Awards and Recognition

Student Awards

Faculty Awards

Student Awards


Randall Chambers Awards

208 Chamber Awards finalistsCongratulations to Alexis Raushel for winning the 2018 Randall Chambers Award! She was the recipient of a $1000 award for her research titled "Wallet or gun? Anticipating the outcome of a use-of-force scenario." Along with Alexis, Daniel Smith was also a finalist this year.


WSU Foundation Awards

WSU Graduate School award recipiantsCongratulations to Alissa Bey, Julia Siwierka, Debbie Ojeda-Leitner, Anna Turosak, and Karen Akao for receiving research funding awards from the WSU Graduate School. In order to try for and award, students must be nominated by a graduate faculty member. Students have the chance to be awarded up to $1,000 for each award.



Randall Chambers Awards

Photo of Dominic CanareCongratulations to Dominic Canare for winning the 2017 Randall Chambers Award! He was the recipient of a $1000 award for his research titled "Using Gesture, Gaze, and Combined Input Schemes for New Interfaces". Along with Dominic, Adam Armijo was also a finalist this year.


Wichita Medical Research & Education Foundation

WMREF LogoCongratulations to Paigton Mayes, was awarded a $3,000 grant from the Wichita Medical Research & Education Foundation (WMREF) to carry out a study entitled: Exploring the Possible Selves of Individuals with Sickle Cell Disease. The purpose of the grant is to gain a better understanding of the social and psychological consequences of living with sickle cell disease.


WSU Ventures

Congratulations to Brad Weber for receiving a Bright Futures award from WSU Ventures. This award is one of several WSU Ventures awards given to individuals, organizations and programs that have adopted and advanced the innovation university concept.


Randall Chambers Awards

2016 Chambers Award FinalistsCongratulations to Erin Gannon for winning the 2016 Randall Chambers Award! She was the recipient of a $1000 award for her research titled "Alternative Text Presentations for Reading with Age-Related Macular Degeneration". Erin was one of four finalists, including Adam Armijo, Neethan Siva, and Tiffany Leverenz (not pictured).

Dr. Randall M. Chambers is one of the space research pioneers, having designed and implemented many of the earliest astronaut training and research programs. Dr. Chambers is a Fellow in many Scientific organizations, is the author of more than 200 scientific publications and research reports, is the recipient of numerous awards for his work, presented research reports to numerous scientific meetings, and given programs talks about space to community groups and school classes of all ages. After 29 years in government research, he began a second career in 1988 as a Distinguished Professor of Engineering at Wichita State University in Kansas. You can read more about Dr. Chambers on his bio page.


WSU Ventures

Photo of award recipientsCongratulations to Dominic Canare (right) for receiving a Bright Futures award from WSU Ventures. This award is one of several WSU Ventures awards given to individuals, organizations and programs that have adopted and advanced the innovation university concept.



Randall Chambers Awards

Photo of award recipients

Congratulations to Samantha Jansen for winning the 2015 Randall Chambers Award! She was the recipient of a $1000 award for his research titled "Visual, auditory, & cognitive predictors of speech recognition in noise for non-geriatric adults". Samantha was one of four finalists, including Christal Haskins, Tiffany Leverenz, and Will Shelstad.





Randall Chambers Award

Photo of award recipients

Congratulations to JP Plummer for winning the 2014 Randall Chambers Award! He was the recipient of a $1000 award for his research titled "The Cost of Dividing Attention Between Age Groups". JP was one of three finalists, including Brad Weber and William Choi.



Randall Chambers Award

Photo of award recipientsCongratulations to Dustin Smith for winning the 2013 Randall Chambers Award! He was the recipient of a $1000 award for his research titled "Learning a Dynamic Melody Through an Augmented Reality Guitar". Dustin was one of five finalists, including Sarah Fouquet, Brady Patzer, Christina Siu, and Neethan Siva.



Psychology Students Present at Capitol Graduate Research Summit and Wins Award

Jo Jardina, David Libby, and Dustin Smith were three of the nine selected students to present at this year's 10th Annual Capitol Graduate Research Summit (CGRS). The Capitol Research Summit in Topeka is an annual event organized through collaborative efforts between three state universities – The University of Kansas, Wichita State University, Kansas State University, and the University of Kansas Medical Center. The main purpose of the summit is to provide an opportunity for selected graduate students to expose the State government and education officials, as well as the general public, to the quality of graduate research performed in the State of Kansas.

Jo presented her research "Are E-Textbooks the Educational Tools of the Future?", David presented his study "Distracted While Driving: A Comparison of the Effects of Texting and Talking on a Cell Phone", and Dustin presented his work on "Combat Identification Training Using an Augmented Reality Learning System".

Two students from each university are chosen as winners for either the Non-Biological Award or the Biological Award. Jo won the Non-Biological Award for her research on e-Textbooks. Congratulations!

