Program Review Annual Timeline

  • Each academic program is reviewed on a 4‐year cycle and the entire process takes approximately one year to complete. Involved in the review are the department (faculty and chair), the college deans, dean of the Graduate School (for graduate programs), the University Program Review Committee, and the Senior Associate Vice President for Institutional Effectiveness
    and Strategic Enrollment Management and the Provost.
  • The annual program review is a thoughtful assessment focused on continuous improvement. The process is expected to strengthen the academic programs as well as identify program needs and campus priorities.  Each self-study is in alignment with HLC criterion and informs the annual academic program portfolios presented to the Kansas Board of Regents (KBOR). 
  • The steps and amount of time allocated to each are described below. On an 8-year cycle, the Executive Vice President & Provost reports each degree program to the Kansas Board of Regents using criteria established by the Board.

Annual Timeline for Program Review

KBOR Program Review Reports

The program review process is an organized year-long preparation and review of a self-study that is intended to create a thoughtful assessment of the quality of academic programs and to establish goals for improvements. The Program Review Executive Summary can be accessed using the button below.