Bachelor of Science in Biology with Ecological, Environmental, and Organismal Emphasis
This degree program is designed for students interested in careers in laboratory or field sciences in ecology, environmental science, or organismal biology.
Graduation requirements
- At least 120 Total Credit Hours
- Minimum of 35 hours of approved Biology major couses
- Must include General Biology I and II (BIOL 210 and 211)
- Must include General Ecology (BIOL 418), Genetics (BIOL 418), Molecular Cell Biology
(BIOL 420), and for students admitted Fall 2024 or later Evolution (BIOL 417)
- Must include either Biology Colloquium (BIOL 497; 1-2 hours) or Undergraduate Research (BIOL 499; 1-2 hours)
- Students admitted before Fall 2024 must include one additional course from selected
list (BIOL 330 Microbiology; BIOL 502 Vacular Plants; BIOL 503 Field Botany; BIOL
524 Vertebrate Zoology; BIOL 528 Parasitology)
- Students admitted Fall 2024 or later must inlcude 25-26 hours from the approved ecological/environmental/orgranismal courses listed below
- Must include two semesters of General Chemistry (CHEM 211 and 212)
- Must include one semester of Organic Chemistry (CHEM 531)
- Must meet Applied Learning requirement (BIOL 418, 499 or 669)
- Must complete the Field Achievement Test in Biology
- Requirement of 2.0 GPA overall, at WSU, and in the major.
- Must complete all courses required by Liberal Arts and Sciences General Education
List of approved ecological/environmental/organismal electives:
BIOL 330 |
General Microbiology |
BIOL 330L |
General Microbiology Lab |
BIOL 481 |
Cooperative Education |
BIOL 499 |
Undergraduate Research |
BIOL 502 |
Vascular Plants |
BIOL 503 |
Field Botany |
BIOL 510 |
Ecosystem Management and Restoration |
BIOL 524 |
Vertebrate Zoology |
BIOL 524L |
Vertebrate Zoology Lab |
BIOL 527 |
Comparative Anatomy |
BIOL 527L |
Comp Anat Lab |
BIOL 528 |
Parasitology |
BIOL 530 |
Applied and Environmental Microbiology |
BIOL 532 |
Entomology |
BIOL 540 |
Developmental Biology |
BIOL 540L |
Developmental Biology Lab |
BIOL 542 |
Molecular Genetics |
BIOL 560 |
Plant Ecology |
BIOL 570 |
Conservation Biology |
BIOL 590 |
Immunobiology |
BIOL 610 |
Topics in Botany |
BIOL 626 |
Reproductive Biology |
BIOL 640 |
Topics in Zoology |
BIOL 640CA |
Herpetology |
BIOL 640CL |
Herpetology Lab |
BIOL 640CB |
Field Vertebrate Zoology |
BIOL 640CC |
Desert Field Ecology |
BIOL 645 |
Discoveries in Developmental Biology |
BIOL 660K |
Astrobiology |
BIOL 661 |
Pathogenic Microbiology |
BIOL 710 |
Glycobiology |
BIOL 725 |
Biodiversity Analyses |
BIOL 738 |
Plant and Animal Interactions |
BIOL 740D |
Computing for Biologists |
BIOL 740I |
Experimental Design |
BIOL 760 |
Experimental Molecular Biology Lab |
BIOL 767 |
Mechanisms of Hormone Action |
BIOL 773 |
Statistical Applications in Biology |