develop preK-12 students’ and teachers’ STEM content knowledge, practices, and skills; (2) support collaborative partnerships among STEM education researchers,  STEM education practitioners and school leaders with the goals of extending relevant scientific literatures while developing more effective practice; and (3) build the field of STEM education by supporting knowledge synthesis, interdisciplinary interactions across fields and stakeholders, and the development of novel and robust ways of assessing teacher and student learning, engagement, and skills. Outcomes of DRK-12 projects can include but are not limited to promising, evidence-based products that can be used by others to support the success of all teachers and all students (e.g., curriculum, teaching and research tools, and models of collaboration).”

Amount: $100,000-$5,000,000 depending on project type

Funding Agency: AAUW

Title: Community Action Grants

Application Deadline: November 15, 2024 

Purpose: “Community Action Grants fund projects that promote education and equity for women and girls in grades K-12 and that are implemented by nonprofit organizations, universities or AAUW branches and state organizations. AAUW holds an especially strong interest in projects with a STEM focus and has funded more than 63 STEM projects over the last 4 years, in addition to providing funding support for hundreds of communities across the United States since 1972.”

Amount: $10,000

Funding Agency: Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS)

Title: Museum Grants for American Latino History & Culture

Application Deadline: November 15, 2024 

Purpose: “The Museum Grants for American Latino History and Culture program supports projects that build the capacity of American Latino history and culture museums to serve their communities, and broadly advance the growth and development of a professional workforce in American Latino cultural institutions.”

Amount: $5,000-$500,000

Funding Agency: Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS)

Title: Museums for America

Application Deadline: November 15, 2024 

Purpose: “The Museums for America program supports museums of all sizes and disciplines in strategic, project-based efforts to serve the public through exhibitions, educational/interpretive programs, digital learning resources, professional development, community debate and dialogue, audience-focused studies, and/or collections management, curation, care, and conservation. Museums for America has three project categories: Lifelong Learning, Community Engagement, Collections Stewardship and Access.”

Amount: $5,000-$250,000; Note, Cost Share is required.

Funding Agency: Department of Education

Title: OSERS-OSEP: Personnel Development to Improve Services and Results for Children with Disabilities--Preparation of Special Education, Early Intervention, and Related Services Leadership Personnel, Assistance Listing Number 84.325D

Application Deadline: November 22, 2024 

Purpose: “The purposes of this program are to (1) help address State-identified needs for personnel preparation in special education, early intervention, related services, and regular education to work with children, including infants and toddlers, with disabilities; and (2) ensure that those personnel have the necessary skills and knowledge, derived from practices that have been determined through scientifically based research and experience, to be successful in serving those children.”

Amount: Up to $1,050,000

Funding Agency: Climate Intervention Environmental Impact Fund (CIEIF)

Title: Grants

Application Deadline: December 1, 2024 

Purpose: “The Climate Intervention Environmental Impact Fund supports and advises innovative investigators across the world who are working to reverse climate change. We do this by making grants solely to support predictive environmental impact assessments, impact modeling studies, and stakeholder engagement efforts for small-scale field tests of new technologies.  CIEIF does not provide any basic research or implementation funding; we only give grants to aid the analysis of proposed field tests. The analysis should include environmental and, if applicable, any economic, social, and/or human health impacts that foreseeably may flow from the project.”

Amount: Up to $75,000

Funding Agency: K-INBRE

Title: K-INBRE Bridging Award Year 2025

Application Deadline: December 2, 2024

Purpose: “A Bridging Grant provides interim support to help a project in Biomedical Research continue for an eligible investigator who has submitted a grant (e.g., R01, R21, R16, R15) to NIH that was approved on the basis of scientific merit, but fell short of the funding range (applications with a poor impact score or low percentile ranking will not be considered). These funds should assist in providing data needed to submit a revised application to NIH.  Proposals must outline how the bridging grant addresses reviewers' concerns and will lead to a more robust revised application.”

Amount: $25,000

LIMITED Funding Agency: Teiger Foundation

Title: Grants

Application Deadlines: Limited Because WSU may only submit one application, Notices of Intent to apply must be sent to by December 3, 2024 at 12noon, in case an internal competition is needed.  The goal date for informing you if you have been chosen to proceed is December 17, 2024.  Full Applications due January 28, 2025. 

Purpose: “Teiger Foundation offers grants for US-based, curator-led initiatives in contemporary visual art. We support group exhibitions, single-artist surveys, participatory and community-engaged art projects, digital exhibitions, live and virtual performance in the context of the visual arts, and as-yet-unknown curatorial forms involving contemporary visual art and artists.”

Amount: $50,000-$150,000 depending on project type

Funding Agency: Spencer Foundation

Title: Research Grants on Education: Small

Application Deadline: December 4, 2024

Purpose: “The Small Research Grants Program supports education research projects that will contribute to the improvement of education, broadly conceived.  This program is “field-initiated” in that proposal submissions are not in response to a specific request for a particular research topic, discipline, design, method, or location. Our goal for this program is to support rigorous, intellectually ambitious and technically sound research that is relevant to the most pressing questions and compelling opportunities in education.” 

Amount: $50,000

Funding Agency: National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Title: Building Sustainable Software Tools for Open Science (R03 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)

Application Deadline: December 4, 2024

Purpose: “…to enhance the sustainability and impact of research software tools by enabling the use of best practices and design principles in software development and by leveraging continuing advances in computing. This NOFO is also expected to facilitate the creation of vibrant partnerships between developers and users of software and tools, and to promote FAIR practices for research software to maximize research value.” 

Amount: $300,000

Funding Agency: Kansas NASA EPSCoR Program (KNEP)

Title: NASA EPSCoR Basic Research FY 2025

Application Deadline: December 6, 2024 at 12 noon

Purpose: “Contribute to and promote the development of research capability in NASA EPSCoR jurisdictions (i.e., Kansas) in areas of strategic importance to NASA’s mission; Improve the capabilities of the NASA EPSCoR jurisdictions to gain support from sources outside the NASA EPSCoR programs; Develop partnerships among NASA research assets, academic institutions, and industry; Contribute to the overall research infrastructure and economic development of the jurisdiction (i.e., Kansas); and Focus on research of important priority to NASA.” 

Amount: $750,000; Note, Cost Share is required.

Funding Agency: National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH)

Title: Humanities Research Centers on Artificial Intelligence

Application Deadline: December 11, 2024

Purpose: “The Humanities Research Centers on Artificial Intelligence program aims to support a more holistic understanding of artificial intelligence (AI) in the modern world through the creation of new humanities research centers on artificial intelligence at eligible institutions. Centers must focus their scholarly activities on exploring the ethical, legal, or societal implications of AI.”