For more information on the summit, please visit Kansas Research, read the article from The Sunflower, or watch the video from

Samantha Jansen Receives Two Fellowships

Samantha Jansen was the recipient of two fellowships, the Dr. Jackson O. & Jane Powell Memorial Fellowship and the Dr. Laiten L. & Verna Nye Camien Memorial Fellowship. The Jackson Fellowship is awarded to a graduate student enrolled in the psychology department. The Camien Fellowship assists graduate students studying in the areas of social science, education, or foreign language. Congratulations Samantha and keep up the good work!


Randall Chambers Award

JPEGImageCongratulations to David Libby for winning the 2012 Randall Chambers Award! He was the recipient of a $1000 award for his research titled "Evaluation of Driver Distraction: Text messaging versus talking on a cell phone". David was one of four finalists, including Jo Jardina, Andrew Miranda, and Joel Persinger.



Graduate Research and Scholarly Projects (GRASP)

Congratulations to David Libby and Jo Jardina for placing in the 8th annual GRASP symposium. David won 1st Place in the Oral division for his presentation titled "Evaluation of Driver Distraction: Text Messaging versus Talking on a Cell Phone". Jo won 5th Place in the Poster division for her poster titled "Which e-Reader is e-Sier to Use: iPad, Kindle, or Nook?".

Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC)


Neethan Siva has received an NSERC graduate fellowship in the amount of $17,300 for 2012-13. Neethan's proposal argued that Wichita State University was the place in the USA and Canada to study Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) user interfaces.

The Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada Postgraduate Scholarships (NSERC PGS) Program provides financial support to high-calibre students who are engaged in master's or doctoral programs in the natural sciences or engineering.



Randall Chambers Award

Congratulations to Bobby Nguyen for winning the 2011 Randall Chambers Award! He was the recipient of a $1000 award for his research titled "The Effects of Spatio-Temporal Integration & Optic Flow Quality on Driving Performance". Bobby was one of four finalists, including Chris Brown, Sarah Fouquet, and Andrew Miranda.


HFES Chapter Named YMCA Volunteer of the Year

The Wichita State University Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (HFES) Student Chapter was named Child Care and Camp Volunteer of the Year at the YMCA Annual Celebration 2011. Leading the HFES Chapter, Samantha Jansen was one of 12 honorees that were selected from the more than 5,000 YMCA volunteers in 2011.

Faculty Awards


WSU Ventures

Congratulations to Dr. Joel Suss for receiving the Creative Works Award from WSU Ventures. This award is one of several WSU Ventures awards given to individuals, organizations and programs that have adopted and advanced the innovation university concept.


WSU Ventures

Congratulations to Dr. Barbara Chaparro (middle) for receiving the Ambassador Award and to Dr. Jibo He (left) for receiving the Newsmaker Award from WSU Ventures. These awards are two of several WSU Ventures awards given to individuals, organizations and programs that have adopted and advanced the innovation university concept.




Dr. Rhonda Lewis receives 2013 TRIO Award and 2012 African American Faculty and Staff Association Award

Congratulations to Dr. Rhonda Lewis for receiving the the National TRIO Day 2013 Buildings Bridges Award and the 2012 Wichita State University Outstanding African American Faculty and Staff Association Award!

The Building Bridges Award recognizes those individuals that support the TRIO, ODS (Office of Disability Services), and GEAR UP programs. TRIO's primary function is to provide aid and encouragement to students completing high school and then entering and remaining in college.

The African American Faculty and Staff Association's mission is to maintain an ongoing support group for all African-American employees and students at Wichita State University.


Dr. Barbara Chaparro wins President's Distinguished Service Award for 2012

Congratulations to Dr. Barbara Chaparro for receiving the President's Distinguished Service Award for 2012! The Shocker Pride Celebration recognizes outstanding employees with the President’s Distinguished Service Award and the Unclassified Professional Senate Wayne Carlisle Distinguished Service Award.

Dr. Barbara Chaparro receives 2012 Faculty Phenomenal Women Award

Congratulations Dr. Barbara Chapparo! This award recognizes women for their accomplishments and contributions to the WSU community and society. To be considered for the award the nominee must be:

  • A woman who has distinguished herself in academic work, career, leadership, public service, or any combination thereof.
  • A woman who has contributed to the personal growth and success of others, especially women, through education, research, or public or volunteer service above and beyond her expected job responsibilities.
  • A woman whose achievements create positive social change, increase equality for all, and build community through service.

The Psychology Department Hits the Media!

Dr. Alex Chaparro and his Psychophysics Lab has been featured in the media for their research on texting and driving. One video comes from Inside Science, an institution that editorially independent research news and information on science, engineering, mathematics, and related fields for general audiences through television, print and the Web.

The other video spot is from the local TV channel KPTS's Impact Program. Impact examines the issues and topics that impact our community and the lives of your family. The show provides insight into some of the most interesting people and events in our area in a format that allows flexibility to deliver the community news and information that viewers want and need.

Inside Science: Texting While Driving: Creating The Perfect Storm of Distraction

KPTS Impact: March 29th, 2012

Dr. Alex Chaparro Named in Top 150 Scientists List

Congratulations to Dr. Alex Chaparro! He was one of seven Wichita State University faculty members to be recognized as some of the state's top 150 scientists by Ad Astra Kansas, an information resource focusing on high-tech and space research in Kansas.