Substance abuse, including the use of illegal drugs or controlled drugs that are not prescribed to the person using them, can lead to long-term and potentially permanent repercussions and damage.

Side effects of drug abuse can include

  • Illness and/or infections due to drug use weakening the immune system
  • Appetite loss or weight loss
  • Nausea and/or abdominal pain
  • Damage to organs (heart conditions, liver damage or liver failure, lung disease, brain damage)
  • Seizures, strokes, mental confusion
  • Cognitive impairment - trouble with retaining memory, attention, and difculties with decision making
  • Changed behavior such as the development of paranoia, aggression, hallucinations, loss of self control, impulsiveness, impaired judgment, and addiction
  • Pregnant women who use drugs may cause harm to fetuses, potentially leading to premature birth, low birth weight, birth defects, and behavioral issues in the child


Marijuana can impair driving 8-10 hours after using marijuana. Marijuana signifcantly impairs judgment, motor coordination, and reaction times. As a result, marijuana use can signifcantly impair driving.

Side effects of marijuana consumption/use can include but are not limited to:

  • sleepiness/brain fogginess
  • impaired memory and impaired inhibitions
  • increased heart rate
  • dry mouth
  • paranoia and hallucinations
  • impaired concentration and impaired coordination

If you or someone you know is may be suffering from alcoholism, reach out or refer your friend to Counseling and Psychological Services. You can call our office at 316-978-4792. We offer free consultation to individuals in need and assist in providing resources that are available and may provide assistance.

For additional information about alcohol and general substance abuse, visit our Substance Abuse Counseling and Help page.