Final Exam Schedule
Each full-semester course is assigned a slot in the final exam schedule based on the
regular meeting day/time of the course. The final
exam week includes the Saturday and Monday-Thursday after the last day of classes
(fall and spring only). Exams offered during
finals week must be held during the assigned day/time on the final exam scheduled
for the class.
Find the usual start time and meeting day(s) for your class in the unshaded area of the table below. The exam day for that course can
then be found at the top of that column, and the exam time is found in the extreme left-hand block on the same line. EXAMPLE: a
course which usually meets at 9:30 MWF will have its exam on Monday, 9:00-10:50 am.
A course which meets 8:00-9:15 TR, will
have its exam on Tuesday, 7:00-8:50 am.
Ten-week or shorter classes will have their exam during the last (or last two) regularly
scheduled class periods, at the discretion of the
instructor. Second eight-week courses may hold their exams during finals week. Online
course final exams may be administered at the
discretion of the instructor but should still take place during finals week.
All courses/finals, including online, are subject to catalog policy stating that students
take no more than two final exams in one day.
Students with conflicts due to this policy should work with the instructors involved
to resolve.
• T = Tuesday; R = Thursday
• MW or MWF is the same as M or W unless specified; TR is the same as T or R unless
• MTWF or MWRF classes follow the MWF exam schedule.
• Lecture classes that meet 5 days a week or MTWR classes not covered by a block exam
can follow the MWF or TR exam schedule,
at the discretion of the instructor.
• Friday-only classes will have finals on Thursday.
Download Spring 2025 Final Exam Schedule in pdf format
MONDAY May 12 |
TUESDAY May 13 |
7:00 - 8:50 AM | 7:30 MWF 8:00 MW or M only 8:30 MW or M only |
8:00 TR 8:30 TR |
8:00 MWF or W only 8:30 MWF or W only |
8:00 F only 8:30 F only 9:00 F only 9:30 F only |
9:00 - 10:50 AM | Sat. classes starting at 7:30 am thru 10:00 am and BLOCK EXAM for SPAN 111, 112, 210 |
9:00 MWF or MW |
9:30 TR 10:30 TR |
9:30 W only 10:30 MWF, MW or W only |
10:00 F only 10:30 F only 11:00 F only 11:30 F only |
11:00 AM - 12:50 PM | Sat. classes starting at 10:00 am thru 12:55 pm and BLOCK EXAM for IME 255 |
11:00 MW 11:30 MWF or MW |
11:00 TR | 12:00 MW 12:30 MWF, MW or M only 1:00 MW |
12:00 F only 12:30 F only 1:00 F only 1:30 F only 2:00 F only |
1:00 - 2:50 PM |
BLOCK EXAMS: ENGL 011, 013, 015, 100, 101, 102 |
12:30 TR |
12:30 W only 1:30 MWF, MW 2:00 W only |
2:30 F only 3:00 F only 3:30 F only 5:00 F only 5:30 F only 7:05 F only |
3:00 - 4:50 PM | Sat. classes starting at 1:00 pm and after |
2:00 MWF, MW or M only 2:30 MWF, MW or M only |
2:00 TR or T only 2:30 TR or T only 3:00 TR or T only |
2:30 W only 3:00 MW 3:30 MW or MWF 4:00 MW 4:05 MW 4:10 MW |
2:00 R only 2:30 R only 3:00 R only 3:30 TR 4:00 TR 4:05 TR 4:10 TR |
5:40 - 7:30 PM | M only classes starting at 4:15 pm or later and ending by 7:00 pm |
TR or T only classes starting at 4:15 pm or later and ending by 7:00 pm |
MW or W only classes starting at 4:15 pm or later and ending by 7:00 pm |
R only classes starting at 4:15 pm or later and ending by 7:00 pm |
7:40 - 9:30 PM | M only classes starting at 6:00 pm or later and ending after 7:00 pm |
TR or T only classes starting at 6:00 pm or later and ending after 7:00 pm |
MW or W only classes starting at 6:00 pm or later and ending after 7:00 pm |
R only classes starting at 6:00 pm or later and ending after 7:00 pm |