Remote Training: Teams
Before Your Session
Before your session, your trainer will send you an Outlook meeting invitation. In this invitation are some valuable resources:
- A link to the Teams Meeting for your training (see below for more information)
- A link to pertinent Guides
- Optional: an attachment with Exercises.
Teams Desktop Application
It is recommended, but not required, that you download the desktop application of Teams before your session. You may already have Teams on your computer, but if you don't, take a look at this quick guide to Get Started with Teams.
You may have exercises for your session. If there is an attachment with exercises, download this document to your desktop so you can easily access it once the training begins.
Connecting to Your Session
When it is time to start your training, here is how you can connect.
1. In the Outlook invitation for your meeting, click on the link Join Microsoft Teams Meeting.
2. If you have already downloaded the Teams App, select Launch Now. If you do not yet have the Teams app, select Join on the web instead. (Note: for "join on the web" option, the Chrome browser will work best.)
3. If you join on the web, be sure to Allow Teams to use your mic and camera when prompted.
5. If you selected browser, you may also be prompted to enter your name. Enter your name and press Join Now.
It is possible that you arrive before your trainer. If so, you will be in the Lobby and receive the message that "someone in the meeting should let you in soon." Hang tight, and you will be added to the session when your trainer arrives.
Participating with Teams
Once your Teams training has begun, you will see options at the upper right.
1. Recording: if your training is being recorded, you may see a timer appear here, or a banner at the top of the screen.
2. Mute/UnMute: Your mic may be muted by default, but you can unmute it by clilcking on the microphone.
3. Screen Share: this button will allow you to share your screen with the group.
4. More Options: feel free to explore other cool options in the ellipses, like the ability to blur your background.
5. Chat: Have a question? Consider adding it to the chat screen. Your trainer and others will be able to see your questions.
6. Hang Up: when your training is finished, click on the red telephone to leave the session.