Amount: $750,000

Funding Agency: National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Title: NIH Support for Conferences and Scientific Meetings (Parent R13 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)

Application Deadline: December 12, 2024

Purpose: “The purpose of the NIH Research Conference Grant is to support high quality conferences that are relevant to the public health and to the scientific mission of the participating NIH Institutes and Centers (IC).”

Amount: Application budgets are not limited but need to reflect the actual needs of the proposed project. The appropriate NIH Conference Grant Contact should be consulted for guidance regarding any IC-specific budget limitations.

Funding Agency: National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Title: Advancing Health Equity through Interventions to Prevent and Address Housing Instability (R01 Clinical Trial Optional)

Application Deadline: December 13, 2024

Purpose: “…to support research that advances health equity through development, testing, and evaluation of interventions that prevent and address housing instability. Applications responding to this Notice of Funding Opportunity should develop, test, and/or evaluate the impact of a housing intervention on both health and housing outcomes. The NIH National Institute of Nursing Research is interested in applications that focus on social determinants of health interventions that modify housing opportunities and/or interventions that address housing instability as a social risk by addressing individual and/or interpersonal-level housing needs.”

Amount: Application budgets are limited to no more than $500,000 direct costs in any year.

Funding Agency: Department of Energy (DOE): Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE)

Title: Clean Energy Careers for All (CEC4A)

Application Deadline: December 13, 2024 

Purpose: “The CEC4A opportunity will support workforce development programming that broadens participation and engages individuals from many different groups within science, technology, engineering, and mathematics in ways that promote interest in careers that support the nation’s transition to clean energy. Eligible participants are non-profit 501(c)(3) educational organizations, including engineering, scientific, and technical societies that can reach across various levels of future workforce populations.”

Amount: $300,000

Funding Agency: National Institutes of Health (NIH): National Institute of Nursing Research (NINR)

Title: Advancing Health Equity through Interventions to Prevent and Address Housing Instability (R01 Clinical Trial Optional)

Application Deadline: December 13, 2024 

Purpose: “The purpose of this funding opportunity is to support research that advances health equity through development, testing, and evaluation of interventions that prevent and address housing instability. Applications responding to this Notice of Funding Opportunity should develop, test, and/or evaluate the impact of a housing intervention on both health and housing outcomes. NINR is interested in applications that focus on social determinants of health (SDOH) interventions that modify housing opportunities and/or interventions that address housing instability as a social risk by addressing individual and/or interpersonal-level housing needs.”

Amount: Application budgets are limited to no more than $500,000 direct costs in any year and need to reflect the actual needs of the proposed project.

Funding Agency: K-INBRE

Title: K-INBRE CURE Awards 2025 | K-INBRE SPRING Pilot Projects |K-INBRE Data Science Core

Application Deadlines: Letters of Intent encouraged by December 16, 2024; Full Application due February 3, 2025

Purpose: CURE Awards are “to increase research activities using the classroom. These activities are referred to as Curriculum-based Undergraduate Research Experiences (CURE) and should increase student participation in research and enhance faculty efforts in conducting NIH-related biomedical research.”  “SPRING (Summer Pilot Research INvestigative Grants) Pilot Projects are designed to support research primarily in the summer months and enhance student participation in research.”  Data Science Core Awards “support data science training and research at” Primarily Undergraduate Institutions.

Amount: $6,000-$15,000/year for CURE Awards | $30,000 for SPRING Pilot Projects | $30,000 for Data Science Core Awards

Funding Agency: NVIDIA

Title: Academic Grant Program

Application Deadlines: December 31, 2024 or March 31, 2025

Purpose: “NVIDIA is requesting proposals from academic researchers who are working in the following subject areas: Generative AI and Large Language Models, Simulation and Modeling, Data Science, Graphics and Vision, and Edge AI.”

Amount: NVIDIA hardware or software support

Funding Agency: Brooks and Joan Fortune Foundation

Title: Education, Art, and Outreach Grants

Application Deadline: December 31, 2024

Purpose: “The Brooks and Joan Fortune Foundation primarily provides funds to support education, art, and outreach programs and projects. In general, the foundation desires to support specific activities that result in a defined outcome rather than general operating funds or fundraising campaigns.”

Amount: Not specified

Funding Agency: Intuitive Foundation

Title: Training & Human Performance Research Grants

Application Deadlines: Letters of Intent due January 6, 2025; If invited, Full Applications due February 10, 2025

Purpose: “The purpose of these grants is to support training and human performance research in the field of robotic-assisted surgery. Successful proposals will address important questions about assessing intraoperative performance, accelerating skill acquisition while preserving patient safety, and maintaining skill proficiency of surgical team members.”

Amount: $75,000; Note, hard equipment purchases should not exceed $5,000.

Funding Agency: National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH)

Title: Public Humanities Projects

Application Deadline: January 8, 2025

Purpose: “The Public Humanities Projects program supports projects that bring the ideas of the humanities to life for general audiences through public programming.  Projects must engage humanities scholarship to analyze significant themes in disciplines such as history, literature, ethics, and art history. Awards support projects that are intended to reach broad and diverse public audiences in non-classroom settings in the United States. Projects should engage with ideas that are accessible to the general public and employ appealing interpretive formats.  Public Humanities Projects supports projects in three categories (Exhibitions, Historic Places, and Humanities Discussions), and at two funding levels (Planning and Implementation).”

Amount: $60,000 for Planning projects; $400,000 for Implementation projects

Funding Agency: National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH)

Title: Media Projects

Application Deadlines: January 8, 2025; Optional Drafts due December 4, 2024

Purpose: “The Media Projects program supports the development, production, and distribution of radio programs, podcasts, documentary films, and documentary film series  that engage general audiences with humanities ideas in creative and appealing ways. Projects must be grounded in humanities scholarship and demonstrate an approach that is thoughtful, balanced, and analytical. Media Projects offers two levels of funding: Development and Production.”

Amount: $75,000 for Development, $700,000 for Production

REMINDER: Funding Agency: Oak Ridge Associated Universities (ORAU)

Title: Ralph E. Powe Junior Faculty Enhancement Awards

Application Deadline: January 8, 2025

Purpose: “These competitive research awards provide seed money for junior faculty members that often result in additional funding from other sources. The award amount provided by ORAU is $5,000. The applicant’s institution is required to match the award with at least an additional $5,000. This is a one-year grant (June 1 to May 31).  Eligibility for the Powe Awards is open to full-time assistant professors at ORAU member institutions within two years of their tenure track appointment at the time of application.”

