Congratulations to those who received awards in October! So far in FY2025, WSU researchers under Academic Affairs have submitted external proposals in the amount of $46,151,670 and have received $ 46,546,888 in external awards.

Special congratulations to Dr. Rhonda Lewis who is the Principal Investigator on the new SAMSHA award received by WSU, titled “Keeping ICT-SAFE (Substance Abuse Prevention Focusing on Empowerment). Please join us in congratulating Dr. Lewis on this incredible achievement!

If you have questions about the content of this newsletter, please contact A new look to this newsletter will be coming soon in the new year!



PI/Department: James Beck, Biological Sciences

Sponsor: Bureau of Land Management

Amount: $25,998


PI/Department: Tonya Bronleewe, HWS of Urban & Public Affairs

Sponsor: Environmental Protection Agency

Amount: $37,766


PI/Department: Misty Bruckner, Public Policy & Management Center

Sponsor: Kansas Municipal Utilities

Amount: $9,336


PI/Department: Misty Bruckner, Public Policy & Management Center

Sponsor: City of Hutchinson

Amount: $45,500


PI/Department: Misty Bruckner, Public Policy & Management Center

Sponsor: United Way of the Plains / Dept of Housing & Urban Development

Amount: $1,750


PI/Department: Ashley Cervantes, ED - Ronald E. McNair Program

Sponsor: Department of Education - US

Amount: $305,049


PI/Department: William Groutas, Chemistry

Sponsor: Kansas State University / Natl Institutes of Health

Amount: $193,652


PI/Department: Jose Hinojosa, ED - GEAR UP

Sponsor: Department of Education - US

Amount: $496,000


PI/Department: Kyoungnae Lee, Aerospace Engineering

Co-PI/Department: Jaehwan Byun, School of Education

Sponsor: Natl Aeronautics & Space Admn

Amount: $49,372


PI/Department: Rhonda Lewis, Psychology

Sponsor: Substance Abuse-Mntl Health Srv Adm

Amount: $374,902


PI/Department: Stacia Lyday, ED - Veterans Upward Bound Program

Co-PI/Department: Deltha Colvin, WSU TRIO Programs Support

Sponsor: Department of Education - US

Amount: $309,505


PI/Department: Lisa Parcell, The Research Partnership

Co-PI/Department: Jeffrey Jarman, The Research Partnership

Sponsor: IMS Consulting and Expert Services

Amount: $5,000


PI/Department: Lisa Parcell, The Research Partnership

Co-PI/Department: Jeffrey Jarman, The Research Partnership

Sponsor: IMS Consulting and Expert Services

Amount: $3,000


PI/Department: Jessica Provines, Wellness

Sponsor: CVS Pharmacy, Inc.

Amount: $1,913


PI/Department: Larry Ramos, ED - Talent Search Program

Sponsor: Department of Education - US

Amount: $672,135


PI/Department: Larry Ramos, ED - Talent Search Program

Sponsor: Department of Education - US

Amount: $288,470


PI/Department: Heidi Rodrick, Fac Dev & Student Success

Sponsor: Greater Kansas City Community Foundation

Amount: $29,181


PI/Department: Anand Sharma, Public Health Sciences

Co-PI/Department: Amy Chesser, Public Health Sciences | Amanda Sharma, HWS of Urban & Public Affairs

Sponsor: Regional Institute on Aging

Amount: $15,420


PI/Department: Rachel Showstack, Modern & Classical Lang & Lit

Sponsor: Dept of Health and Human Services

Amount: $375,000


PI/Department: Rachel Showstack, Modern & Classical Lang & Lit

Sponsor: Natl Endowment for the Humanities

Amount: $128,332


PI/Department: Andrew Swindle, Geology

Co-PI/Department: Gisuk Hwang, Mechanical Engineering | Xiaoheng Wang, HWS of Urban & Public Affairs

Sponsor: Kansas State University

Amount: $25,000


PI/Department: Carla Williams, ED - Upward Bound Communication

Sponsor: Department of Education - US

Amount: $278,305


PI/Department: Scott Wituk, Community Engagement Institute

Sponsor: Dept of Health & Environment - Kansas

Amount: $28,850


PI/Department: Scott Wituk, Community Engagement Institute

Sponsor: Dept of Health & Environment - Kansas / Dept of Health and Human Services

Amount: $28,616


PI/Department: Scott Wituk, Community Engagement Institute

Sponsor: Quality of Life Coalition, Inc.

Amount: $4,595


PI/Department: Scott Wituk, Community Engagement Institute

Sponsor: Ness County Health Department

Amount: $10,995


PI/Department: Scott Wituk, Community Engagement Institute

Sponsor: Kansas Association of Area Agencies on Aging and Disabilities

Amount: $2,225


PI/Department: Scott Wituk, Community Engagement Institute

Sponsor: Dept of Health & Environment - Kansas / Dept of Health and Human Services

Amount: $2,398,220


PI/Department: Scott Wituk, Community Engagement Institute

Sponsor: Dept of Health & Environment - Kansas / Centers for Disease Control

Amount: $34,197


PI/Department: Scott Wituk, Community Engagement Institute

Sponsor: Central Plains Health Care Partnership

Amount: $3,600


PI/Department: Scott Wituk, Community Engagement Institute

Sponsor: Saline County

Amount: $22,275



Focused Funding Opportunities

Please reach out early and as soon as you have found a potential opportunity that you wish to apply for. Early notifications allow the Office of Research to minimize the risk of missing agency deadlines, to fix potential errors, to ensure compliance with WSU policies and procedures, and to ensure the best service from our office.

