Season's Greetings! As we wrap up another year of remarkable achievements and research, we want to extend our heartfelt thanks to each of you for your dedication and hard work. Wishing you a joyful holiday season and a prosperous New Year filled with continued success and inspiration.

So far in FY2025, WSU researchers under Academic Affairs have submitted external proposals in the amount of $50,755,492 and have received $51,668,616 in external awards.

If you have questions about the content of this newsletter, please contact A new look to this newsletter will be coming soon in the new year!



PI/Department:  Neal Allen, Political Science

Sponsor:  State of Kansas - URCA

Amount:  $3,321



PI/Department:  Loren Belew, Student Involvement

Sponsor:  Every Vote Counts, Inc.

Amount:  $1,000



PI/Department:  Tonya Bronleewe, HWS of Urban & Public Affairs

Sponsor:  Dept of Health & Environment - Kansas / Environmental Protection Agency

Amount:  $243,072



PI/Department:  Jose Hinojosa, ED-GEAR-UP

Sponsor:  Department of Education - US

Amount:  $720,000



PI/Department:  Matthew Howland, Anthropology

Sponsor:  State of Kansas - URCA

Amount:  $4,500



PI/Department:  Shruti Kshirsagar, School of Computing

Sponsor:  State of Kansas - URCA

Amount:  $4,500



PI/Department:  Rajprasad Loganathan, Biological Sciences

Sponsor:  Univ of KS Medical Ctr Research Inst, Inc. / Natl Institutes of Health

Amount:  $4,418



PI/Department:  Anthony Muscat, Engineering Dean's Office

Sponsor:  Kansas Department of Commerce

Amount:  $3,500,000



PI/Department:  Trevor Nelson, School of Music

Sponsor:  State of Kansas - URCA

Amount:  $4,500



PI/Department:  Linda Rhone, ED-Student Support Services

Sponsor:  Department of Education - US

Amount:  $514,726



PI/Department:  Scott Wituk, Community Engagement Institute

Sponsor:  Community Care Network Of Kansas, Inc.

Amount:  $35,000



PI/Department:  Scott Wituk, Community Engagement Institute

Sponsor:  Ness County Health Department

Amount:  $1,800



PI/Department:  Scott Wituk, Community Engagement Institute

Sponsor:  LHD Academy of Science

Amount:  $17,543



PI/Department:  Scott Wituk, Community Engagement Institute

Sponsor:  Kansas Department for Children & Families / Dept of Health and Human Services

Amount:  $12,769



PI/Department:  Scott Wituk, Community Engagement Institute

Sponsor:  United Healthcare Community Plan of Kansas

Amount:  $39,500



PI/Department:  Scott Wituk, Community Engagement Institute

Sponsor:  Kansas Children's Service League / Dept of Health and Human Services

Amount:  $9,900



PI/Department:  Scott Wituk, Community Engagement Institute

Sponsor:  Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America

Amount:  $10,000




Focused Funding Opportunities

Please reach out early and as soon as you have found a potential opportunity that you wish to apply for.  Early notifications allow the Office of Research to minimize the risk of missing agency deadlines, to fix potential errors, to ensure compliance with WSU policies and procedures, and to ensure the best service from our office. 

WSU’s Pivot system update – coming soon, you will no longer need to create a separate password for Pivot; you will be able to use your myWSU credentials to access the system.  To request assistance with a customized search please contact   If any of the following opportunities are of interest to you, please email as soon as possible so that a grant specialist may be assigned to assist. Visit Pre-Award Services to find out more about applying for external funding. 


REMINDER *** LIMITED *** Funding Agency: National Science Foundation (NSF)

Title: NSF 25-514: NSF Scholarships in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (S-STEM)

Application Deadlines: ***Limited*** Because WSU may only submit two applications, Notices of Intent to apply must be sent by January 14, 2025 at 12noon, in case an internal competition is needed.  The goal date for informing you if you have been chosen to proceed is January 28, 2025.  Full Applications due March 4, 2025.

Purpose: “Supports institutions of higher education to fund scholarships for academically talented low-income STEM majors and to study and implement a program of activities that support their recruitment, retention and graduation.”

Amount: Up to $2M-$5M depending on Track


Funding Agency: Flossie E. West Memorial Trust

Title: 2025 Request for Proposals for Basic Research Relating to the Study and Cure of Cancer

Application Deadline: January 17, 2025 at 9:00am Central

Purpose: “The Flossie E. West Memorial Trust provides support for basic research relating to the study and cure of cancer.” to request a copy of the solicitation.

Amount: $30,500


Funding Agency: American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR)

Title: Investigator-Initiated Research Grant Program

Application Deadlines: Mandatory Letter of Intent due January 17, 2025; Full Applications due May 16, 2025

Purpose: “AICR’s Investigator-Initiated Research Grant Program is dedicated to funding research on cancer prevention, treatment, and survival related to modifiable lifestyle factors including diet, nutrition, body composition, and physical activity but also additional modifiable lifestyle exposures, such as sleep and stress.” 

Amount: $75,000-$225,000 depending on category


Funding Agency: NASA

Title: Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Sciences 2024 (ROSES-2024)

Application Deadlines: Varies based on Solicited Research Program; some Notices of Intent or Step 1 Proposals due in January 2025; May 15, 2025 is the last close date for certain topics

Purpose: “Soliciting Basic and Applied Science Research and Technology Development.” 

Amount: Varies based on Solicited Research Program


REMINDER: Funding Agency: The American Athletic Conference Academic Consortium

Title: 2025-2026 Research Grants

Application Deadline: January 19, 2025

Purpose: “The program’s goals are 1) to stimulate research on college athletics designed to promote student-athlete welfare; and 2) to assist The American’s member institutions and intercollegiate athletics programs in evidence-based practice for student-athletes.  The American’s Academic Consortium invites research proposals within the general area of student-athlete well-being.  Research topics include but are not limited to: The impact of participation in intercollegiate athletics on the academic or social experience of student-athletes; Best practices in the areas of student-athlete physical and mental health; Career and professional development strategies; Student-athlete integration into the campus community; Diversity and inclusion issues in intercollegiate athletics; and Novel and timely issues effecting student-athletes.”  Please email for a copy of the full solicitation. 

