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Military and Veterans Service members wear their Suspenders4Hope T-shirts

Oct. 30, 2024 Suspenders4Hope, a program developed at Wichita State University, is highlighting different departments and individuals on campus who are advocates for mental health in hopes that their stories will inspire others to continue supporting one another in the community. Military and Veterans Services is being recognized for its work in supporting our campus’ military service members and veterans, ensuring they have the resources they need to succeed.

The Office of Financial Aid pose in their Suspenders4Hope T-shirts

June 6, 2024 Suspenders4Hope is highlighting different departments and individuals on campus who are advocates for mental health and hopes their stories will inspire others to continue supporting one another in the community. The Office of Financial Aid is being recognized for its efforts in alleviating financial stressors for students and being advocates for mental health awareness

Employees from the School of Social Work

April 05, 2024 — Suspenders4Hope is highlighting different departments and individuals on campus who are advocates for mental health and hopes their stories will inspire others to continue supporting one another in the community. The School of Social Work is being recognized for its support of the mental health of students, faculty, staff and health care professionals.