WSU’s Pivot system update – coming soon, you will no longer need to create a separate password for Pivot; you will be able to use your myWSU credentials to access the system. To request assistance with a customized search please contact If any of the following opportunities are of interest to you, please email as soon as possible so that a grant specialist may be assigned to assist. Visit Pre-Award Services to find out more about applying for external funding.

REMINDER: Funding Agency: K-INBRE

Title: K-INBRE Bridging Award Year 2025

Application Deadline: December 2, 2024

Purpose: “A Bridging Grant provides interim support to help a project in Biomedical Research continue for an eligible investigator who has submitted a grant (e.g., R01, R21, R16, R15) to NIH that was approved on the basis of scientific merit, but fell short of the funding range (applications with a poor impact score or low percentile ranking will not be considered). These funds should assist in providing data needed to submit a revised application to NIH. Proposals must outline how the bridging grant addresses reviewers' concerns and will lead to a more robust revised application.”

Amount: $25,000

Funding Agency: American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS)

Title: Digital Justice Grant Program

Application Deadline: December 3, 2024

Purpose: “This program addresses inequities in access to tools and support for digital work among scholars across various fields, those working with under-utilized or understudied source materials, and those in institutions with less support for digital projects. It promotes inclusion and sustainability by extending the opportunity to participate in the digital transformation of humanistic inquiry to a greater number of humanities scholars and projects at the beginning stages of development.”

Amount: $50,000-$100,000

LIMITED Funding Agency: Teiger Foundation

Title: Grants

Application Deadlines: Limited Because WSU may only submit one application, Notices of Intent to apply must be sent to by December 3, 2024 at 12noon, in case an internal competition is needed. The goal date for informing you if you have been chosen to proceed is December 17, 2024. Full Applications due January 28, 2025.

Purpose: “Teiger Foundation offers grants for US-based, curator-led initiatives in contemporary visual art. We support group exhibitions, single-artist surveys, participatory and community-engaged art projects, digital exhibitions, live and virtual performance in the context of the visual arts, and as-yet-unknown curatorial forms involving contemporary visual art and artists.”

Amount: $50,000-$150,000 depending on project type

Funding Agency: REAM Foundation

Title: Misophonia Research Fund (MRF)

Application Deadlines: Letters of Intent due December 6, 2024; If invited, Full Proposals due January 6, 2025

Purpose: “MRF accepts applications for research projects that seek to better understand misophonia, characterize symptomatology and associated impairments, and assess interventional strategies to treat those with the disorder.“

Amount: $500,000 for Investigator Research Grants; $200,000 for Postdoctoral Research Grants; $75,000 for Data Discovery Awards

Funding Agency: WITH Foundation

Title: Open Grant Cycle

Application Deadline: Letters of Intent accepted until December 6, 2024

Purpose: “WITH Foundation was created to provide financial support to organizations that promote comprehensive healthcare for adults with developmental disabilities. All grant applications should complement this mission and demonstrate how they will accomplish this overarching goal.”

Amount: $30,000-$50,000

REMINDER: Funding Agency: Kansas NASA EPSCoR Program (KNEP)

Title: NASA EPSCoR Basic Research FY 2025

Application Deadline: December 6, 2024 at 12 noon

Purpose: “Contribute to and promote the development of research capability in NASA EPSCoR jurisdictions (i.e., Kansas) in areas of strategic importance to NASA’s mission; Improve the capabilities of the NASA EPSCoR jurisdictions to gain support from sources outside the NASA EPSCoR programs; Develop partnerships among NASA research assets, academic institutions, and industry; Contribute to the overall research infrastructure and economic development of the jurisdiction (i.e., Kansas); and Focus on research of important priority to NASA.”

Amount: $750,000; Note, Cost Share is required.

Funding Agency: Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA)

Title: MDA Development Grants and MDA Research Grants

Application Deadlines: Letter of Intent due December 9, 2024; If invited, Full Applications due March 7, 2025

Purpose: “MDA is committed to transforming the lives of people affected by muscular dystrophy, ALS and related neuromuscular diseases. We do this through innovations in science and innovations in care.”

Amount: $70,000 per year for Development Grants; $100,000 per year for Research Grants

LIMITED Funding Agency: NASA

Title: Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR) Rapid Response Research (R3) FY 2025 / KNEP Notice of the Opportunity

Application Deadlines: Limited Because WSU may only submit three applications, Pre-Applications must be sent to by January 10, 2025. The goal date for informing you if you have been chosen to proceed is January 22, 2025. Full Applications will be due to NASA no later than February 26, 2025. WSU Researchers must reach out to and be assigned a proposal specialist prior to December 13, 2024 due to university shutdown.

Purpose: “…solicits proposals that are expected to establish research activities that will make significant contributions to NASA’s strategic research and technology development priorities and contribute to the overall research infrastructure, science, and technology capabilities of higher education, as well as the economic development of the jurisdiction receiving funding. Each funded NASA EPSCoR proposer shall work closely with a NASA researcher to focus on developing competitive research and technology for the solution of scientific and technical issues of importance to the NASA Mission Directorates and Centers.”