Amount: $15,000


Funding Agency: Stranahan Foundation

Title: Spring 2025 Early Childhood Education Funding Cycle

Application Deadlines: Letter of Intent due January 21, 2025 by 11am; If invited, Full Applications due March 21, 2025 by 11am

Purpose: “The Stranahan Foundation’s Early Childhood Education grantmaking program focuses on increasing access to high-quality early care and education for young children (birth to five), especially those from low-income families, by investing in developing and retaining a high-quality, thriving early educator workforce.”

Amount: Up to $500,000


Funding Agency: Washington Center for Equitable Growth

Title: Request for Proposals: Research Grants for Early Career Scholars

Application Deadline: January 21, 2025

Purpose: “…to invest in early career scholars whose research agendas are policy relevant, related to how inequality affects economic growth, and who are interested in engaging with nonacademic audiences.”

Amount: $30,000 


Funding Agency: Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA)

Title: Rural Health Care Services Outreach Grant Program

Application Deadline: January 27, 2025

Purpose: “This community-based grant program aims to support organizations to promote rural health care services outreach by improving and expanding the delivery of health care services to include new and enhanced services in rural areas. To achieve this purpose, the program also aims to strengthen local resources and capacity in rural communities. Through collaborative consortiums that include three or more health care providers, each community can develop innovative approaches to solve their own unique challenges and factors underlying rural health disparities.”

Amount: $250,000-300,000 


Funding Agency: Craig H. Neilsen Foundation

Title: Creating Opportunity and Independence (CO&I) Community Support Grants

Application Deadlines: Letters of Intent due January 27, 2025; If invited, Full Applications due April 21, 2025

Purpose: “The CO&I portfolio supports non-profit organizations providing programs and services that are community-driven, empowering, and inclusive of all ages and backgrounds to enhance quality of life.”

Amount: $25,000-$200,000 


Funding Agency: Caplan Foundation for Early Childhood

Title: Grants

Application Deadlines: Mandatory Letters of Inquiry due January 31, 2025; If invited, Full Applications due at a later date

Purpose: “The Caplan Foundation for Early Childhood is an incubator of promising research and development projects that appear likely to improve the welfare of young children, from infancy through 7 years, in the United States. Welfare is broadly defined to include physical and mental health, safety, nutrition, education, play, familial support, acculturation, societal integration and childcare.” Funding priorities include Early Childhood Welfare, Early Childhood Education and Play and Parenting Education.

Amount: See website for previous funding amounts. 


Funding Agency: Center for Retirement Research at Boston College

Title: Steven H. Sandell Grant Program

Application Deadline: January 31, 2025

Purpose: “…provide opportunities for junior or non-tenured scholars (within seven years of receiving their Ph.D.) from all academic disciplines to pursue cutting-edge projects on retirement or disability issues.”

Amount: $50,000 


Funding Agency: American Vineyard Foundation (AVF)

Title: Research Proposals for FY 2025-2026

Application Deadline: January 31, 2025

Purpose: “The AVF’s 2024 Research Priority Survey identified the following key areas for focus: Viruses, Changing Environment, Vineyard Sustainability, Wine sensory to chemistry relationships, Improved winemaking practices, and Winery sustainability.”

Amount: Not listed. 


Funding Agency: HALO (Private Companies, Kraft Heinz and More)

Title: Opportunities for Research and Development

Application Deadline: January 31, 2025

Purpose: HALO promotes opportunities for research and development presented by industry.  Opportunities vary greatly.  For example, recent requests from industry partners include “3D Body modeling and fit optimization for absorbent products; pressure monitoring systems for extreme temperatures or explosive risk prevention, and simulation methods for fluid flow and leakage prevention,” for example.

Amount: Varies based on opportunity


Funding Agency: American Economic Association

Title: Summer Economics Fellows Program

Application Deadline: February 1, 2025

Purpose: “…allows the fellow to spend a summer in residence at a sponsoring research institution.”

Amount: Compensation is set by each sponsoring institution, normally at a level commensurate with the institution’s usual practices for an economist of equivalent experience.


Funding Agency: Massage Therapy Foundation (MTF)

Title: MTF Research Support Grant

Application Deadline: February 1, 2025

Purpose: “MTF research grants support high quality, independent research that contributes to the basic science of massage therapy application, including applied research investigating massage therapy as a health/mental health treatment and/or prevention modality.”

Amount: $30,000


REMINDER: Funding Agency: K-INBRE

Title: K-INBRE Core Facility Support 2025 | K-INBRE Recruitment/Start-Up Package 2025

Application Deadline: February 3, 2025

Purpose: “…providing funds to institutional core facilities that support NIH-related biomedical research” and “…assisting in the process of bringing in new faculty to K-INBRE Primarily Undergraduate Institutions.”

Amount: $10,000 in direct costs for Core Facility; $40,000 in direct costs for Start-Up Package


Funding Agency: Sarcoma Foundation of America

Title: 2025 Request for Proposals

Application Deadline: February 3, 2025

Purpose: “…pre-clinical, translational, and clinical research on the etiology, molecular biology, pathogenesis, diagnosis, and treatment of human sarcomas.”

Amount: $75,000


*** LIMITED *** Funding Agency: National Science Foundation (NSF)

Title: NSF 24-529: Innovations in Graduate Education (IGE)

Application Deadlines: ***Limited*** Because WSU may only submit two applications, Notices of Intent to apply must be sent to by February 4, 2025 at 12noon, in case an internal competition is needed.  The goal date for informing you if you have been chosen to proceed is February 18, 2025.  Full Applications due March 25, 2025.