Amount: $5,000-$10,000; Note, Cost Share is required.

Funding Agency: National Science Foundation (NSF)

Title: Future Manufacturing (FM)

Application Deadline: January 13, 2025

Purpose: “The goal of Future Manufacturing is to support fundamental research, education, and training of a future workforce to overcome scientific, technological, educational, economic, and social barriers in order to catalyze new manufacturing capabilities that do not exist today. Future Manufacturing seeks inventive approaches to invigorate the manufacturing ecosystem and seed nascent future industries that can only be imagined today. Future Manufacturing supports research and education that will enhance U.S. leadership in manufacturing by providing new capabilities for companies and entrepreneurs, by improving our health, quality of life, and national security, by expanding job opportunities to a diverse STEM workforce, and by reducing adverse impacts of manufacturing on the environment.”

Amount: $500,000 for Seed Grants; $3,000,000 for Research Grants

Funding Agency: National Institutes of Health (NIH): National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)

Title: Mechanism for Time-Sensitive Drug Abuse Research (R21 Clinical Trial Optional)

Application Deadline: January 13, 2025

Purpose: “…pilot, feasibility or exploratory research in priority areas in substance use epidemiology, prevention, and health services, including: 1) responses to sudden and severe emerging drug issues (e.g. the ability to look into a large and sudden spike in opioid or synthetic cannabinoid use/overdoses in a particular community); 2) responses to emerging marijuana trends and topics related to the shifting policy landscape, related to imminent policy change; 3) responses to unexpected and time-sensitive prescription drug abuse research opportunities (e.g., new state or local efforts);” and more.

Amount: Direct costs are limited to $275,000 over a two-year project period.

Funding Agency: Simons Foundation

Title: Fellows to Faculty Award

Application Deadline: January 14, 2025

Purpose: “The 2025 request for applications is intended for senior postdoctoral scholars or equivalent researchers whose backgrounds and experiences are underrepresented in science and whose future research program advances the mission of either the Simons Foundation Autism Research Initiative (SFARI) or Simons Collaboration on Plasticity and the Aging Brain (SCPAB). Fellows may activate awards at research institutions within or outside the United States.”

Amount: $600,000 for Faculty Research Award; $110,000 for Postdoctoral Award per year

Funding Agency: National Science Foundation (NSF)

Title: Pathways to Enable Open-Source Ecosystems (POSE)

Application Deadlines: January 14, 2025 for Phase I Proposals; also, September 2, 2025 for Phase I and Phase II Proposals

Purpose: “The POSE program aims to harness the power of open-source development for the creation of new technology solutions to problems of national and societal importance. Many NSF-funded projects result in publicly accessible, modifiable, and distributable open-source products, including software, hardware, models, specifications, programming languages, or data platforms that catalyze further innovation. In some cases, an open-source product that shows potential for wide adoption forms the basis for a self-sustaining open-source ecosystem that comprises a leadership team; a managing organization with a well-defined governance structure and distributed development model; a cohesive community of external intellectual content developers; and a broad base of users across academia, industry, and/or government.”

Amount: $300,000 for Phase I proposals, $1,500,000 for Phase II Proposals

Funding Agency: Spencer Foundation

Title: Large Research Grants on Education

Application Deadlines: Intent to Apply due January 14, 2024; Full Proposals due February 11, 2025

Purpose: “…supports education research projects that will contribute to the improvement of education, broadly conceived. This program is “field-initiated” in that proposal submissions are not in response to a specific request for a particular research topic, discipline, design, method, or location. Our goal for this program is to support rigorous, intellectually ambitious and technically sound research that is relevant to the most pressing questions and compelling opportunities in education.”

Amount: $125,000-$500,000

Funding Agency: National Science Foundation (NSF)

Title: Cultural Anthropology Program Senior Research Awards (CA-SR)

Application Deadlines: January 15, 2025 or August 15, 2025

Purpose: “The primary objective of the Cultural Anthropology Program is to support fundamental, systematic anthropological research and training to increase understanding of the causes, consequences and complexities of human social and cultural variability. The Cultural Anthropology Program welcomes proposals from researchers in all sub-fields of cultural anthropology and research at any temporal or spatial scale. Methodologies and approaches employed may include ethnographic field research, surveys, remote sensing, the collection of bio-markers, experimental research inside or outside of laboratory settings, archival research, the analysis of materials collections and extant data bases, mathematical and computational modeling and other research tools as appropriate for the proposed research.”

Amount: $120,000 per year for Senior Research Proposals; For other proposal types, award amount varies depending on type of proposal submitted (TREES, Scholars, Conference, EAGER, RAPID, etc.).  

Funding Agency: Whitehall Foundation

Title: Research Grants and Grants-in-Aid

Application Deadlines: Letters of Intent due January 15, 2025; If invited, Full Applications due June 1, 2025.

Purpose: “The Whitehall Foundation is a not-for-profit corporation that is focused exclusively on assisting basic research in vertebrate (excluding clinical) and invertebrate neurobiology in the United States.  Investigations should specifically concern neural mechanisms involved in sensory, motor, and other complex functions of the whole organism as these relate to behavior. The overall goal should be to better understand behavioral output or brain mechanisms of behavior.”

Amount: Research Grants typically $100,000 per year; Grants-in-Aid are up to $30,000 for one year period only. 

Funding Agency: National Science Foundation (NSF)

Title: Training-based Workforce Development for Advanced Cyberinfrastructure

Application Deadline: January 16, 2025

Purpose: “Supports efforts to improve the adoption of cyberinfrastructure resources by the research community and integrate core literacy, skills in advanced cyberinfrastructure, and computational and data-driven methods into undergraduate and graduate education.”

Amount: Up to $300,000 for Pilot Projects; $500,000 for Small Implementation Projects; $1,000,000 for Medium Implementation Projects

Funding Agency: The American Athletic Conference Academic Consortium

Title: 2025-2026 Research Grants

Application Deadline: January 19, 2025

Purpose: “The program’s goals are 1) to stimulate research on college athletics designed to promote student-athlete welfare; and 2) to assist The American’s member institutions and intercollegiate athletics programs in evidence-based practice for student-athletes.  The American’s Academic Consortium invites research proposals within the general area of student-athlete well-being.  Research topics include, but are not limited to: The impact of participation in intercollegiate athletics on the academic or social experience of student-athletes; Best practices in the areas of student-athlete physical and mental health; Career and professional development strategies; Student-athlete integration into the campus community; Diversity and inclusion issues in intercollegiate athletics; and Novel and timely issues effecting student-athletes.”  Please email for a copy of the full solicitation. 