Amount: $125,000 over one year

Funding Agency: Samuel H. Kress Foundation

Title: Digital Art History

Application Deadline: Letter of Intent due December 15, 2024

Purpose: “The Digital Art History Grants program is intended to foster new forms of research and collaboration as well as new approaches to teaching and learning. Support may also be offered for the digitization of important visual resources (especially essential art history photographic archives) in the area of pre-modern European art history; of primary textual sources (especially the literary and documentary sources of European art history); for promising initiatives in online publishing; and for innovative experiments in the field of digital art history.”

Amount: See website for funding amount history

Funding Agency: Samuel H. Kress Foundation

Title: History of Art Grants

Application Deadline: Letter of Intent due December 15, 2024

Purpose: “The History of Art Grants program supports scholarly projects that will enhance the appreciation and understanding of European works of art and architecture from antiquity to the early 19th century. Grants are awarded to projects that create and disseminate specialized knowledge, including archival projects, development and dissemination of scholarly databases, documentation projects, museum exhibitions and publications, photographic campaigns, scholarly catalogues and publications, and technical and scientific studies. Grants are also awarded for activities that permit art historians to share their expertise through international exchanges, professional meetings, conferences, symposia, consultations, the presentation of research, and other professional events.”

Amount: See website for funding amount history

REMINDER: Funding Agency: K-INBRE

Title: K-INBRE CURE Awards 2025 | K-INBRE SPRING Pilot Projects |K-INBRE Data Science Core

Application Deadlines: Letters of Intent encouraged by December 16, 2024; Full Application due February 3, 2025

Purpose: CURE Awards are “to increase research activities using the classroom. These activities are referred to as Curriculum-based Undergraduate Research Experiences (CURE) and should increase student participation in research and enhance faculty efforts in conducting NIH-related biomedical research.” “SPRING (Summer Pilot Research INvestigative Grants) Pilot Projects are designed to support research primarily in the summer months and enhance student participation in research.” Data Science Core Awards “support data science training and research at” Primarily Undergraduate Institutions.

Amount: $6,000-$15,000/year for CURE Awards | $30,000 for SPRING Pilot Projects | $30,000 for Data Science Core Awards

Funding Agency: Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program (SERDP)

Title: Core FY 2026 Solicitation

Application Deadlines: Pre-proposals due January 7, 2025; If invited, Full Proposals due March 13, 2025

Purpose: Topics vary and include such topics as “Improved Understanding of the Ecological Toxicity of PFAs at Sites Impacted by AFFF; Real-Time Sensors for Detection and Quantification of PFAs in Soil and Groundwater at AFFF-Impacted Sites; Evaluating Habitat-Based Approaches for the Conservation and Management of Species of Concern; Developing Robust Long-Term Baselines for Ecosystem Dynamics and Environmental Change in Key DoD Geographies; and Sustainable Flexible Primer Coatings for Aircraft.“

Amount: No budget at Pre-proposal stage.

REMINDER: Funding Agency: Oak Ridge Associated Universities (ORAU)

Title: Ralph E. Powe Junior Faculty Enhancement Awards

Application Deadline: January 8, 2025

Purpose: “These competitive research awards provide seed money for junior faculty members that often result in additional funding from other sources. The award amount provided by ORAU is $5,000. The applicant’s institution is required to match the award with at least an additional $5,000. This is a one-year grant (June 1 to May 31). Eligibility for the Powe Awards is open to full-time assistant professors at ORAU member institutions within two years of their tenure track appointment at the time of application.”

Amount: $5,000-$10,000; Note, Cost Share is required.

Funding Agency: National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH)

Title: Digital Humanities Advancement Grants

Application Deadline: January 9, 2025

Purpose: “The DHAG program supports work that is innovative, experimental, and contributes to the critical infrastructure that underpins scholarly research, teaching, and public programming in the humanities.”

Amount: $75,000-$350,000

LIMITED Funding Agency: National Science Foundation (NSF)

Title: NSF 24-511: NSF Scholarships in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (S-STEM)

Application Deadlines: Limited Because WSU may only submit two applications, Notices of Intent to apply must be sent to by January 14, 2025 at 12noon, in case an internal competition is needed. The goal date for informing you if you have been chosen to proceed is January 28, 2025. Full Applications due March 4, 2025.

Purpose: “Supports institutions of higher education to fund scholarships for academically talented low-income students and to study and implement a program of activities that support their recruitment, retention and graduation in STEM.”

Amount: $1M-$5M depending on Track

Funding Agency: Mid-America Arts Alliance

Title: Creative Forces Community Engagement Grant

Application Deadline: January 15, 2025

Purpose: “The Creative Forces Community Engagement Grant program aims to improve the health, well-being, and quality of life for military service members and veterans exposed to trauma as well as their families and caregivers through experiences of art or art making.”

Amount: $10,000-$50,000; Note, Cost Share is required.

Funding Agency: Louisville Institute

Title: First Book Grant for Scholars of Color

Application Deadline: January 15, 2025

Purpose: “The First Book Grant for Scholars of Color (FBG) provides grants up to US$55,000 to assist early career, pre-tenured religion scholars of color to complete a major research project about Christian faith and life, the practice of ministry, religious trends and movements, Christian and other faith-based institutions, and religion and social issues. Of particular interest to the Louisville Institute are projects that bridge academic scholarship and the life of the church in North America.”