Purpose: “The IGE Program is designed to encourage development and implementation of bold, new, and potentially transformative approaches to STEM graduate education training. The program seeks proposals that a) explore ways for graduate students in STEM master’s and doctoral degree programs to develop the skills, knowledge, and competencies needed to pursue a range of STEM careers, or b) support research on the graduate education system and outcomes of systemic interventions and policies.”

Amount: $300,000-$1,000,000 depending on Track


Funding Agency: Washington Center for Equitable Growth

Title: Request for Proposals: Promoting competition and supporting workers in an era of AI innovation

Application Deadline: February 10, 2025

Purpose: “…to support research that will generate actionable insights for policymakers and inform policies that lead to strong, stable, and broad-based economic growth.”

Amount: $25,000-$80,000


Funding Agency: National Science Foundation (NSF)

Title: Growing Convergence Research (GCR)

Application Deadline: February 10, 2025

Purpose: “Supports transitioning teams from research that is multidisciplinary to research that transcends disciplinary boundaries with novel conceptual frameworks, theories and methods.”

Amount: $3,600,000


Funding Agency: National Science Foundation (NSF)

Title: A Science of Science Approach to Analyzing and Innovating the Biomedical Research Enterprise (SoS:BIO)

Application Deadlines: February 10 or September 9, 2025

Purpose: “Supports the development of theories, models, analytical tools, data and metrics that can inform the science of science, science policy, public outcomes and the advancement of the scientific enterprise, with a focus on the biomedical sciences.”

Amount: $100,000-$250,000 per year


*** LIMITED *** Funding Agency: National Science Foundation (NSF)

Title: NSF 24-528: EPSCoR Research Infrastructure Improvement: EPSCoR Research Fellows

Application Deadlines: ***Limited*** Because WSU may only submit four applications, Notices of Intent to apply must be sent to by February 11, 2025 at 12noon, in case an internal competition is needed.  The goal date for informing you if you have been chosen to proceed is February 25, 2025.  Full Applications due April 8, 2025.

Purpose: “…provides awards to build research capacity in institutions and transform the career trajectories of investigators and further develop their individual research potential through collaborations with investigators from the nation's premier private, governmental, or academic research institutions and/or centers.”

Amount: Up to $300,000


Funding Agency: National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH)

Title: Institutes for Higher Education Faculty

Application Deadline: February 12, 2025

Purpose: “NEH-funded institutes are professional development programs that convene higher education faculty from across the nation to deepen their understanding of significant topics in the humanities and enrich their capacity for effective scholarship and teaching.”

Amount: Up to $220,000


Funding Agency: National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Title: Maximizing Opportunities for Scientific and Academic Independent Careers (MOSAIC) Postdoctoral Career Transition Award to Promote Diversity (K99/R00 Independent Clinical Trial Not Allowed)

Application Deadlines: February 12, June 12, or October 12, 2025

Purpose: “…to support a cohort of early career, independent investigators from diverse backgrounds (for example, individuals from underrepresented groups) conducting research in NIH mission areas.”

Amount: Award budgets are composed of salary and other program-related expenses.


Funding Agency: National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH)

Title: Institutes for Advanced Topics in the Digital Humanities

Application Deadline: February 13, 2025

Purpose: “The program supports national or regional (multistate) training programs for scholars, humanities professionals, and advanced graduate students to broaden and extend their knowledge of digital humanities.”

Amount: $250,000


Funding Agency: Human Animal Bond Research Institute (HABRI)

Title: Addressing Evidence-Based Health Benefits of Human-Animal Interaction

Application Deadline: February 13, 2025

Purpose: “…to investigate the health outcomes of pet ownership and/or animal-assisted interventions, both for the people and the animals involved. Proposals should have a strong theoretical framework and focus on innovative approaches to studying the positive effects of companion animals on human health.”

Amount: While there is no budget cap, HABRI awards an average of 5-6 projects each year with project costs averaging approximately $49,000 per project and an average duration of about 20 months.


Funding Agency: Foundation for Food and Agriculture Research

Title: Sustainable Food Systems Initiative: Focus on Food

Application Deadline: February 14, 2025

Purpose: “…supports community-based initiatives focused on food as medicine, health and agriculture. Over the two-year grant period, grantees will design, implement and evaluate actionable community-based projects for sustainable food systems that improve human health and nutrition.”

Amount: Each of the eight grantee teams will receive $50,000 to support and expand their project.


Funding Agency: National Institutes of Health (NIH): National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR)

Title: NIDCR Small Research Grants for Oral Health Data Analysis and Statistical Methodology Development (R03 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)

Application Deadline: February 16, 2025

Purpose: “…to support meritorious research projects that involve secondary data analyses of existing oral or craniofacial database resources, or that develop needed statistical methodology for analyzing existing dental, oral or craniofacial databases.”

Amount: A budget for direct costs of up to $100,000 per year, with a maximum of $200,000 direct costs over two years, may be requested.


Funding Agency: National Institutes of Health (NIH): National Cancer Institute (NCI)

Title: Basic Research in Cancer Health Disparities (R21 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)

Application Deadlines: February 16, June 16, or October 16, 2025

Purpose: “…encourages grant applications from investigators interested in conducting basic research studies into the biological/genetic causes and mechanisms of cancer health disparities.”

Amount: The combined budget for direct costs for the two-year project period may not exceed $275,000.


Funding Agency: National Institutes of Health (NIH): National Cancer Institute (NCI)

Title: Impacts of Climate Change Across the Cancer Control Continuum (R21 Clinical Trial Optional)

Application Deadlines: February 16, June 16, or October 16, 2025

Purpose: “…to support innovative research relevant to advancing the understanding of the effects of climate change across the cancer control continuum, from cancer etiology and cancer risks through survivorship, and ways to prevent or mitigate negative health effects. This includes, but is not limited to, studies to improve knowledge of the impact of climate change related environmental effects on cancer risks, control and behaviors.”