Amount: $15,000

Funding Agency: National Science Foundation (NSF): National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics (NCSES)

Title: Research on the Science and Technology Enterprise: Indicators, Statistics, and Methods

Application Deadline: January 21, 2025

Purpose: “Supports analytic and methodological research focused on improving NSCSES data quality, as well as education and training in the use of large-scale nationally representative datasets to advance the understanding of the science and technology enterprise.”

Amount: $1,500,000 total available for 5-10 awards

Funding Agency: National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Title: Technology Development to Reduce Health Disparities (R01 Clinical Trial Optional)

Application Deadline: January 21, 2025

Purpose: “…encourages grant applications to develop and translate medical technologies aimed at reducing disparities in healthcare access and health outcomes. Appropriate medical technologies should be effective, affordable, culturally acceptable, and deliverable to those who need them.”

Amount: $500,000 in direct costs annually

Funding Agency: National Science Foundation (NSF)

Title: Joint Proposals under the Quad AI-ENGAGE Collaborative Research Opportunity

Application Deadline: January 22, 2025 for United States Principal Investigators

Purpose: “The U.S. National Science Foundation, Japan Science and Technology Agency, Indian Council of Agricultural Research, and Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation of Australia have signed a Memorandum of Cooperation (MoC) concerning Research Cooperation on the Advancing Innovations for Empowering NextGen AGriculturE (AI-ENGAGE) Initiative. The MoC provides an overarching framework to encourage collaboration between U.S., Japan, India, and Australia research communities working at the intersection of emerging technologies and agriculture and sets out the principles by which jointly supported activities might be developed.”

Amount: Up to $400,000 from NSF for U.S.-Based Effort 

Funding Agency: Arthritis National Research Foundation (ANRF)

Title: 2025 All Arthritis Research Grant

Application Deadline: January 24, 2025

Purpose: “ANRF is committed to nurturing the next generation of leaders in arthritis and autoimmune disease research. We are pleased to provide the opportunity to support early career researchers in their pursuit of innovative and impactful research projects. Our goal is to support exceptional researchers at the key point in their career as they transition to independence to allow them the resources to make significant advances in research of arthritis and related autoimmune disease. This call is for all types of applications relating to arthritis and related autoimmune disease research, including but not limited to osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, juvenile arthritis, lupus, gout, spondylarthritis, pediatric rheumatology, scleroderma, fibromyalgia, Sjogren’s disease, and uveitis (shown in relationship to autoimmune forms of arthritis)..” 

Amount: Up to $250,000

Funding Agency: National Institutes of Health (NIH): National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)

Title: NIAID Research Education Program Advancing the Careers of a Diverse Research Workforce (R25 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)

Application Deadline: January 25, 2025

Purpose: “The overarching goal of this R25 program is to support educational activities that encourage individuals from diverse backgrounds, including those from groups underrepresented in the biomedical and behavioral sciences, to pursue further studies or careers in research.   To accomplish the stated over-arching goal, this Notice of Funding Opportunity will support educational activities with a primary focus on: Courses for Skills Development; Research Experiences; and Mentoring Activities.” 

Amount: $351,000 in direct costs per year

Funding Agency: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)

Title: Examining the Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Healthcare Safety (R18)

Application Deadline: January 25, 2025

Purpose: “…to invite grant applications that support healthcare safety by determining (1) whether and how certain breakthrough uses of Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems can affect patient safety; and (2) how AI systems can be safely implemented and used. AI has the potential to improve the safety, effectiveness, efficiency, accessibility, and affordability of healthcare. However, as with most technologies, this potential must be balanced by identifying and mitigating potential risks for patient harm and user burden.”

Amount: $500,000-$1,000,000 

Funding Agency: National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Title: Team-Based Design in Biomedical Engineering Education (R25 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)

Application Deadline: January 29, 2025

Purpose: “…support programs that include innovative approaches to enhance biomedical engineering (BME) design education to ensure a future workforce that can meet the nation’s needs in biomedical research and healthcare technologies. Applications are encouraged from institutions that propose to establish new or to enhance existing team-based design courses or programs in undergraduate biomedical engineering departments or other degree-granting programs with biomedical engineering tracks/minors. This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) targets the education of undergraduate biomedical engineering/bioengineering students in a team-based environment. Health equity and universal design topics must be integrated throughout the educational activities. While current best practices such as multidisciplinary/interdisciplinary education, introduction to the regulatory pathway and other issues related to the commercialization of medical devices, and clinical immersion remain encouraged components of a strong BME program, this FOA also challenges institutions to propose other novel, innovative and/or ground-breaking activities that can form the basis of the next generation of biomedical engineering design education.” 

Amount: Direct costs of up to $20,000 per year may be requested.

Funding Agency: National Institutes of Health (NIH): National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD)

Title: Research Experiences and/or Mentoring Networks through Research Education to Enhance Clinician-Scientists’ Participation in NIDCD’s Research (R25 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)

Application Deadlines: January 29, 2025 and September 29, 2025

Purpose: Supports “research experiences and mentoring activities” of interest to NIDCD. 

Amount: Application budgets are limited to a maximum of $250,000 direct cost per year, and need to reflect the actual needs of the proposed project.

Funding Agency: K-INBRE

Title: K-INBRE Core Facility Support 2025

Application Deadline: February 3, 2024

Purpose: “…providing funds to institutional core facilities that support NIH-related biomedical research.”

Amount: $10,000

Funding Agency: K-INBRE

Title: K-INBRE Recruitment/Start-Up Package 2025

Application Deadline: February 3, 2024

Purpose: “…assisting in the process of bringing in new faculty to K-INBRE Primarily Undergraduate Institutions.”

Amount: $40,000

Funding Agency: Sigma Foundation for Nursing / National League for Nursing (NLN)

Title: Use of Technology in Nursing Education Research

Application Deadline: February 4, 2024

Purpose: This is an annual award of $5,000 to one nurse researcher or doctoral dissertation student to support the use of technology in nursing education research.”

Amount: $5,000

Funding Agency: National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Title: Interventions on Health and Healthcare Disparities on Non-Communicable and Chronic Diseases in Latin America: Improving Health Outcomes Across the Hemisphere (R01 – Clinical Trial Required)

Application Deadlines: February 5, 2025 and June 5, 2025

Purpose: “…to support innovative and interdisciplinary team research focused on clinical, health services, and/or community-based interventions that address health and healthcare disparities related to non-communicable and chronic diseases with the highest disease burden and mortality in Latin America and among U.S. Hispanics/Latinos.”