Amount: $55,000

Funding Agency: Linda Hall Library

Title: Linda Hall Library Fellowships

Application Deadline: January 17, 2025

Purpose: “The Linda Hall Library invites researchers to apply for its 2025-26 fellowships in the history of science and related humanities fields. These fellowships provide scholars of exceptional promise with financial support to explore the Library’s collections and join a dynamic intellectual community of in-house experts, fellows, and scholars from other Kansas City cultural and educational institutions.”

Amount: Varies based on type of fellowship

REMINDER: Funding Agency: The American Athletic Conference Academic Consortium

Title: 2025-2026 Research Grants

Application Deadline: January 19, 2025

Purpose: “The program’s goals are 1) to stimulate research on college athletics designed to promote student-athlete welfare; and 2) to assist The American’s member institutions and intercollegiate athletics programs in evidence-based practice for student-athletes. The American’s Academic Consortium invites research proposals within the general area of student-athlete well-being. Research topics include but are not limited to: The impact of participation in intercollegiate athletics on the academic or social experience of student-athletes; Best practices in the areas of student-athlete physical and mental health; Career and professional development strategies; Student-athlete integration into the campus community; Diversity and inclusion issues in intercollegiate athletics; and Novel and timely issues effecting student-athletes.” Please email for a copy of the full solicitation.

Amount: $15,000

Funding Agency: National Science Foundation (NSF)

Title: Addressing Systems Challenges through Engineering Teams (ASCENT)

Application Deadline: January 22, 2025

Purpose: “…supports fundamental research, through an NSF-Intel partnership, on heterogeneous integration of semiconductor technologies using advanced packaging to drive future communication, computing, biotechnology, energy and other applications.”

Amount: $1,000,000-$1,500,000

Funding Agency: National Institutes of Health (NIH): National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)

Title: Bidirectional Influences Between Adolescent Social Media Use and Mental Health (R21 Clinical Trial Optional)

Application Deadlines: January 28 or October 20, 2025

Purpose: “…to encourage applications that focus on understanding bidirectional relationships between social media use and adolescent mental illness, psychiatric symptoms, and risk or resilience for psychopathology, as well as intervention/services research focused on examining the feasibility, acceptability, and preliminary utility of social-media focused interventions and services.”

Amount: The combined budget for direct costs for the two-year project period may not exceed $275,000. No more than $200,000 may be requested in any single year.

Funding Agency: National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF)

Title: Five Star and Urban Waters Restoration Grant Program 2025 Request for Proposals

Application Deadline: January 30, 2025

Purpose: “The Five Star and Urban Waters Restoration grant program seeks to develop community capacity to sustain local natural resources for future generations by providing modest financial assistance to diverse local partnerships focused on improving water quality, watersheds and the species and habitats they support.”

Amount: $30,000-$60,000

Funding Agency: Baylor University

Title: Charlton Oral History Research Grant

Application Deadline: January 31, 2025

Purpose: “The Baylor University Institute for Oral History invites individual scholars with training and experience in oral history research who are conducting oral history interviews to apply for support of up to $3,000 for one year (June through May). With this grant, the Institute seeks to partner with one scholar who is using oral history, to address new questions and offer fresh perspectives on a subject area in which the research method has not yet been extensively applied. Interdisciplinary, cross-cultural research on local, national, or international subjects is welcome.”

Amount: $3,000

REMINDER: Funding Agency: K-INBRE

Title: K-INBRE Core Facility Support 2025 | K-INBRE Recruitment/Start-Up Package 2025

Application Deadline: February 3, 2025

Purpose: “…providing funds to institutional core facilities that support NIH-related biomedical research” and “…assisting in the process of bringing in new faculty to K-INBRE Primarily Undergraduate Institutions.”

Amount: $10,000 for Core Facility; $40,000 for Start-Up Package

Funding Agency: Josiah Macy Jr. Foundation

Title: AI in Medical Education: A Grants Program to Advance Innovation in Medical Education

Application Deadline: Letters of Intent due February 3, 2025

Purpose: “…a special initiative to fund demonstration projects that explore the potential uses and applications of AI to improve the implementation, outcomes, and experiences of faculty and learners in medical education.”

Amount: $200,000

Funding Agency: National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Title: Personal Health Informatics for Delivering Actionable Insights to Individuals (R01 Clinical Trial Optional)

Application Deadlines: February 5, June 5, or October 5, 2025

Purpose: “…to advance the development of novel informatics and data science approaches that can help individuals understand and improve their health through actionable insights.”

Amount: Application budgets are expected to be no more than $250,000 per year in direct costs and should reflect the actual needs of the proposed project.

Funding Agency: National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Title: Research Opportunities for New and "At-Risk" Investigators to Promote Workforce Diversity (R01 Clinical Trial Optional)

Application Deadlines: February 5, June 5, or October 5, 2025

Purpose: “…solicits R01 grant applications that would support independent research projects within the scientific mission areas of the participating NIH Institutes or Centers from a diverse cohort of New Investigators and At-Risk Investigators.”

Amount: Application budgets are not limited but need to reflect the actual needs of the proposed project.

Funding Agency: National Science Foundation (NSF)

Title: NSF 24-554: Artificial Intelligence, Formal Methods, and Mathematical Reasoning

Application Deadline: February 5, 2025

Purpose: “…to support research at the interface of AI, computer science, mathematics and statistics that assists and accelerates both mathematical discovery as well as discovery in related disciplines.”