Amount: The combined budget for direct costs for the two-year project period may not exceed $275,000.


Funding Agency: National Institutes of Health (NIH): Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD)

Title: NICHD Small Research Grant Program (R03 Clinical Trial Required)

Application Deadlines: February 16, June 16, or October 16, 2025

Purpose: “…supports clinical trials that fall within the NICHD mission. The R03 activity code supports small research projects that can be carried out in a short period of time with limited resources. The R03 program may be used for different types of projects including pilot and feasibility studies; secondary analysis of existing data; small, self-contained research projects; development of research methodology; and development of new research technology.”

Amount: Application budgets are limited to $50,000 in direct costs per year.


Funding Agency: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)

Title: Using Innovative Digital Healthcare Solutions to Improve Quality at the Point of Care (R21/R33 – Clinical Trial Optional)

Application Deadlines: February 16, June 16, or October 16, 2025

Purpose: “…research projects that test promising digital healthcare interventions used at the point of care and aimed at improving the quality of healthcare services delivery.”

Amount: In the R21 phase, the combined budget for total costs (direct and indirect) for the two-year period may not exceed $280,000. In the R33 phase, the combined budget for total costs (direct and indirect) for the three-year period may not exceed $720,000.


Funding Agency: National Institutes of Health (NIH): National Institute on Aging (NIA)

Title: Small Research Grant Program for the Next Generation of Researchers in AD/ADRD Research (R03 Clinical Trial Optional)

Application Deadlines: February 16, June 16, or October 16, 2025

Purpose: “…will support meritorious projects to provide needed scientific insight to improve the prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and/or care for individuals with Alzheimer's disease and Alzheimer's disease-related dementias (AD/ADRD).”

Amount: Applications may request budgets of up to $100,000 in direct costs per year for up to two years.


Funding Agency: National Institutes of Health (NIH): National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)

Title: Imaging-Science Track Award for Research Transition (I/START) (R03 Clinical Trial Optional)

Application Deadlines: February 16, June 16, or October 16, 2025

Purpose: “…to facilitate the entry of investigators to the area of neuroimaging, including both newly independent investigators and established investigators seeking to adopt neuroimaging methodologies in their research programs, to enable the conduct of small "proof of concept" studies.”

Amount: Applicants may request direct costs of up to $150,000 for a period of one year only.


Funding Agency: National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Title: Exploratory/Developmental Bioengineering Research Grants (EBRG) (R21 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)

Application Deadlines: February 16, June 16, or October 16, 2025

Purpose: “…to demonstrate feasibility and potential utility of new capabilities or improvements in quality, speed, efficacy, operability, costs, and/or accessibility of solutions to problems in basic biomedical, pre-clinical, or clinical research, clinical care delivery, or accessibility.  The overall goals of this NOFO are to identify cancer risks and risk reduction strategies, to identify factors that cause cancer in humans, and to discover and develop mechanisms for cancer prevention and preventive interventions in humans.”

Amount: The combined budget for direct costs for the two-year project period may not exceed $275,000.


Funding Agency: National Institutes of Health (NIH): National Cancer Institute (NCI)

Title: Innovative Approaches to Studying Cancer Communication in the New Information Ecosystem (R21 Clinical Trial Optional)

Application Deadlines: February 16 or June 16, 2025

Purpose: “…supporting meritorious research projects in three distinct domains related to cancer communication: 1) the utility and application of new cancer communication surveillance approaches; 2) the development and testing of rapid cancer communication pilot interventions using innovative methods and designs; and 3) the development and testing of multilevel cancer communication models emphasizing bidirectional influence between levels.”

Amount: The combined budget for direct costs for the two-year project period may not exceed $275,000.


Funding Agency: National Science Foundation (NSF) and the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH)

Title: NSF Dynamic Language Infrastructure – NEH Documenting Endangered Languages (DLI-DEL)

Application Deadlines: February 18, or September 15, 2025

Purpose: “Supports research and infrastructure that digitally records and documents languages — with an emphasis on endangered languages — through the preparation of lexicons, grammars, text samples and databases, advancing linguistic theory and the study of language.”

Amount: $450,000 for Senior Research and Conference Projects


Funding Agency: Lever for Change

Title: The Trust in American Institutions Challenge

Application Deadlines: Applicants must register by February 19, 2025 with Full Applications due March 19, 2025

Purpose: “This challenge seeks transformative solutions that are poised to reverse recent trends and significantly increase public trust in core institutions in the United States in the next five years. Applicants best fit for this opportunity will use key leverage points to renew, rebuild, and/or establish trust in core institutions for Americans across the country.”

Amount: $9,000,000


Funding Agency: National Institutes of Health (NIH): National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)

Title: Accelerating Solutions to Improve Access and Quality of Empirically-Supported Practices for Youth Mental Health (R01 Clinical Trial Optional)

Application Deadlines: February 21, June 5, or October 5, 2025

Purpose: “…a call to action in response to the youth mental health crisis in the United States. NIMH seeks applications that will study methods to increase access to, and quality of, empirically-supported practices for youth mental health. Applications may address research related to: optimizing assessment, intervention and service strategies; overcoming challenges related to workforce shortages and waitlists for treatment; integration of treatment and preventive interventions into settings where youth are most likely to be identified as needing care (e.g., schools,pediatric medicine, community organizations, social services, and juvenile justice), and service interventions that address systemic barriers to access and quality of mental health care (e.g., structural, policy, organizational, value in terms of cost/financing, management).”

Amount: Application budgets are not limited but need to reflect the actual needs of the proposed project.


Funding Agency: National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Title: Academic Research Enhancement Awards (AREA) for Undergraduate-Focused Institutions (R15 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)

Application Deadlines: February 25, June 25, or October 25, 2025

Purpose: “…to support small scale research grants at institutions that do not receive substantial funding from the NIH, with an emphasis on providing biomedical research experiences primarily for undergraduate students and enhancing the research environment at applicant institutions.”