Amount: Application budgets are not limited but need to reflect the actual needs of the proposed project.

Funding Agency: National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Title: Health and Health Care Disparities Among Persons Living with Disabilities (R01-Clinical Trials Optional)

Application Deadlines: February 5, 2025 and June 5, 2025

Purpose: “…to support novel and innovative research that examines and/or intervenes on the underlying and multilevel causes, pathways, and factors adversely impacting the health and well-being of persons with disabilities at the intersections of race and ethnicity, and socioeconomic status.”

Amount: Application budgets are not limited but need to reflect the actual needs of the proposed project.

Funding Agency: Burroughs Wellcome Fund

Title: Innovation in Regulatory Science Awards

Application Deadline: February 7, 2025

Purpose: Innovation in Regulatory Science Awards provide funding “to academic investigators developing new methodologies or innovative approaches in regulatory science that will ultimately inform the regulatory decisions the Food and Drug Administration and others make.  We especially encourage applications from those seeking to advance regulatory science approaches that will expedite the realization of equitable clinical outcomes.”

Amount: $500,000 over five years

Funding Agency: National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Title: Dissemination and Implementation Research in Health (R21 Clinical Trial Optional)

Application Deadline: February 16, 2025

Purpose: “…to support studies that will identify, develop, and/or test strategies for overcoming barriers to the adoption, adaptation, integration, scale-up, and sustainability of evidence-based interventions, practices, programs, tools, treatments, guidelines, and policies. Studies that promote equitable dissemination and implementation of evidence-based interventions among underrepresented communities are encouraged. Conversely, there is a benefit in understanding circumstances that create a need to stop or reduce the use of practices that are ineffective, unproven, low-value, or harmful. In addition, studies to advance dissemination and implementation research methods and measures are encouraged. Applications that focus on re-implementation of evidence-based health services (e.g. cancer screening) that may have dropped off amidst the ongoing COVID pandemic are encouraged.” 

Amount: $275,000

Funding Agency: National Institutes of Health (NIH): National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)

Title: Behavioral & Integrative Treatment Development Program (R34 Clinical Trial Optional, Planning Grant)

Application Deadline: February 16, 2025

Purpose: “…to encourage research grant applications on the development and testing of behavioral and integrative treatments for substance misuse and dependence. This notice reaffirms the continued commitment of NIDA to major programs of research on behavioral and integrative treatments. The term "behavioral treatment" is used here in a broad sense and includes but is not limited to psychotherapies, cognitive, relapse prevention, remediative, rehabilitative, skills training, counseling, family, and exercise therapies. Screening, brief, computerized, adherence, prevention interventions for HIV risk behaviors, and interventions that target therapist training and fidelity also are included. Integrative refers to combinations with other treatments, including pharmacotherapies or other complementary approaches. The development and testing of putative targets and mechanisms of behavior change, as well as the use and development of valid and reliable assessment tools are crucial to treatment development research supported under this initiative.”

Amount: Direct costs are limited to $450,000 over a 3-year project period, with no more than $225,000 in direct costs allowed in any single year.

Funding Agency: National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Title: Ethical, Legal and Social Implications (ELSI) Small Research Grant (R03 Clinical Trial Optional)

Application Deadlines: February 18, 2025, June 17, 2025 or October 20, 2025

Purpose: “This Notice of Funding Opportunity invites applications that propose to study the ethical, legal and social implications (ELSI) of human genetic or genomic research. These applications should be for small, self-contained research projects, such as those that involve single investigators. Of particular interest are projects that propose normative or conceptual analyses, including focused legal, economic, philosophical, anthropological, or historical analyses of new or emerging issues. This mechanism can also be used for the collection of preliminary data and the secondary analysis of existing data. Applications may propose studies using either single or mixed methods. Applied research designed to address ELSI issues in genetics and genomics will also be considered responsive.”

Amount: Application budgets are limited to no more than $50,000 in direct costs per year.

Funding Agency: National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Title: Ethical, Legal and Social Implications (ELSI) Exploratory / Developmental research Grant (R21 Clinical Trial Optional)

Application Deadlines: February 20, 2025, June 17, 2025 or October 20, 2025

Purpose: “This Notice of Funding Opportunity invites applications that propose to study the ethical, legal and social implications (ELSI) of human genetic or genomic research. Applications may propose studies using either single or mixed methods, that break new ground, extend previous discoveries in new directions, or develop preliminary data in preparation for larger studies. Approaches may include but are not limited to empirical qualitative and quantitative methods, and conceptual, legal, and normative analyses. Applied research designed to address ELSI issues in genetics and genomics will also be considered responsive. Direct engagement with communities and other stakeholders is encouraged, but not required.”

Amount: Application budgets are limited to a combined total of no more than $275,000 in direct costs for the two or three-year project period.

Funding Agency: U.S. Department of Energy (DOE): Office of Clean Energy Demonstrations (OCED)

Title: Energy Improvements in Rural or Remote Areas – Fiscal Year 2025 Release

Application Deadlines: Concept Papers due February 27, 2025; Full Applications due August 28, 2025

Purpose: “This Energy Improvements in Rural or Remote Areas funding opportunity provides support for rural and remote communities to build clean energy projects that benefit their communities.”

Amount: $2,000,000-$50,000,000; Note, Cost Share is required.

Funding Agency: National Science Foundation (NSF)

Title: Mid-Career Advancement (MCA)

Application Deadline: March 3, 2025

Purpose: “Supports opportunities for scientists and engineers at the associate professor rank (or equivalent) to substantively enhance and advance their research program through synergistic partnerships. The MCA program provides protected time, resources, and the means to gain new skills through synergistic and mutually beneficial partnerships, typically at an institution other than the candidate's home institution.”

Amount: Amount varies across disciplinary research programs

Funding Agency: Institute of Education Sciences (IES)

Title: Unsolicited Grant Opportunities FY 2025

Application Deadline: March 6, 2025

Purpose: “Supports opportunities for scientists and engineers at the associate professor rank (or equivalent) to substantively enhance and advance their research program through synergistic partnerships. The MCA program provides protected time, resources, and the means to gain new skills through synergistic and mutually beneficial partnerships, typically at an institution other than the candidate's home institution.”

Amount: Over the last five years, the average total award was approximately $380,000, with a typical performance period lasting one to three years.