Amount: $500,000-$1,200,000

Funding Agency: Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)

Title: Young Faculty Awards (YFA)

Application Deadline: February 5, 2025

Purpose: “…aims to identify and engage rising stars in junior research positions in academia and equivalent positions at non-profit research institutions, particularly those without prior DRPA funding, to expose them to Department of Defense (DoD) needs and DARPA’s mission to create and prevent technological surprise for national security. The YFA program will provide high impact funding to researchers early in their careers to develop innovative new research that enables transformative DoD capabilities. Ultimately, the YFA program is developing the next generation of researchers focused on national security issues.”

Amount: $250,000 per year

Funding Agency: National Endowment for the Humanities

Title: Landmarks of American History and Culture for Higher Education

Application Deadline: February 12, 2025 with optional draft due January 6, 2025

Purpose: “Landmarks of American History and Culture programs for higher education, advanced graduate students, and humanities professionals situate the study of topics and themes in the humanities within sites, areas, or regions of historic and cultural significance to expand participants’ knowledge of and approaches to teaching diverse histories, cultures, and perspectives in the United States and its jurisdictions.”

Amount: $190,000

Funding Agency: National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Title: Engineering Next-Generation Human Nervous System Microphysiological Systems (R21 Clinical Trials Not Allowed)

Application Deadlines: February 16, June 16, or October 16, 2025

Purpose: “…encourages research grant applications directed toward developing next-generation human cell-derived microphysiological systems and related assays that replicate complex nervous system architectures and physiology with improved fidelity over current capabilities. Supported projects will be expected to enable future studies of complex nervous system development, function and aging in healthy and disease states.”

Amount: The combined budget for direct costs for the two-year project period may not exceed $275,000. No more than $200,000 may be requested in any single year.

Funding Agency: National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Title: Co-infection and Cancer (R21 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)

Application Deadlines: February 16, June 16, or October 16, 2025

Purpose: “…encourages research grant applications directed toward developing next-generation human cell-derived microphysiological systems and related assays that replicate complex nervous system architectures and physiology with improved fidelity over current capabilities. Supported projects will be expected to enable future studies of complex nervous system development, function and aging in healthy and disease states.”

Amount: The combined budget for direct costs for the two-year project period may not exceed $275,000. No more than $200,000 may be requested in any single year.

Funding Agency: National Science Foundation (NSF)

Title: Experiential Learning for Emerging and Novel Technologies (ExLENT)

Application Deadline: February 20, 2025

Purpose: “…seeks to support experiential learning opportunities for individuals from diverse professional and educational backgrounds that will increase access to, and interest in, career pathways in emerging technology fields.”

Amount: $1,000,000

Funding Agency: National Academies: Gulf Research Program (GRF)

Title: Science Policy Fellowship

Application Deadline: February 26, 2025

Purpose: “The Gulf Research Program’s Science Policy Fellowship program helps scientists hone their skills by putting them to practice for the benefit of Gulf Coast communities and ecosystems. Fellows gain first-hand experience as they spend one year on the staff of federal, state, local, or non-governmental environmental, natural resource, oil and gas, and public health agencies in the Gulf of Mexico region.”

Amount: Annual Stipend

Funding Agency: Hearing Health Foundation (HHF)

Title: Emerging Research Grant 2025-2026

Application Deadlines: Letter of Intent Quiz due no later than February 27, 2025; Full Applications due March 3, 2025

Purpose: “…seed money to researchers working on the entire spectrum of hearing research and balance research, including many underfunded areas of otology.”

Amount: $50,000 per year

Funding Agency: National Science Foundation (NSF)

Title: Emerging Mathematics in Biology (eMB)

Application Deadline: March 3, 2025

Purpose: “The eMB program seeks to stimulate the development of innovative mathematical theories, techniques, and approaches to investigate challenging questions of great interest to biologists and public health policymakers. It supports truly integrative research projects in mathematical biology that address challenging and significant biological questions through novel applications of traditional, but nontrivial, mathematical tools and methods or the development of new mathematical theories particularly from foundational mathematics, including the mathematical foundation of Artificial Intelligence/Deep Learning/Machine Learning enabling explainable AI or mechanistic insight. The program emphasizes the uses of mathematical methodologies to advance our understanding of complex, dynamic, and heterogenous biological systems at all scales (molecular, cellular, organismal, population, ecosystems, evolutionary, etc.).”

Amount: Up to $6,000,000 total for FY25-26, subject to availability of funds and receipt of meritorious proposals for an award duration of 3 years.

Funding Agency: Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI)

Title: Engagement Awards Spring 2025 Cycle: Dissemination; Capacity Building; Convening

Application Deadlines: Letters of Intent due April 1, 2025; Full Applications due July 10, 2025

Purpose: “The Eugene Washington PCORI Engagement Award Program supports projects that encourage active, meaningful involvement of patients, families, caregivers and the broader health and healthcare community as integral members of the patient-centered comparative clinical effectiveness research enterprise.”

Amount: $300,000 for Dissemination and Capacity Building: $125,000 for Convening

Funding Agency: Department of Defense: Air Force Research Laboratory, Munitions Directorate (AFRL/RW)

Title: Air Dominance Broad Agency Announcement (BAA)

Application Deadline: White Papers accepted through October 31, 2029

Purpose: “AFRL/RW is the primary Department of the Air Force (DAF) organization concerned with conventional munitions technology development. AFRL/RW plans and executes research, development, and test of conventional munitions, and supports conventional munitions Weapons Program Offices.” Note, thirteen research areas are currently listed including topics such as “Artificial Intelligence/Autonomy and Machine Learning, Missile Guidance and Control Technologies, Innovative Aircraft Integration Technologies, and Modeling, Simulation and Analysis.”