Amount: Applicants may request up to $375,000 in direct costs, excluding consortium F&A, for the entire project period of up to 3 years.


Funding Agency: Health Resources & Services Administration (HRSA)

Title: Maternal and Child Health Secondary Data Analysis Research (MCH SDAR) and Autism Secondary Data Analysis Research (Autism SDAR)

Application Deadline: February 25, 2025

Purpose: “The Maternal and Child Health Secondary Data Analysis program supports applied research through analysis of existing databases or administrative records to improve health outcomes, and the quality, efficiency, and accessibility of health care services for maternal and child health populations.” “The Autism Secondary Data Analysis program supports applied research through analysis of existing databases or administrative records to improve health outcomes, and the quality, efficiency, and accessibility of health care services for children and adolescents with autism and other developmental disabilities across the lifespan.”

Amount: $60,000 per year


Funding Agency: National Institutes of Health (NIH): National Library of Medicine (NLM)

Title: NLM Grants for Scholarly Works in Biomedicine and Health (G13 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)

Application Deadline: February 26, 2025

Purpose: “…solicits grant applications for the preparation of book-length manuscripts and other works of academic and/or public health policy value to U.S. health professionals, public health officials, biomedical researchers and historians of the health sciences.”

Amount: “Applicants may request up to $75,000 direct costs per year to support salary and fringe benefits for project personnel. Applicants may also request up to $5,000 direct costs per year for other costs needed to develop the final products (such as supplies, design/editing services, travel, etc.).”


Funding Agency: Massage Therapy Foundation (MTF)

Title: MTF Research Award

Application Deadline: Letters of Intent due March 1, 2025

Purpose: “MTF research grants support high quality, independent research that contributes to the basic science of massage therapy application, including applied research investigating massage therapy as a health/mental health treatment and/or prevention modality.”

Amount: $30,000-$300,000


Funding Agency: National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER)

Title: Market Frictions and Financial Risks

Application Deadline: March 5, 2025

Purpose: “…this initiative strives to bring together researchers in various subfields of economics and financial economics. Core topics for investigation include funding structures, financial intermediaries, capital market frictions, operational and financial linkages across markets, financial stability, and the determinants, detection, and remediation of systemic risk.”

Amount: Up to $97,000


Funding Agency: National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine: Gulf Research Program (GRP)

Title: 2025 Early-Career Research Fellowships

Application Deadlines: March 12, 2025 for Human Health & Community Resilience and Offshore Energy Tracks; June 18, 2025 for Environmental Protection & Stewardship and Education Research Tracks

Purpose: “The Gulf Research Program’s Early-Career Research Fellowship supports emerging scientific leaders as they take risks on research ideas not yet tested, pursue unique collaborations, and build a network of colleagues who share their interest in improving offshore energy system safety and the well-being of coastal communities and ecosystems.” 

Amount: $76,000


Funding Agency: National Science Foundation (NSF)

Title: Industry-University Cooperative Research Centers Program (IUCRC)

Application Deadline: Preliminary Proposal due March 12, 2025 or September 10, 2025

Purpose: “The IUCRC program catalyzes breakthrough pre-competitive research by enabling close and sustained engagement between industry innovators, world-class academic teams, and government agencies.”

Amount: $20,000-$150,000 per year


Funding Agency: International Human Frontier Science Program Organization

Title: Research Grants

Application Deadlines: Letter of Intent must be initiated no later than March 18, 2025; If invited, Full Applications will be due in September 2025

Purpose: “Research Grants are meant to allow teams of independent researchers to develop new lines of research through a new collaboration. Priority will be given to novel research projects with the potential to extend the present frontier of life sciences and teams including members from outside life sciences. Applicants for Research Grants are encouraged to include independent investigators early in their careers as members of their team, high diversity of backgrounds (gender, origin, and others) and approaches often adding to the quality of the work. HFSP supports novel, international, preferably intercontinental, collaborations that involve scientific exchanges across national boundaries. Team members should not have collaborated before, they will normally not have published original research together, and the project must be significantly different from their ongoing research.”

Amount: $300,000-$500-000 annually


Funding Agency: Thrasher Research Fund

Title: Early Career Awards

Application Deadlines: Concept Submissions due March 18, 2025; If invited, Full Applications due May 8, 2025

Purpose: “The Fund is open to a wide variety of research topics. We do not focus on a particular disease, but all our funded projects deal directly with children's health.  In the Early Career Award Program, the Fund is particularly interested in applicants that show great potential to impact that field of children's health through medical research. Both an applicant's aptitude and inclination toward research are considered. The quality of the mentor and the mentoring relationship are also considered to be important predictors of success.”

Amount: Up to $25,000 in direct costs


Funding Agency: National Institutes of Health (NIH): Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD)

Title: Rehabilitation Research Career Development Programs (K12 Clinical Trial Optional)

Application Deadline: March 19, 2025

Purpose: “The program should support scholars with a clinical background in medical rehabilitation (e.g., physiatry, physical/occupational therapy and allied health).”

Amount: An applicant may request up to $850,000 direct costs annually.


Funding Agency: National Science Foundation (NSF)

Title: NSF 24-564: IUSE/Professional Formation of Engineers: Revolutionizing Engineering Departments (IUSE/PFE: RED)

Application Deadline: April 8, 2025

Purpose: “Supports fundamental changes to the training of undergraduate engineering students that equip them with the technical and professional skills needed to solve complex societal problems.  RED Planning (Track 1) projects will support capacity-building activities at institutions of special interest to NSF’s mission, specifically two-year engineering-centered programs building transfer partnerships, two-year or four-year institutions in EPSCoR jurisdictions, Primarily Undergraduate Institutions, and Institutions of Higher Education seeking to level the number of degrees across of the full spectrum of diverse talent in engineering.”