Funding Agency: National Science Foundation (NSF) and the Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR)

Title: Mathematical Foundations of Digital Twins (MATH-DT)

Application Deadline: March 17, 2025

Purpose: “NSF and AFOSR plan to jointly support foundational mathematical and statistical research on Digital Twins in applied sciences. Recent years have witnessed a significant increase in demand and interest in applications that involve collaborative teams developing and analyzing Digital Twins to support decision making in various fields, including science, engineering, medicine, urban planning, and more. Both agencies recognize the need to promote research aiming to stimulate an interplay between mathematics/statistics/computation and practical applications in the realm of Digital Twins.”

Amount: $5,000,000 total available for six-ten awards

Funding Agency: Office of Naval Research (ONR)

Title: Science and Technology for Advanced Manufacturing Projects (STAMP) N0001424SB002

Application Deadline: Full Proposals Accepted through March 31, 2025

Purpose: “The Program develops technologies and processes for the affordable and timely production and sustainment of defense systems. The Program impacts all phases of acquisition. It aids in achieving reduced acquisition and total ownership costs by developing, maturing, and transitioning key manufacturing technologies. ONR will focus investments on those that have the most benefit to the warfighter and include quick-hitting, rapid response projects to address immediate manufacturing needs.”

Amount: The funded amount and period of performance of each proposal selected for award may vary depending on the STAMP technology area and the technical approach to be pursued by the offeror selected.

Funding Agency: Army Research Laboratory (ARL) DEVCOM

Title: Current Opportunities

Application Deadline: Ongoing – Most Topic End Dates in November 2027

Purpose: Review website for “ARL’s research topics of interest for whitepapers and proposals,” for both basic and applied research.

Amount: Varies

Funding Agency: Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

Title: Evidence for Action: Innovative Research to Advance Racial Equity

Application Deadline: Ongoing – Letters of Intent accepted on a rolling basis.

Purpose: “This funding is geared toward studies about “upstream” causes of health inequities, such as the systems, structures, laws, policies, norms, and practices that determine the distribution of resources and opportunities, which in turn influence individuals’ options and behaviors. Research should center on the needs and experiences of communities exhibiting the greatest health burdens and be motivated by real-world priorities. It should be able to inform a specific course of action and/or establish beneficial practices, not stop at characterizing or documenting the extent of a problem.”

Amount: There is no explicit range for allowable budget requests.

Funding Agency: Bob Woodruff Foundation

Title: Grants

Application Deadline: Ongoing – To be considered in our first wave of review for each calendar year, apply by January 8, 2025.

Purpose: “We fund programs and services that serve the military and veteran community. We focus on programs that improve the health and wellbeing of service members, veterans, their families, and caregivers, and those that: Improve social determinants of health; Decrease barriers to accessing physical and mental healthcare; Increase accessibility to programming that fosters a healthy lifestyle; Enhance opportunities for veterans to thrive after service.”

Amount: Unknown

REMINDER: Funding Agency: Oak Ridge Associated Universities (ORAU)

Title: FY25 Innovation Partnerships Program

Application Deadline: Open until two awards per fiscal year is reached; funds are depleted

Purpose: “This program is structured to build stronger relationships between university members and ORAU collaborators by focusing on research and education topics that align well with ORAU’s expertise and current priorities.  FY 2025 grant focus areas include: Improving Our Behavioral Health, the Post-Pandemic World, Implementing Innovative Technologies and Our Changing Planet.”

Amount: $4,000

Funding Agency: National Science Foundation (NSF)

Title: NSF Individual and Small Team Proposals

Application Deadline: Varies by topic.

Advanced Manufacturing – proposals accepted anytime

Applied Mathematics – Nov 1-15, 2024

Astronomy and Astrophysics – Oct 1-Nov 15, 2024

Atmospheric and Geospace Sciences Postdoctoral Research Fellowships (AGS-PRF) – proposals accepted anytime

Biomechanics and Mechanobiology – proposals accepted anytime

Biosensing – proposals accepted anytime

Chemistry: Disciplinary Research Programs – Sep & Oct - varies based on discipline

Cultural Anthropology Program Senior Research Awards –Jan 15 & Aug 15 annually

Directorate for Education and Human Resources (EHR) Core Research (EHR: Core) – Oct 2, 2024

Division of Materials Research: Topical Materials Research Programs (DMR-TMRP) – proposals accepted anytime

Division of Materials Research: Condensed Matter and Materials Theory (CMMT)  – proposals accepted anytime

Division of Molecular and Cellular Biosciences Core Programs (MCB) - proposals accepted anytime

Ecology and Evolution of Infectious Diseases – Nov 20, 2024

Energy, Power, Control, and Networks – proposals accepted anytime

Environmental Biology – proposals accepted anytime

Environmental Engineering – proposals accepted anytime

Foundational Research in Robotics (FFR) – proposals accepted anytime

Geomorphology and Land-use Dynamics – proposals accepted anytime

Geophysics – proposals accepted anytime

Linguistics –Jan 15 and Jul 15 annually

Manufacturing Systems Integration - proposals accepted anytime

Mathematical Biology – proposals accepted anytime

Methodology, Measurement, and Statistics –Jan 30 & Aug 28, 2025

Molecular and Cellular Biosciences – proposals accepted anytime

Physics: Investigator-Initiated Research Projects – Nov & Dec – varies by topic

Science of Learning & Augmented Intelligence –Feb 12 & Aug 6, 2025

Secure & Trustworthy Cyberspace – proposals accepted anytime

Security and Preparedness –Jan 15 & Aug 15, 2025

Social Psychology – Jan 15 and Jul 15 annually

Sociology – proposals accepted anytime

Statistics – Dec 1-16, 2024

Funding Agency: National Science Foundation (NSF)

Title: NSF Special Programs

Application Deadline: Varies by topic – click each topic to learn more about these special program opportunities.

Broadening Participation in Engineering (BPE) –Track 1 & 2 proposals accepted anytime; Tracks 3 & 4 Nov 20, 2024

Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE): Core Programs – Varies by size of application (Small, Medium, Core)

Critical Aspects of Sustainability (CAS) – Various funding mechanisms available

Computer Science for All (CS for All) –Feb 12, 2025

Division of Chemistry: Disciplinary Research Programs (CHE-DRP) – Sep 30, 2025 for CAT, CSDM-B, and SYN; Oct 31, 2025 for CMI, ECS and MSN

Division of Materials Research: Topical Materials Research Program – Accepted anytime

Division of Physics: Investigator-Initiated Research Projects – Varies by topic

Earth Sciences:  Instrumentation and Facilities Program – Accepted anytime

Ethical and Responsible Research (ER2) – Jan 23, 2025

Human-Environment and Geographical Sciences Program (HEGS) –Jan 21 and Aug 19, 2025

Industry-University Cooperative Research Centers Program (IUCRC) – Preliminary Proposals due Mar 12 or Sep 10, 2025

Mathematical Sciences Infrastructure Program –Feb 4 and Aug 5, 2025

National Science Foundation Research Traineeship Program (NRT) –Sept 8, 2025

Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) – Aug 20, 2025

Research Experiences for Teachers (RET) in Engineering and Computer Science – Oct 8, 2025

Research in the Formation of Engineers (RFE) – Accepted anytime


WSU Office of Research Workshops

Topics include an Introduction to the WSU Office of Research with resources and contacts, WSU policies and procedures related to research, finding funding utilizing Pivot, project budgeting and general grant-writing tips.  Previously recorded workshops can also be found on the Office of Research website.