Amount: Not Applicable at White Paper Stage

REMINDER: Funding Agency: Oak Ridge Associated Universities (ORAU)

Title: FY25 Innovation Partnerships Program

Application Deadline: Open until two awards per fiscal year is reached or funds are depleted

Purpose: “This program is structured to build stronger relationships between university members and ORAU collaborators by focusing on research and education topics that align well with ORAU’s expertise and current priorities. FY 2025 grant focus areas include: Improving Our Behavioral Health, the Post-Pandemic World, Implementing Innovative Technologies and Our Changing Planet.”

Amount: $4,000

Funding Agency: The Milbank Foundation

Title: Grant

Application Deadline: Ongoing; Letters of Inquiry accepted online

Purpose: “The Foundation’s current priorities include: Consumer-focused, community-based initiatives that empower people with disabilities and foster independence and self-sufficiency; the rehabilitation and re-integration of veterans, especially veterans with disabilities; helping seniors to age in the place of their choice through non-institutional, community-based health and social services; market-oriented, patient-centered health care reforms across the country; and programs that address mental health issues and aim to prevent substance abuse and suicide, especially among young people.”

Amount: See amounts listed on website for previously funded grants

Funding Agency: National Science Foundation (NSF)

Title: NSF Individual and Small Team Proposals

Application Deadline: Varies by topic. Proposals are accepted anytime unless a due date is listed.

Advanced Manufacturing

Applied Mathematics – Nov 1-15, 2025

Astronomy and Astrophysics – Oct 1-Nov 15, 2025

Atmospheric and Geospace Sciences Postdoctoral Research Fellowships (AGS-PRF)

Biomechanics and Mechanobiology


Chemistry: Disciplinary Research Programs – Sep & Oct - varies based on discipline

Cultural Anthropology Program Senior Research Awards –Jan 15 & Aug 15 annually

Directorate for Education and Human Resources (EHR) Core Research (EHR: Core) – Oct 2, 2025

Division of Materials Research: Topical Materials Research Programs (DMR-TMRP)

Division of Materials Research: Condensed Matter and Materials Theory (CMMT)

Division of Molecular and Cellular Biosciences Core Programs (MCB)

Ecology and Evolution of Infectious Diseases – Nov 19, 2025

Energy, Power, Control, and Networks

Environmental Biology

Environmental Engineering

Foundational Research in Robotics (FFR)

Geomorphology and Land-use Dynamics


Linguistics –Jan 15 and Jul 15 annually

Manufacturing Systems Integration

Mathematical Biology – Oct 14, 2025

Methodology, Measurement, and Statistics –Jan 30 & Aug 28, 2025

Molecular and Cellular Biosciences

Physics: Investigator-Initiated Research Projects – Nov & Dec – varies by topic

Science of Learning & Augmented Intelligence –Feb 12 & Aug 6, 2025

Secure & Trustworthy Cyberspace

Security and Preparedness –Jan 15 & Aug 15, 2025

Social Psychology – Jan 15 and Jul 15 annually


Statistics – Dec 1-16, 2024

Funding Agency: National Science Foundation (NSF)

Title: NSF Special Programs

Application Deadline: Varies by topic – click each topic to learn more about these special program opportunities. Proposals are accepted anytime unless a due date is listed.

Broadening Participation in Engineering (BPE) –Track 1 & 2 proposals accepted anytime; Tracks 3 & 4 Nov 19, 2025

Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE): Core Programs – Varies by size of application (Small, Medium, Core)

Critical Aspects of Sustainability (CAS) – Various funding mechanisms available

Computer Science for All (CS for All) –Feb 12, 2025

Division of Chemistry: Disciplinary Research Programs (CHE-DRP) – Sep 30, 2025 for CAT, CSDM-B, and SYN; Oct 31, 2025 for CMI, ECS and MSN

Division of Materials Research: Topical Materials Research Program

Division of Physics: Investigator-Initiated Research Projects – Varies by topic

Earth Sciences: Instrumentation and Facilities Program

Ethical and Responsible Research (ER2) – Jan 23, 2025

Human-Environment and Geographical Sciences Program (HEGS) –Feb 3 and Aug 1, 2025

Industry-University Cooperative Research Centers Program (IUCRC) – Preliminary Proposals due Mar 12 or Sep 10, 2025

Mathematical Sciences Infrastructure Program –Feb 4 and Aug 5, 2025

National Science Foundation Research Traineeship Program (NRT) –Sep 8, 2025

Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) – Aug 20, 2025

Research Experiences for Teachers (RET) in Engineering and Computer Science – Oct 8, 2025

Research in the Formation of Engineers (RFE)


WSU Office of Research Workshops

Topics include an Introduction to the WSU Office of Research with resources and contacts, WSU policies and procedures related to research, finding funding utilizing Pivot, project budgeting and general grant-writing tips. Previously recorded workshops can also be found on the Office of Research website.