Amount: $75,000 per year for Planning Track 1


Funding Agency: National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH)

Title: Fellowships

Application Deadline: April 9, 2025

Purpose: “NEH Fellowships are competitive awards granted to individual scholars pursuing projects that embody exceptional research, rigorous analysis, and clear writing. Applications must clearly articulate a project’s value to humanities scholars, general audiences, or both.”

Amount: Up to $60,000


Funding Agency: National Archives: National Historical Publications and Records Commission

Title: Archives Collaboratives

Application Deadline: May 7, 2025 (optional draft due February 18, 2025)

Purpose: “…three or more repositories working together to make their collections more readily available for public discovery and use. The Commission welcomes collaborations that target institutional advancement for small and underserved local archives and repositories, especially those with collections that focus on the voices and perspectives of Black, Indigenous, and People of Color.”

Amount: $30,000 for Planning Grants; $120,000 for Implementation Grants


Funding Agency: National Archives: National Historical Publications and Records Commission

Title: Archival Projects (FY 2026)

Application Deadlines: May 7, 2025 and November 5, 2025 (optional drafts due February 18, 2025 and August 15, 2025)

Purpose: “The National Archives supports projects that promote access to America's historical records to encourage understanding of our democracy, history, and culture.”

Amount: $150,000


Funding Agency: National Science Foundation (NSF)

Title: Security, Privacy, and Trust in Cyberspace (SaTC 2.0)

Application Deadline: September 29, 2025

Purpose: “Supports interdisciplinary research and education to develop a secure, resilient and trustworthy global cyber ecosystem by addressing vulnerabilities, improving trust in cyber systems and cultivating a well-trained cybersecurity workforce.”

Amount: $500,000 for EDU projects; $1,200,000 for RES projects


Funding Agency: Department of Energy (DOE): Office of Science (SC)

Title: FY 2025 Continuation of Solicitation for the Office of Science Financial Assistance Program

Application Deadline: Pre-Applications are optional and encouraged; Full Applications accepted until September 30, 2025

Purpose: “The SC of the DOE hereby announces its continuing interest in receiving applications for support of work in the following program areas: Advanced Scientific Computing Research, Basic Energy Sciences, Biological and Environmental Research, Fusion Energy Sciences, High Energy Physics, Nuclear Physics, Isotope R&D and Production, and Accelerator R&D and Production.”

Amount: Historically, awards from $5,000 to $5,000,000 have been made in response to the Notice of Funding Opportunity each year.


Funding Agency: Department of Defense (DOD): Air Force Research Lab (AFRL)

Title: Research and Development (RAD) Directed Energy (RD) University Assistance Instruments

Application Deadline: Letters of Intent accepted until July 18, 2029

Purpose: “The Air Force Research Laboratory Directed Energy Directorate is the Department of the Air Force's Center of Expertise for directed energy and optical technologies. The Directorate develops and transitions technologies in four core technical competencies: Laser Systems, Directed Energy and Electro-Optics for Space Superiority, High Power Electromagnetics, and Weapons Modeling, Simulation, and Analysis. This five-year, open FOA is for soliciting research applications for Basic, Applied, and Advanced Research in these Core Technical Competencies.”

Amount: Not applicable for Letters of Intent


Funding Agency: Foundation for Food & Agriculture Research

Title: Rapid Outcomes from Agricultural Research (ROAR)

Application Deadline: Ongoing; Open year-round

Purpose: “…deploys urgent funding to support research and outreach in response to emerging or unanticipated threats to the nation’s food supply or agricultural systems.”

Amount: Up to $150,000


REMINDER: Funding Agency: Oak Ridge Associated Universities (ORAU)

Title: FY25 Innovation Partnerships Program

Application Deadline: Open until two awards per fiscal year is reached or funds are depleted

Purpose: “This program is structured to build stronger relationships between university members and ORAU collaborators by focusing on research and education topics that align well with ORAU’s expertise and current priorities.  FY 2025 grant focus areas include: Improving Our Behavioral Health, the Post-Pandemic World, Implementing Innovative Technologies and Our Changing Planet.”

Amount: $4,000


Funding Agency: National Science Foundation (NSF)

Title: NSF Individual and Small Team Proposals

Application Deadline: Varies by topic.  Proposals are accepted anytime unless a due date is listed.


 Funding Agency: National Science Foundation (NSF)

Title: NSF Special Programs

Application Deadline: Varies by topic – click each topic to learn more about these special program opportunities. Proposals are accepted anytime unless a due date is listed.




WSU Office of Research Workshops

Topics include an Introduction to the WSU Office of Research with resources and contacts, WSU policies and procedures related to research, finding funding utilizing Pivot, project budgeting and general grant-writing tips.  Previously recorded workshops can also be found on the Office of Research website.

Office of Research Workshops


National Academies: Report Release Webinar: Adult Learning in the Military Context: January 7, 2025

“The Board on Behavioral, Cognitive, and Sensory Sciences and the Board on Science Education are pleased to announce the release of the Adult Learning in the Military Context consensus report. This work is sponsored by the U.S. Army Research Institute for the Behavioral and Social Sciences. Please join Dr. Margaret Beier, the study chair, for an overview of the report and a discussion of the conclusions and recommendations.”

Register for NASEM Webinar


ARPA-H: Emerging Health Innovators Proposers Day: January 8, 2025

“ARPA-H’s Emerging Health Innovators (EHI) Initiative aims to increase access to government research funding and address health care gaps in the U.S. for early career investigators and community innovators. Proposers’ Day is an optional event for the potential proposer community.”

Register for ARPA-H ERI Proposer's Day


NASA Essentials SBIR/STTR Workshop: January 9, 2025

“This interactive virtual workshop will provide a detailed overview of the open NASA SBIR and STTR solicitations including research subtopics and objectives for the agency. We’ll review their funding priorities and application processes, including guidance on assembling a project team suitable for your proposed scope of work.”

