Meet Team PPMC

Please join us in welcoming Jamie Buster to Team PPMC! Jamie has joined our team as the Talent and Professional Services Manager.

1.What excites you most about joining the PPMC?
I’m excited to break out of my silo and help the public sector in a more overarching way. Now, I get to "pay it forward" and serve as a resource, tool, and mentor to public servants, helping to improve their organizations.

2. Why is public service important to you?
Helping others and improving the lives of those we serve has always been my main priority. I’ve always taken pride in being the bridge between citizens and their local government, whether it’s helping them navigate a water bill, report potholes, discuss animal control in their neighborhood with officials, or find more efficient processes for serving citizens.

3. Where is your favorite place to eat in Wichita?
It’s a toss-up between Meddy’s and Oak and Pie, or wherever my kid wants to eat.

4. What are 5 #hashtags that describe you?
#quotesmoviesfrequently, #icanthelpmyface, #dancepartiesareacceptableanytime, #willingtohelpanyoneanytime, #sophiasmom