June 13, 2023 - Dr. Kevin Harrison and long-time friends Ricardo Harris and Kenneth Hawkins created an 80-minute documentary film “The Silent Cries of Unheard Ghetto Children." The film explores the aftermath of the 1965 plane crash near 20th and Piatt streets.
March 3, 2023 — Wichita State University has selected the 2023 recipient of the Linwood Sexton Scholarship: Grecia Esparza from Wichita East High School. Esparza will receive a full-ride scholarship to attend Wichita this fall.
Feb. 7, 2023 — In the nation’s ongoing efforts to thwart cyberattacks and scammers, the National Science Foundation has awarded Wichita State University more than $2.4 million to educate and prepare the next generation of cybersecurity professionals.
Feb. 7, 2023 - A consortium of four local institutions (Wichita State, WSU Tech, Newman University and Friends University) is bringing Dr. Gina Ann Garcia to Wichita for the talk “Becoming Hispanic-Serving Institutions,” at 1:15 p.m. Feb. 9, in Newman's DeMattias Performance Hall.
Jan. 20, 2023 - In December, the National Science Foundation Convergence Accelerator Track awarded a Wichita State-led team a $750,000 grant to gather information and create digital maps of indoor spaces that could be used by persons with disabilities.
Dec. 5, 2022 — Wichita State University earned status as an Emerging Hispanic Serving Institution when fall enrollment numbers show that 16% of students identify as Hispanic. That is an important milestone on the way to the university’s goal of reaching the 25% necessary to earn designation as an HSI by the end of this decade.