Register for NASA SBIR/STTR Workshop


Fulbright Scholar-in-Residence Program Webinars: January 21, February 26, March 20 or May 2, 2025

“The Fulbright Scholar-in-Residence (S-I-R) Program is now accepting applications for U.S. institutions to host an international scholar in the 2026-27 academic year for a semester or full year to support campus internationalization goals. S-I-Rs work across departments and curricula to enhance an international program, develop new world area studies programs or add an international dimension to coursework. Fulbright provides J-visa sponsorship, travel, and living stipends to scholars who further U.S. institutions’ internationalization efforts. Consider signing up to attend a live webinar to learn more about the program.” 

Read More and Sign Up for a S-I-R Webinar


Office of Research Workshop: Using Pivot to Find Funding: January 22, 2025

Looking for external sponsored project funding?  Join Fran Cook, CRA, Trainer from the Wichita State Office of Research, who will host a virtual workshop demonstrating tips and tricks for using Pivot to search for funding opportunities.  We will also discuss how to find potential funding opportunities that might not be listed in Pivot.

Email or register directly on MyTraining.


National Academies: Advancing Data Sharing to Strengthen One Health Effectiveness: Building Trust for Effective Collaboration Webinar: January 28, 2025

“Applying a One Health approach requires collaboration at multiple levels to address complex challenges. Actors, such as government agencies, non-government and private entities, citizens, and the research community must have reason to believe that they will receive benefits and credit for data shared without threat of retaliation, exploitation, or misapplication.”

Register for NASEM Webinar


NIH Research Enhancement Award (R15): What You Need to Know and Recent Changes: January 30, 2025

“Attention principal investigators, research administrators, research development professionals, and anyone else interested in NIH Research Enhancement Award (R15) grants!  In this virtual event, participants will learn about the two NIH R15 programs: Academic ResearchEnhancement Award (AREA) for Undergraduate-Focused Institutions and Research Enhancement Award Program (REAP) for Health Professional Schools and Graduate Schools.”

Register for NIH R15 Webinar


Hanover Research Upcoming Training Webinars: January 30 and February 27, 2025

Hanover Research offers a series of webinars on a variety of topics “designed to help grant-seekers develop their skills and plan for upcoming competitions.” The webinar on January 30, 2025 is titled “Major Changes for NIH Grantseekers” and the webinar on February 27, 2025 is titled “Keys to a Competitive NSF CAREER Proposal.”

Register for Upcoming Hanover Workshops


National Academies: Higher Education’s Path to Sustainability and Resilience: A Workshop: February 5, 2025

“Join the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine for a large public workshop bringing together a diverse group of higher education stakeholders to explore potential mechanisms to advance the role of the higher education sector in enabling transformational actions to achieve national and global sustainability and resilience goals.”

Register for NASEM Workshop


National Academies: Gulf Research Program: Building Health and Resilience Research Capacity in the US Gulf Coast: Elevating Minority-Serving Institutions as Key Partners: February 20, 2025

“This second workshop will continue the discussion surrounding applied research opportunities that address extreme weather and environmental stressors on human health, inform and improve public health data systems, and enhance community resilience.  Participants will hear from community leaders and academic researchers who have engaged in and sustained partnerships to conduct community-engaged research at MSIs and HBCUs.”

Register for NASEM GRP Workshop


National Institutes of Health (NIH): Compare Research Project Grants: R01, R03, and R21

“This article compares R01 with two additional research project grant (RPG) types that have broad Parent Opportunity Announcements for investigator-initiated applications.  The comparisons can help you (the organization that receives and administers a grant award and the principal investigators responsible for directing the supported project) choose an appropriate funding opportunity and understand some of the impacts of your choice.”

Read NIH Project Type Article


REMINDER: WSU Information Security: Data Privacy & Security Training, Questions or Reporting

If your research includes patient medical data and you need to take HIPAA / Sensitive Data Handling training, if you have a question about data privacy or security, or need to report a concern, please contact the WSU Privacy or Security Office. 

Privacy: 316-978-4HIP (4447) or

Security: 316-978-4SEC (4732) or


REMINDER: Hanover Grants Learning Center Available

WSU Faculty and Staff may now access course content through the Hanover Research Grants Learning Center by registering and using a referral code.  Courses are designed for on-demand grantsmanship training.    

Email to request the referral code to register for access to the Hanover Research Grants Learning Center. 


REMINDER: Learn to Use BeoShock for your Advanced Research Computing Needs

Wichita State University continues to host Beoshock, a High-Performance Computing Cluster (HPC). This HPC is available and free to faculty members, researchers and students engaged in course work or research activities. BeoShock runs the CentOS Linux operating system and features approximately 720 processor cores, two high memory compute nodes with 1.5 terabytes of memory, and four graphics processing unit (GPU) accelerators. BeoShock also has a variety of software tools that may be helpful in your research endeavors, such as Matlab,Mathematica, R, Python and many more.  

Learn more about BeoShock High-Performance Computing and access the BeoShock High Performance Computing User Guides


ORCID ID – Persistent Digital Identifiers for Researchers

ORCID is an international, interdisciplinary, open, non-proprietary, and not-for-profit organization created by the research community for the benefit of all stakeholders, providing a persistent digital identifier (an ORCID iD) that distinguishes researchers with record that supportsautomatic links among all professional activities.  A researcher’s ORCID iD and connections are stored in the ORCID Registry, in an account owned and managed by individual researchers.  The WSU Office of Research recommends that Researchers set up their ORCID if they have not already, as some federal funders may require the use of an ORCID as part of a researcher’s biographical sketch or CV. 

View Training Videos about ORCID and setting up your ORCID iD


Department of Energy Approach to Research, Technology & Economic Security (RTES)

“In November 2024, the Deputy Secretary for Energy (S2) issued a memo outlining DOE's approach to Research, Technology, and Economic Security (RTES) risk in financial assistance and loan activities. The memo includes an overview of DOE’s goals, process, high-level risk factors, and commitment to mitigation.”  The WSU Office of Research recommends that Researchers who are interested in applying to the U.S. Department of Energy review the requirements, which include, but are not limited to, setting up an ORCID and taking Research Security Training prior to application submission.

