Our mission is to advance gender equity in leadership. To do so, we provide advocacy, education, resources, and research that enable engagement in powerful conversations and build critical skills that can support women, advancing equity and inclusion.

Wednesdays are for women
Next Event

Fall Welcome Back Reception



Aug. 21st from 4 to 6 PM, Wichita State Connect 




Mentoring Circles
Next Event

Mentoring Circles talk



Aug. 28th from 11:30 AM to 1 PM, RSC Ballroom
Lunch Provided

Presented by Carolyn Shaw and Moriah Beck

Creating a Mentoring Map

We all have stereotypes about what a mentor is and what we might long for in a mentoring relationship.  We tend to think of mentors in a formal way, perhaps as long-term relationships.  It’s important to recognize, however, that we likely have less formal mentors in our daily lives already.  This is not necessarily someone who is senior to you or who guides you over the long term. This activity will help people think more deliberately about who these people are and where we might have room for additional mentoring relationships.



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WLI Book Club

Women's Leadership Initiative Book Club

Join us for a Women’s Leadership Initiative Book Club! Stay tuned for our next Book!