PokéFest Day 1 - Pokémon GO Meetup
Wednesday, March 22, 2023
Cost: Free to WSU Students
Event Contact
Student Activities CouncilEmail: sac@wichita.eduPhone: 316-978-3022
Website: Learn more about PokéFest Day 1 - Pokémon GO Meetup
PokéFest Day 1 will allow Pokémon GO fans to meet up at the RSC to mingle and get to know each other. Players can chat and play trivia games before setting off to collect badges from stations scattered across campus. Stations will be located at known gyms at Wichita State in the Pokémon GO app, with each station being correlated to a specific Pokémon that players will discover upon arrival.
PokéFest is a two-day celebration for gamers and both casual and competitive Pokémon fans. Day 2 includes a tournament at the Heskett Esports room, and a variety of Pokémon-themed activities at 6 p.m. in the Heskett Center on Thursday, March 23. The current lineup of games and activities for Day 2 includes, Pokémon Showdown, Pokémon UNITE, Trading Card coloring, Plant making, and an area for people to trade their cards or Pokémon utilizing the GO or HOME app. A tournament will be held using the Pokémon Showdown website using official VGC rules and formatting. This tournament will be single-elimination. Pokémon themed snacks and food will be provided. Prizes will be awarded to the winner and runner-up of the Showdown Tournament.
PokéFest is coordinated by the Student Activities Council, visit wichita.edu/pokefest for detailed schedules and registration. For more more SAC events and connections tap into linktr.ee/wichitastatesac.