Office of Research Workshops

National Institute of Justice (NIJ): Expanding Public Access to NIJ-Funded Research: October 25, 2024

“NIJ is committed to improving timely, public access to the results of NIJ-funded research. We are developing a policy requiring that peer-reviewed journal articles and their associated data be deposited upon publication and instituting the use of persistent digital identifiers for all investigators, institutions, awards, publications, and data sets. The purpose of this planned policy is to make research findings available to the public and encourage more replication and reuse of data than is currently possible.  This webinar will discuss the draft plan and allow attendees to share their thoughts and suggestions with NIJ staff and leadership.”    

Register for NIJ Webinar on Public Access

NSF: Smart Health Frontiers: Combating Cancer with Advanced Technologies: October 29, 2024

“Artificial intelligence and other technological advances are poised to make wide-spread changes in multiple sectors of American society. However, the integration of these advancements into health-related fields has been slow...”    

Register for NSF Smart Health Frontiers Webcast

Gulf Research Program: Building Health and Climate Research Capacity in the U.S. Gulf Coast: Elevating Minority-Serving Institutions as Key Partners: Workshop 1: October 29, 2024

“With support from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, this workshop is the first in a series that explores opportunities for Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs) to have greater participation, competitiveness, and leadership in community-engaged research efforts. Participants will engage in discussions around the current status of available infrastructures to support MSI-led community-engaged research, as well as examine opportunities for MSIs to lead research related to climate, health, and resilience.”     

Register for GRP Workshop

Hanover Research Upcoming Grants Workshops: October 31, 2024 and November 21, 2024

Hanover Research offers a series of webinars on a variety of topics “designed to help grant-seekers develop their skills and plan for upcoming competitions.” The webinar on October 31, 2024 is titled “What Deadline?! Keeping Yourself and Others On-Task in Grant Development” and the webinar on November 21, 2024 is titled “Integrating Theoretical Frameworks into Grant Proposals.”    

Register for Upcoming Hanover Workshops

NIH Office of Research on Women’s Health (ORWH): Research on Gender Measurement: November 4, 2024

“The NIH Office of Research on Women’s Health (ORWH) and Sexual & Gender Minority Research Office are hosting a virtual webinar on Monday, November 4, 2024, to highlight research supported through last year’s Notice of Special Interest: Research on Gender Measurement.”    

Register for NIH ORWH Virtual Webinar

NIH Grant Process Primer: November 13-14, 2024

“Understanding the structure of NIH, the application process, policies, tools and systems, and knowing where to find valuable resources are key components to create a strong NIH application. On November 13 and 14, 2024, the NIH is hosting a two-part event that will provide participants with the basics to help you in your role working with the NIH grants process from application preparation to award.”    

Register for NIH Grants Process Primer

Additional NIH Resources for New Grant Administrators and Researchers

NIH National Cancer Institute (NCI): Global Cancer Research and Control Seminar Series: November 14, 2024

For the November 14, 2024 session of the series, “Dr. Carla Berg will discuss the execution & results of two NIH-funded studies in Armenia & Georgia testing: 1) effects of local coalitions to promote smoke-free air policies & compliance in 14 communities; & 2) adaptation & implementation of an evidence-based smoke-free homes intervention disseminated via the local coalitions & the national quitlines.”    

Register for NIH NCI Virtual Meeting

NIH Office of Research on Women’s Health (ORWH): ScienceTALKS: December 5, 2024

“The purpose of the Office of Autoimmune Disease Research-ORWH ScienceTALKS series is to examine the state of the science in specific areas impacting research on autoimmune disease and women’s health. This session of Science Talks is focused on the connection of the pathways involved in cancer and autoimmune disease development and will bring together experts in the field to generate discussion and identify opportunities to advance research as it pertains to the link between autoimmune diseases and cancer.”    

Register for NIH OADR-ORWH ScienceTALKS

23rd Annual K-INBRE Symposium: January 18 - 19, 2025

The agenda includes presentations from ten universities in Kansas and Oklahoma.  K-INBRE affiliates’ registration will be paid for by the K-INBRE administrative core; all others registration is only $25.00.  “The purpose of the Kansas INBRE (K-INBRE) is to promote multidisciplinary research networks with a focus on Biomedical Research; increase the research base and capacity through research support; provide a range of basic science and clinical research opportunities for student trainees; serve as a pipeline for students to continue in health research careers in IDeA states; and enhance science and technology knowledge of the state’s workforce.”

Register for K-INBRE Symposium 2025

REMINDER: WSU Information Security: Data Privacy & Security Training, Questions or Reporting

If your research includes patient medical data and you need to take HIPAA / Sensitive Data Handling training, if you have a question about data privacy or security, or need to report a concern, please contact the WSU Privacy or Security Office. 

Privacy: 316-978-4HIP (4447) or

Security: 316-978-4SEC (4732) or

REMINDER: Hanover Grants Learning Center Available

WSU Faculty and Staff may now access course content through the Hanover Research Grants Learning Center by registering and using a referral code.  Courses are designed for on-demand grantsmanship training.    

Email to request the referral code to register for access to the Hanover Research Grants Learning Center. 

REMINDER: Learn to Use BeoShock for your Advanced Research Computing Needs

Wichita State University continues to host Beoshock, a High-Performance Computing Cluster (HPC). This HPC is available and free to faculty members, researchers and students engaged in course work or research activities. BeoShock runs the CentOS Linux operating system and features approximately 720 processor cores, two high memory compute nodes with 1.5 terabytes of memory, and four graphics processing unit (GPU) accelerators. BeoShock also has a variety of software tools that may be helpful in your research endeavors, such as Matlab, Mathematica, R, Python and many more.  

