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Dankook University (DKU)  – South Korea

Quick Facts
  • City: Jukjeon, Yongin, South Korea
  • Instruction Language: English or Korean language courses
  • Minimum GPA: 2.5
  • Program terms available: Summer, Fall Semester, Spring Semester or Full Academic Year
  • Dankook website 
  • Subject areas: Business, International Studies and Computer Science
  • Korean language courses available at all levels
  • Summer programs subject areas: multiple subject areas taught in English, Korean language option

Jukjeon, Yongin, South Korea

Jukjeon is located in the city of Yongin, South Korea and is 30 minutes south of Seoul, the capital of South Korea. It’s a city perfect for a university campus. Located near shopping centers and movie theatres, there’s always plenty to do. Jukjeon also boasts traditional fortresses, palaces, and folk villages to get a taste of the traditional and historical Korean architecture. Hop on a train at Jukjeon Station to get to the major city of Seoul, or a bus to view the amazing and peaceful Seorkasan National Park that contains hiking trails, clear mountain streams and mountainous views. Jukjeon is conveniently located making it easy to travel around South Korea.



Dankook University (DKU) Jukjeon campus has approximately 14,000 students. DKU offers 4 levels of Korean Language courses for exchange students and courses taught in English. There is no prior Korean language knowledge required. Courses taught in English at DKU include areas of study for business, music, international studies, computer science and law. You can also take the opportunity to teach English to DKU students during the semester along with taking academic courses. Students will enroll in the equivalent of 12 U.S. credit hours of courses per semester.

DKU also offers a 3, 4, and 7 week summer program; Global Village Program, Academic Program and Korean Immersion Program.

Subject Areas

  • Business, International Studies, Computer Science, Korean language
  • Summer programs subject areas: Multiple subject areas in English, Korean language option

Semester Dates

  • Fall: Beginning of September until end of December
  • Spring: Beginning of March until end of June
  • Summer: 3, 4 or 7 weeks, dates depend on summer program chosen

Class List

To view courses that have been evaluated for DKU, please review the Dankook class list. 

Course Approval Form

All students will be required to complete a Course Approval Form prior to leaving for their study abroad program so that you have met with your Academic Advisor and are aware of what courses you will take during your program.


Housing Options:

  • On-campus double occupancy with shared bathroom student dorms in Woongbi Hall (single rooms not available)
Dankook Housing Info
Program Costs

The budget sheet is an estimate for costs associated with this program for a full semester. For summer program costs, please view the separate section for Summer Program.

Estimated costs 2024-2025 for Dankook University 

You can also explore scholarship and financial aid options

How to Apply

Application deadlines

  • Academic Year and Fall: February 15th
  • Spring: September 15th
  • Summer: February 1st

Contact us with any questions at studyabroad@wichita.edu

How to Apply

Summer Program
  • Program options from 3, 4 or 7 weeks in length:
    • Global Village Program: An internship opportunity where you teach English to Dankook University students for 3 weeks (June) and then, continue on to the 4 week (July-August) Academic Program (required)
    • Academic Program: 4 weeks long (July-August) taking up to two academic courses taught in English, or Korean language option
    • Korean Immersion Program: 3 weeks long (August) taking one Korean language course
  • Multiple subject areas taught in English or Korean language option
  • Earn between 3 to 6 U.S. credits
  • Cost varies depending on which program you choose but starts at $1,000
  • Housing: On-campus double occupancy dorm with shared bathroom in Woongbi Hall
  • Scholarship from Dankook University available, along with no housing costs, for those participating in the Global Village Program

Dankook University Summer Program