Read More About Department of Energy RTES Approach


National Institutes of Health (NIH): Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Implementation Science for Climate Change and Health

“The purpose of this Notice is to inform potential applicants of the interest of the NIH Climate Change and Health Initiative (CCHI) in supporting implementation science related to climate change and health. The CCHI seeks to reduce the health threats posed by climate change across the lifespan, improve the health of people who are at increased risk from or disproportionately impacted by climate change, and build health resilience among individuals, organizations, communities, Tribal Nations, and nations around the world. This NOSI encourages applications that propose implementation studies to understand and address barriers and facilitators to the adoption, implementation, scale-up, and sustainment of effective interventions to prevent or mitigate the health effects of climate change in the United States and globally.”

Read NIH Notice NOT-CA-25-003


National Institutes of Health (NIH): NIH Plan to Increase Findability and Transparency of Research Results Through the Use of Metadata and Persistent Identifiers (PID): Responses due February 21, 2025

“Specifically, NIH is outlining how researchers and institutions should use metadata to consistently identify themselves and their research outputs, as well as requirements for NIH-supported (i.e., both NIH-funded and NIH-managed) repositories to collect and make relevantmetadata publicly available and searchable. These efforts are informed by NIH’s experience in managing and hosting repositories and are intended to increase the findability and usability of all NIH research.”

Access the NIH Plan and Provide Comments


National Institutes of Health (NIH): Request for Information (RFI): Inviting Feedback on the Framework for the NIH Strategic Plan for Disability Health Research: Responses due March 12, 2025

“The National Institutes of Health (NIH) is developing the NIH Strategic Plan for Disability Health Research FY26-FY30. The purpose of this Request for Information (RFI) is to solicit feedback on the draft framework for this plan.”

Read NIH RFI NOT-OD-25-038


National Institutes of Health (NIH): Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Heath and Human Development (NICHD): Notice of Intent to Publish a Funding Opportunity Announcement for Infrastructure for Population Dynamics Research Program (iPOP) (P2C Clinical Trial Not Allowed)

“NICHD intends to reissue a Notice of Funding Opportunity to solicit applications for research infrastructure support to advance the field of NICHD-relevant population dynamics research. This research infrastructure is to be used to increase research impact, innovation, and productivity; support the development of early-stage investigators; and maximize the efficiency of research support. This Notice is being provided to allow potential applicants sufficient time to develop meaningful collaborations and responsive projects.”

Read NIH Notice NOT-HD-24-044



“The PROactive Solutions for Prolonging Resilience (PROSPR) program aims to identify biochemical and physiological markers and develop assessment tools that will allow researchers to better understand and target the underlying causes of age-related disease. The Rare Disease AI/ML for Precision Integrated Diagnostics (RAPID) program aims to transform the diagnosis of rare and ultra-rare diseases by developing highly accurate AI-based detection models.” 

Read More About PROSPR, RAPID and Other ARPA-H Programs


NASA Grants and Cooperative Agreement YouTube Playlist

NASA announced the release of several videos of importance. Topics include “2024 NASA Grant and Cooperative Agreement Manual (GCAM) Revisions” and “Biographical Sketch and Current and Pending Support Disclosure requirements.” 

Watch NASA Updates


NSF Office Hours: Intro to NSF ExLENT: January 7 or February 5, 2025

The U.S. National Science Foundation Experiential Learning for Emerging and Novel Technologies (NSF ExLENT) program invites you to attend a virtual office hour session. An NSF program director will host a group discussion to answer questions about the NSF ExLENT funding opportunity and the proposal submission process. 

Register for NSF ExLENT Office Hours


AIM-AHEAD Program: Program for AI Readiness (PAIR): January 8, 2025

PAIR leadership will provide insights into submitting a successful application. Application templates and other resources will be provided. 

Register for AIM-AHEAD Program Workshop


U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS): Science & Technology (S&T):  2024 Year in Review

“Over the past year, S&T made great strides in strengthening the nation’s security through technological innovations and scientific progress. S&T’s achievements are a direct result of the commitment and creativity of our workforce and partners across industry, academia, and government. From advances in emergency management systems to new cybersecurity and drone capabilities, S&T has made exciting progress that will help DHS and first responders secure the nation. Explore our 2024 Year in Review and see which solutions will best support the nation’s homeland security needs in 2025 and beyond.”

Read DHS 2024 Year in Review


REMINDER - Wichita Public Schools (USD 259): Advance Notice Required for Letters of Support and/or Participation in Research

Wichita Public Schools (USD 259) requests a minimum of 30 business days to process letters of support or participation in research. It is WSU’s responsibility to have appropriate support from the school(s)/personnel that will be involved in the project prior to submitting a request.   Letters of Support/Grant Proposals: WSU personnel who need a letter of support or USD259 participation on a grant proposal, should complete theExternal-Request for Grant Support form and are encouraged to reach out directly to Holly Wilson at early in the process for questions/clarification. Research Requests: WSU personnel who want to conduct research in USD 259, must download and complete theResearch Request Document.  Investigators are encouraged to reach out directly to Will Graves at early in the process for questions/clarifications.

As a reminder, all proposals submitted on behalf of WSU must be reviewed by the Office of Research prior to submission. This includes proposals where WSU is a direct recipient of funds and proposals where WSU is a proposed subawardee/subcontractor. Please contact the Office of Research at to get started.


FREE WSU Office of Research Services

Email to:

  • Set up a Pivot account and receive guidance on how to search the database to find funding opportunities;
  • Subscribe to funding announcements and funding-related alerts; and
  • Attend Research Workshops that will help you with finding funding, budgeting and writing effective proposals (and much more)!

Please let us know how we can help you.