Dr. Cluff's research team is collaborating with NASA scientist to develop innovative biomedical sensors to monitor mission critical crew health parameters. Our research team visited NASA Langley Research Center in Hampton VA. and Johnson Space Center in Houston TX. to deliver a guest presentation about our research, presented preliminary data to NASA personnel, toured NASA labs, and had research discussions for future collaborations.
January 2015: The Emerging Technologies class from Maize South High School visits the BIoME lab to learn about the cutting edge biomedical NASA research happening at Wichita State University.
January 2016: Congratulations to Lindsey Carson for being accepted into Physicians Assistant (PA) School.
January 2016: Congratulations to Ryan Becker for receiving the NIH-KINBRE award to perform research in the BIoME Lab.
November 9, 2015: BME faculty Dr. Kim Cluff, along with BME undergraduate students Alex Deghand, Jerad Rogers, Jennifer Mattar, and RJ Clark, visited the Biomedical Engineering Project Lead The Way class at Wichita North High School. As part of Dr. Cluff's NASA grant, Dr. Cluff and several BME students will partner with high school juniors to provide outreach opportunities and introduce them to the discipline of Biomedical Engineering.
Congratulations to Jerad Rogers for receiving the College of Engineering Summer research award to perform research in the BIoME Lab (June 2015)
Congratulations to Jessica Aldrich for receiving the College of Engineering Summer research award to perform research in the BIoME Lab (June 2015)
April 2015: Congratulations to Lindsey Carson for receiving 1st place research poster award
April 2015: Congratulations to Kait for receiving 2nd place research poster award at the undergraduate research creativity forum
Congratulations to Katlyn Howard for receiving the College of Engineering Summer research award to perform research in the BIoME Lab (June 2014)
Congratulations to Lindsey Carson for receiving the College of Engineering Summer research award to perform research in the BIoME Lab (June 2014)
January 2014: Congratulations to Hootan Mehraein for receiving the NIH-KINBRE award to perform research in the BIoME Lab.