Learn more about BeoShock High-Performance Computing and access the BeoShock High Performance Computing User Guides


ORCID ID – Persistent Digital Identifiers for Researchers

ORCID is an international, interdisciplinary, open, non-proprietary, and not-for-profit organization created by the research community for the benefit of all stakeholders, providing a persistent digital identifier (an ORCID iD) that distinguishes researchers with record that supports automatic links among all professional activities.  A researcher’s ORCID iD and connections are stored in the ORCID Registry, in an account owned and managed by individual researchers.  The WSU Office of Research recommends that Principal Investigators set up their ORCID if they have not already, as some federal funders may require the use of an ORCID as part of a researcher’s biographical sketch or CV. 

View Training Videos about ORCID and setting up an ORCID iD

Department of Health & Human Services (DHHS) Adopts New Rules for Federal Financial Assistance (2 CFR Part 200) and Publishes Updated Grants Policy Statement (GPS) to Make Grants More Accessible and Transparent

Read More About Uniform Guidance Implementation by DHHS

NIH: Reminder: Reporting Data Management Sharing (DMS) Plan Activities in Research Performance Progress Reports (RPPRs) Submitted on or After October 1, 2024

The purpose of this Notice is to remind the research community of the requirement to address the NIH Data Management and Sharing Policy in Research Performance Progress Reports (RPPRs) submitted on or after October 1, 2024, and to provide additional details about the implementation of the RPPR instructions.

Read NIH Notice NOT-OD-24-175

NIH: FORMS-I for Applications Due on or After January 25, 2025

“Later this fall, NIH will post version FORMS-I of our grant application forms and training data table format pages to support the changes coming to NIH application and peer review for due dates on or after January 25, 2025. Although you can’t complete your application forms until the updated form packages are posted to active opportunities and final training data table format pages are posted in our Forms Directory, you can certainly get started preparing your application attachments and planning for training table data collection. You can finalize your drafts when the forms, format pages, and instructions are made available.”

Preview NIH Forms-I Changes

NIH: Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Effectiveness of Mobile Health Clinics to Advance Health Equity

“This initiative will support innovative multidisciplinary collaborative research designed to investigate the effectiveness of Mobile Health Clinics in improving healthcare access and addressing the health care needs of populations that experience health disparities and whether they result in improved health outcomes and increased health equity.”

Read NIH Notice NOT-MD-24-022

NIH: Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): The Role of the Immune System in Aging Brain and Alzheimer's Disease (AD) and AD-Related Dementias (ADRD)

“The goal of this NOSI is to explore the role of the adaptive immune system and innate immune system and their cross-talk in the etiology of AD/ADRD. This NOSI solicits human subjects and animal research across a broad range of topics and laboratory models.”

Read NIH Notice NOT-AG-24-010

NASA Incorporates Proposal Guidance into Overall Grant and Cooperative Agreement Manual (GCAM) 

In federal fiscal year 2025, which started October 1, 2024, NASA has incorporated proposal guidance into one NASA Grant and Cooperative Agreement Manual.  The combined document may be found on NASA’s Grants Policy and Compliance webpage.

Read NASA GCAM Effective October 1, 2024

National Endowment for the Arts: 50 States of Art Participation

“This report reveals state-level findings from the NEA’s flagship survey, which the Census Bureau administers every five years to track arts participation habits.”

Read NEA Survey of Public Participation in the Arts

Department of Energy (DOE) Announces Pilot Project to Calculate the Emissions Intensity of Certain Industrial Products

“The White House Task Force on Climate, Trade, and Industrial Competitiveness and the Department of Energy will engage with Congress; a wide range of industry, labor, environmental, and academic stakeholders; trade partners; and others to inform the development of accurate, coordinated GHG intensity statistics. Stakeholders will be invited to learn more at an upcoming webinar later in the year.”

Read More About DOE Pilot Project

Department of Energy (DOE) Announces Notice of Intent (NOI) to Fund Recycling of Wind Energy Technologies

“This effort aims to help the United States develop technology solutions that will improve the recyclability of wind energy technologies, especially for tough-to-recycle materials such as fiber-reinforced composites that can be found in wind blades and nacelles; and rare earth element magnets that are found in wind turbine generators. This effort will help increase the sustainability of wind energy materials and bolster the domestic supply chain.”

Read More About DOE Recycling Wind Energy Technologies NOI

NIHCM Foundation Releases Infographic about Cancer Trends in the U.S.

“New studies shed light on cancer prevention, a rise in breast cancer rates, chronic diseases, and persistent disparities.”

NIHCM Foundation U.S. Cancer Trends Infographic

Kaiser Permanente: Gun Violence: A Public Health Crisis

“In June 2024, Dr. Vivek Murthy issued a landmark Surgeon General’s Advisory on Firearm Violence addressing its consequences nationwide and recommending actions for fostering safe and healthy communities. Read the Surgeon General’s Advisory to find out what you can do about gun violence and be sure to watch our “Grantee Voices” video series to learn about the people and organizations the Center is proud to support as we work together to end this epidemic.”

Read More About Kaiser Permanente's Center for Gun Violence Research and Education

HRSA Releases Data Brief about Adolescent Mental and Behavioral Health

“The Health Resources and Services Administration’s (HRSA) Maternal and Child Health Bureau (MCHB) funds and directs the National Survey of Children’s Health (NSCH), which the U.S. Census Bureau conducts. The NSCH is the largest national- and state-level survey on the health and health care needs of children ages 0-17, their families, and their communities.”


REMINDER - Wichita Public Schools (USD 259): Advance Notice Required for Letters of Support and/or Participation in Research

Wichita Public Schools (USD 259) requests a minimum of 30 business days to process letters of support or participation in research. It is WSU’s responsibility to have appropriate support from the school(s)/personnel that will be involved in the project prior to submitting a request.   Letters of Support/Grant Proposals: WSU personnel who need a letter of support or USD259 participation on a grant proposal, should complete the External-Request for Grant Support form and are encouraged to reach out directly to Holly Wilson at early in the process for questions/clarification. Research Requests: WSU personnel who want to conduct research in USD 259, must download and complete the Research Request Document.  Investigators are encouraged to reach out directly to Will Graves at early in the process for questions/clarifications.

As a reminder, all proposals submitted on behalf of WSU must be reviewed by the Office of Research prior to submission. This includes proposals where WSU is a direct recipient of funds and proposals where WSU is a proposed subawardee/subcontractor. Please contact the Office of Research at to get started.

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  • Subscribe to funding announcements and funding-related alerts; and
  • Attend Research Workshops that will help you with finding funding, budgeting and writing effective proposals (and much more)!

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