Office of Research Workshops

WSU Office of Hispanic Serving Initiatives: Author Series: Dr. Mercy Umeri: Lessons to My Younger Self: December 5, 2024

“Dr. Mercy Ogbonne Umeri offers a blend of teaching, administrative, leadership, and HR experience in the private, government, and nonprofit sectors with over twenty years’ global experience combined. In her role as a faculty member of the Hugo Wall School, Dr. Umeri’s policy research explores social equity in the public sector and the intersection of social equity within the context of higher education.”

Attend Thursday, December 5, 2024, 2:00-3:00pm, in RSC Room 261

National Academies Webinar: Climate Conversations: Reimagining Household Products: December 6, 2024

“Join our December Climate Conversation to explore carbon utilization and its role in mitigating climate change. Zara Summers (LanzaTech) and Jenny Yang (University of California, Irvine) will discuss the emerging technologies, identify key challenges, and consider necessary changes to current policy, economic, and regulatory structures.”

Register for National Academies Webinar

NIH Funded SuRE Resource Center Webinar: Finding Funding Opportunities: Strategies and Approaches: December 9, 2024

“Join us for an updated session on best practices for finding, vetting, and reviewing funding opportunities so that you can develop maximally responsive research proposals.”

SuRE Resource Center Finding Funding Opportunities

National Science Foundation (NSF): Fall 2024 NSF Virtual Grants Conference: December 9-12, 2024

The NSF Grants Conference is a must-attend for new faculty, researchers, and administrators.

NSF Fall 2024 Virtual Grants Conference Website

NIHCM Foundation Webinar: Reducing the Rx Burden: Pathways to Lower Drug Prices and Increase Access: December 11, 2024

“Join our experts as they explore the future of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) and drug pricing, as well as private sector strategies to drive down costs and improve health outcomes…”

Register for NIHCM Webinar

Hanover Research Upcoming Grants Workshop: December 19, 2024

Hanover Research offers a series of webinars on a variety of topics “designed to help grant-seekers develop their skills and plan for upcoming competitions.” The webinar on December 19, 2024 is titled “Communicating the Impacts of Your Research.”

Register for Upcoming Hanover Workshops

NIH: Health Influences of Gender as a Social and Structural Variable Webinar: January 14, 2025

The goal of this event is to engage the research community in discussing the alignment of the Women’s Health Innovation Opportunity Map Objective 5.3, “research the intersectional impacts of gender roles, power dynamics, and economic agency (e.g., decision-making, unpaid work) on women's health.”

Register for NIH Office of Research on Women's Health Webinar

Register by December 2nd, 2024 for 23rd Annual K-INBRE Symposium: January 18 - 19, 2025

The agenda includes presentations from ten universities in Kansas and Oklahoma. K-INBRE affiliates’ registration will be paid for by the K-INBRE administrative core; all others registration is only $25.00. “The purpose of the Kansas INBRE (K-INBRE) is to promote multidisciplinary research networks with a focus on Biomedical Research; increase the research base and capacity through research support; provide a range of basic science and clinical research opportunities for student trainees; serve as a pipeline for students to continue in health research careers in IDeA states; and enhance science and technology knowledge of the state’s workforce.”

Register for K-INBRE Symposium 2025

Office of Research Workshop: Using Pivot to Find Funding: January 22, 2025

Looking for external sponsored project funding? Join Fran Cook, CRA, Trainer from the Wichita State Office of Research, who will host a virtual workshop demonstrating tips and tricks for using Pivot to search for funding opportunities. We will also discuss how to find potential funding opportunities that might not be listed in Pivot.

Email or register directly on MyTraining.

Mid-America Arts Alliance: Artist INC Express-Kansas Statewide Virtual: January 24-26, 2025

“Artist INC Express helps artists, of any discipline, develop the building blocks for a thriving and enduring arts practice. Led by a team of experienced, working artists, this hands-on workshop helps artists like you address specific needs and challenges that you’ll face throughout your career. Through discussions, activities, and hands-on exercises, your artist-facilitators, and your new network of peer artists, will help you set goals for your practice, write about your work, and build a personal brand.”

Read More and Register by January 16, 2025

NIH: Diverse Voices: Intersectionality and the Health of Women: Reaching Rural Women: Implications for Research on Pregnancy: January 30, 2025

Dr. Whitaker will present on “Rural Health Inequities in Lifestyle Behaviors and Psychosocial Factors in Pregnancy” and Dr. Shreffler will present on “Data Challenges and Resources for Rural and Tribal Maternal Health.”

Register for Diverse Voices Session

America’s Seed Fund Virtual Road Tour Kickoff: February 11-13, 2025

“America’s Seed Fund Week is a free online event to connect entrepreneurs across the nation working on advanced technologies and the organizations that support them to America’s Seed Fund, the country’s largest source of early-stage funding.”

Register for America's Seed Fund 2025 Virtual Event

CITI Blog: Role of Mentorship in Reducing Stress

“The sources of stress abound for academic researchers. From concerns about publication quality and quantity to the perceived scarcity and insecurity of tenure-track jobs to seemingly forever tightening budgets, the factors that contribute to academic burnout, depression, and stress are manifold. Those researchers who feel the most stress and are thus most susceptible to the negative mental health impacts are graduate students, postdoctoral researchers, and new and early career faculty. In this article, we examine how effective mentoring can mitigate stress through empathy and a sense of belonging.”

