English 011. Syntax, Logic, and Organization (3)
Reviews the basic elements of written English. Students write paragraphs and short
essays. Combines lecture, small group discussion, and individual tutoring. For students
whose ACT-English scores or placement test scores do not qualify them for English
101. Offered Cr/NCr only. Credit not applied for graduation. This is a remedial course
designed to help students who may have been out of school for years or struggled in
their writing classes get up to speed writing at the college level.
English 013. Basic English for ESL I (3)
Teaches the fundamental elements of written and spoken English, emphasizing the acquisition
of basic grammatical and syntactical structures and the writing of paragraphs and
short essays. This remedial course is designed to help students whose first language
is not English and who are struggling with the basics of writing English
English 015. Basic Skills for ESL II (3)
Extends the skills developed in English 013. Students continue to practice using basic
grammatical and syntactical structures, work on reading comprehension skills, and
continue to master essay structure. Offered Cr/NCr only. Prerequisite. ENGL 013 or
satisfactory score on placement test. Credit not applied for graduation.
A required composition course for non-native speaking students scoring below a certain level as determined by a departmental placement examination or ACT scores. Emphasizes reading and writing skills appropriate to academic discourse. Integrates the writing process, rhetorical modes, and library skills into the writing assignments related primarily to nonfiction readings. Prerequisites: Qualifying score on ACT or placement exam, or successful completion of ENGL 013 or ENGL 015. Substitutes as ENGL 101 for non native-speaking students and covers all the same major assignments as ENGL 101 but with special emphasis on struggles typical of non-native speaking students.
English 101. College English I (3)
General education basic skills course. Focuses on developing reading and writing skills appropriate to academic discourse.
Integrates the writing process, rhetorical modes, and library skills into writing
assignments related primarily to nonfiction readings. Prerequisite: qualifying score
on ACT or placement exam, or successful completion of English 011. This class focuses
on helping students understand and master several common modes of college level writing.
English 102. College English II (3)
General education basic skills course. Emphasizes critical reading, research, and argumentation. ENGL 102 should be taken
after ENGL 101 in the freshman year. Prerequisite: ENGL 101, with a C or better. This
course is a continuation of the skills addressed in English 101, but with special
focus on crafting ethical, researched argumentative essays.
The English Department also currently offers sections of English 101 and 102 in online formats and with Science Writing emphases. Students interested in taking either the online format or the Science Writing emphasis should discuss these options with their academic advisors as space is limited.
English 210. Composition: Business, Professional, and Technical Writing (3)
Provides instruction and practice in writing the kinds of letters, memos, instructions,
and reports required in the professional world of business and industry. Emphasizes
both formats and techniques necessary for effective and persuasive professional communication.
Prerequisites: ENGL 101 and 102 or instructor’s consent. This course will prepare
students for a variety of common writing situations in the professional workplace
with additional emphasis on developing and editing proposals and grants.
English 385. Advanced Composition (3)
General education further study course. Advanced introduction to prose composition designed to give students practice in
writing within popular, professional, Web-based and academic environments. Examines
the writing process focusing on organization, development, style, purpose, written
communication strategies, Web-specific demands, and audience. Readings and discussions
of prose from a range of popular, professional, online, and academic publications
help students theorize about their own choices as writers. Wring assignment allow
students to exercise these options in order to effectively communicate with a variety
of audiences and in a variety of media. Replaces ENGL 685 effective fall 2011. Prerequisite:
ENGL 102, and ENGL 230 and 232.
English 481. Cooperative Education
Provides the student with practical experience, under academic supervision, that complements
and enhances the student's academic program. Individual programs must be formulated
in consultation with appropriate faculty sponsors and approved by departmental consent.
English 560. Grammar and Style In Composition (3)
Explores writing at the sentence and paragraph levels. Students learn to craft stylish,
surprising and impactful sentences and paragraphs suited to various kinds of writing.
Examines the social, cultural and political dimensions of English usage, such as correctness,
the teaching of grammar, and new writing technologies. Because of its combined emphases
on practice and theory, this course should appeal both to students who wish to enhance
their writing skills and to those interested in teaching English. Prerequisite(s):
ENGL 101 and 102 for undergraduate students.
English 580AD. Writing and Invention (3)
Considers invention as a canon of rhetoric, a stage in the writing process, and a
product of thinking, writing or making. Surveys theories of invention as they are
expressed in rhetorical theory, composition pedagogy, historical works, creative writing
and literature. With readings and accompanying writing assignments, students pursue
questions such as: Does invention entail discovering something that already exists
or creating something new? Can an invention be “new” if it is composed of preexisting
materials? Can invention be taught or prompted, and if so, which approaches are effective?
Writing assignments include a mix of critical, creative, researched, and pedagogical
pieces. Course welcomes students with interests in composition, pedagogy, literature
and/or creative writing.
English 680. Theory and Practice in Composition (3)
Introduces theories and rhetoric, research in composition and writing programs, and
practices in schools and colleges. Students investigate the process of writing analyze
varieties and samples of school writing, and develop their own writing skills by writing,
revising and evaluation their own and others’ work. Designed especially for prospective
and practicing teachers, and may not be taken credit by students with credit in ENGL
This course is designed for current and future secondary school teachers. The class emphasizes important theoretical approaches to teaching composition and discusses the practical application and challenges of these theories in the contemporary classroom.
English 780. Advanced Theory and Practice in Composition (3)
For teaching assistants in English. Review of new theories of rhetoric, recent research
in composition, and new promising developments in composition programs in schools
and colleges. Students are given practice in advanced writing problems, situations,
and techniques and may propose projects for further special study.
This course is typically geared toward incoming graduate teaching assistants. The class must be taken in the first semester offered after entering the program to hold a teaching assistantship.
English 781. Cooperative Education (3)
Similar to ENGL 481 in design and content, this course provides the student with practical
experience, under academic supervision, that complements and enhances the student's
academic program. Individual programs must be formulated in consultation with appropriate
faculty sponsors and approved by departmental consent. Prerequisite(s): ENGL 700 and
at least 12 total credit hours in graduate English courses.
English 785. Current Theories in the Teaching of Writing (3)
Examines current areas of interest in rhetoric and composition. Specific topics vary
from semester to semester but may include digital and multimedia composition; online
writing instruction; language diversity; writing program administration; place, space
and embodiment; transfer; and assessment. Students explore the teaching of writing
in settings other than first-year composition, such as writing across the curriculum
and writing in the disciplines, undergraduate writing majors, and business, technical
and professional writing. Students leave this course with a fuller understanding of
current research in rhetoric and composition and the many types of writing instruction
available at colleges and universities.
English 787. Writing and Invention (3)
Examines invention as a canon of rhetoric, a stage in the writing process, and a product
of thinking, writing or making. Students survey theories of invention as they are
expressed in rhetorical theory, composition pedagogy, historical works, and/or literature.
Students consider the relationships among invention, originality and creativity, and
the ways in which these concepts impact the teaching of English.