Read the CITI Blog on Mentorship; Free Resource: “Making the Right Moves: A Practical Guide to Scientific Management for Postdocs and New Faculty

REMINDER: WSU Information Security: Data Privacy & Security Training, Questions or Reporting

If your research includes patient medical data and you need to take HIPAA / Sensitive Data Handling training, if you have a question about data privacy or security, or need to report a concern, please contact the WSU Privacy or Security Office.

Privacy: 316-978-4HIP (4447) or

Security: 316-978-4SEC (4732) or

REMINDER: Hanover Grants Learning Center Available

WSU Faculty and Staff may now access course content through the Hanover Research Grants Learning Center by registering and using a referral code. Courses are designed for on-demand grantsmanship training.

Email to request the referral code to register for access to the Hanover Research Grants Learning Center.

REMINDER: Learn to Use BeoShock for your Advanced Research Computing Needs

Wichita State University continues to host Beoshock, a High-Performance Computing Cluster (HPC). This HPC is available and free to faculty members, researchers and students engaged in course work or research activities. BeoShock runs the CentOS Linux operating system and features approximately 720 processor cores, two high memory compute nodes with 1.5 terabytes of memory, and four graphics processing unit (GPU) accelerators. BeoShock also has a variety of software tools that may be helpful in your research endeavors, such as Matlab, Mathematica, R, Python and many more.

Learn more about BeoShock High-Performance Computing and access the BeoShock High Performance Computing User Guides


ORCID ID – Persistent Digital Identifiers for Researchers

ORCID is an international, interdisciplinary, open, non-proprietary, and not-for-profit organization created by the research community for the benefit of all stakeholders, providing a persistent digital identifier (an ORCID iD) that distinguishes researchers with record that supports automatic links among all professional activities. A researcher’s ORCID iD and connections are stored in the ORCID Registry, in an account owned and managed by individual researchers. The WSU Office of Research recommends that Principal Investigators set up their ORCID if they have not already, as some federal funders may require the use of an ORCID as part of a researcher’s biographical sketch or CV.

View Training Videos about ORCID and setting up an ORCID iD

WSU Excellence Award Nominations Being Accepted until December 6, 2024

Nominations for Excellence Awards in Research, Creativity Activity and Community Research are now being accepted by the Office of Research. All full-time faculty, including distinguished professors and endowed chairs, who have served at WSU for at least three years are eligible. Faculty who hold an administrative position above that of chair are not eligible. Previous winners of the award are ineligible to be nominated for a period of five years following the award. See the Office of Research website for additional details and online nomination forms. Nominations must be received by December 6, 2024 to be considered.

Nomination Website for WSU Excellence Award

AFWERX Submissions for Basic Research Art of Science Showcase 2025 Accepted until December 6, 2024

“To honor AFRL/AFOSR’s 74 years of research innovation and to educate people around the world about the importance of basic research, we invite you to be part of the third annual Art of Science Showcase by submitting your basic research inspired art.”

AFWERX Basic Art of Science Showcase 2025

NIH: FORMS-I for Applications Due on or After January 25, 2025

“Later this fall, NIH will post version FORMS-I of our grant application forms and training data table format pages to support the changes coming to NIH application and peer review for due dates on or after January 25, 2025. Although you can’t complete your application forms until the updated form packages are posted to active opportunities and final training data table format pages are posted in our Forms Directory, you can certainly get started preparing your application attachments and planning for training table data collection. You can finalize your drafts when the forms, format pages, and instructions are made available.”

Preview NIH Forms-I Changes

Provide Input on NIH 2026-2030 Minority Health and Health Disparities Strategic Plan

“Charged with leading scientific research to improve minority health and reduce health disparities, the NIH National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities (NIMHD) is launching the development of the 2026 – 2030 NIH Minority Health and Health Disparities Strategic Plan. With community engagement at the core, NIMHD will also collaborate with NIH Institutes and Centers and the NIH Office of the Director, and in consultation with the National Advisory Council on Minority Health and Health Disparities, will produce a plan that sets the direction and goals for minority health and health disparity research for the coming years.”

Read about the Planning Process and Sign Up for Upcoming Town Hall

REMINDER - Wichita Public Schools (USD 259): Advance Notice Required for Letters of Support and/or Participation in Research

Wichita Public Schools (USD 259) requests a minimum of 30 business days to process letters of support or participation in research. It is WSU’s responsibility to have appropriate support from the school(s)/personnel that will be involved in the project prior to submitting a request. Letters of Support/Grant Proposals: WSU personnel who need a letter of support or USD259 participation on a grant proposal, should complete the External-Request for Grant Support form and are encouraged to reach out directly to Holly Wilson at early in the process for questions/clarification. Research Requests: WSU personnel who want to conduct research in USD 259, must download and complete the Research Request Document. Investigators are encouraged to reach out directly to Will Graves at early in the process for questions/clarifications.

As a reminder, all proposals submitted on behalf of WSU must be reviewed by the Office of Research prior to submission. This includes proposals where WSU is a direct recipient of funds and proposals where WSU is a proposed subawardee/subcontractor. Please contact the Office of Research at to get started.

FREE WSU Office of Research Services

Email to:

  • Set up a Pivot account and receive guidance on how to search the database to find funding opportunities;
  • Subscribe to funding announcements and funding-related alerts; and
  • Attend Research Workshops that will help you with finding funding, budgeting and writing effective proposals (and much more)!

Please let us know how we can help you.