Voncella McCleary-Jones, PhD, RN-BC, CNE, ANEF, FAAN
Experienced higher education administrator, academician, researcher, and registered nurse.
- 30 years of higher education experience (faculty and administration)
- 40 years experience as a registered nurse
- Fellow, Academy of Nursing Education (ANEF)
- Fellow, American Academy of Nursing (FAAN)
- Harvard Macy Scholar
PhD - Adult & Higher Education Administration - University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK
M.S. - Nursing Education - University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, OKC, OK
BSN - Bachelor of Science in Nursing - North Carolina Central University, Durham, NC
AAS - Associate Applied Science, Nursing - Fayetteville Tech Community College, Fayetteville, NC
∗ University of Hawaii, Manoa Campus - Honolulu, HI - - Graduate studies
∗ Scholar, Program for Educators in the Health Professions -- Harvard Macy Institute. Harvard University Medical School, Boston, MA
Health literacy — African American health — Nursing education
Completed Research
Grant #- - K. Dwyer (PI), V. McCleary-Jones(Co-Investigator), 2017-2018
Title: Addressing the needs of uninsured adults in Oklahoma City: A pilot study of an e-Health Promotion Program
Description: Study an enhanced, web-based health risk assessment (HRA) that was implemented successfully in primary care and in faith-based community settings, coupled with personalized, goal-directed health planning and facilitated by health coaching.Partnering with the Health Alliance for the Uninsured [HAU], one free/charitable clinic was selected for this pilot study.Working in collaboration with the free/charitable clinic staff and HAU leadership, we will conduct an eHealth implementation pilot study.Findings from this innovative eHealth technology pilot study will allow us to design a larger and more definitive implementation trial across all free/charitable clinics that are part of HAU. The interprofessional team includes Dr. Kathleen Dwyer (PI), Co-Investigators Dr. Lise DeShea, Dr. Voncella McCleary-Jones & Dr. Patsy Smith (College of Nursing), and Dr. Zsolt Nagykaldi & Dr. Elizabeth Wickersham (College of Medicine).
Grant #1R21HS024064-01, K. Dwyer (PI), V. McCleary-Jones(Co-Investigator), 2015-2017
Title: A Community e-Health Promotion Program Addressing Oklahoma’s Urban Disparities
Description: This study is aimed at improving health self-management quality through enhanced online health risk assessment technology. The interprofessional team includes Dr. Kathleen Dwyer, Dr. Voncella McCleary-Jones & Dr. Patsy Smith (College of Nursing), and Dr. Zsolt Nagykaldi & Dr. Elizabeth Wickersham (College of Medicine) to conduct pilot research in conjunction with faith-based community groups to explore health literacy and locus of control, and evaluate impact of health risk appraisals using electronically accessed medical record.Graduate students are included in health education aspects of the project. The community based participatory research model pilot will explore health literacy and locus of control, evaluating the impact of health risk appraisals and targeted health coaching on participant lifestyle changes and overall health.
Agency for Healthcare Research & Quality. PA-14-001. Exploratory and Developmental Grant to Improve Health Care Quality through Health Information Technology (IT) (R21).$300,000.
Role: Co-Investigator. Co-planner of 3 community Health Festivals; volunteer for 2.Consented and enrolled participants at churches and health festivals (N=143).(3% effort)
Grant #IRB# 16045, McCleary-Jones (PI), 2011-2012
Title:Health Literacy and the Use of Health Information Technology among African American Church Goers
Description:This study examined health literacy levels and the use of health information technology (IT) by African American church goers, providing information that will be useful for planning and implementing health IT usage among this population to enhance health outcomes.Funded. OUCN Dean’s Research Seed Grant ($5,000).
Role: PI
Grant #NA, McCleary-Jones (PI), 2011-2012
Title: Nursing Students’ Knowledge of Health Literacy
Description:This comparative study assessed baccalaureate nursing students’ knowledge of health literacy before and after implementation of an asynchronous online educational module.No funding requested.
Role: PI
Grant # C5050801, McCleary-Jones (PI), 2009-2010
Title:Health Literacy and Its Association with Diabetes Knowledge, Self-efficacy, and Disease Self-Management among African Americans with Diabetes Mellitus
Description:This descriptive correlational study examined health literacy and its association with diabetes knowledge, perceived self-efficacy, and disease self-management among African Americans with diabetes mellitus. Funded.OUCN Dean’s Research Seed Grant ($1,000); and Sigma Theta Tau Beta Delta Chapter-at-Large, Beginning Researcher’s Grant ($700).
Role: PI *Mentored junior faculty J. Ogans.
Grant #- -, McCleary-Jones (PI), 2006-2007
Title: Students with Learning Disabilities in the Community College:Their Goals, Issues, Challenges and Successes
Description: Doctoral dissertation research.Funded. Graduate Student Senate and the Ways and Means Committee, University of Oklahoma Norman, OK (≈ $200).
Role: PI
Grant #NA, McCleary-Jones (PI), 2004
Title:Communication Methods of Community College Administrations
Description:Research project for doctoral course COMM/SOC 5313 Qualitative Research Methods, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK.No funding requested.
Role: PI
Grant #NA, K. Edwards (PI) - Mentor, V. McCleary-Jones(Investigator), 1994-1995
Title:Health Promotion Practices of Smoking and Non-Smoking Black Women
Description:Master’s Thesis, University of Oklahoma College of Nursing, Oklahoma City, OK. No funding requested.
Role: Investigator
Grant #NA, J. Kelley (PI) - Mentor, V. McCleary-Jones(Investigator), 1990-1991
Title:Administrative, Technical, and Communicative Skills of Associate Degree and Bachelor Degree Registered Nurses
Description:Senior-level baccalaureate research project conducted at the Veteran’s Administration Medical Center, Fayetteville, NC.North Carolina Central University School of Nursing, Durham, NC.
Role: Investigator
Grant # HRSA-ANE-12-061, G. Loving (PI), V. McCleary-Jones, (Project Faculty), 2014-2015
Title:Technology Use in Educating APRN and Allied Health Students for Team-Based Care
Description:Use of technology in web-based modules on interprofessional & cultural and linguistic competencies, telehealth (Health IT), health disparities of minorities and older adults, quality, and safety in curricula; establish integrated learning environment for nursing, occupational therapy and physical therapy students; and implement faculty development program in the education and supervision of interprofessional students in a telehealth environment for all faculty in the colleges of Nursing and Allied Health and made available to other colleges in the OU Health Sciences Center.Funded. Health Resources Services Administration ($1,116,906).
Product:Four faculty education modules titled “IPE4Faculty” [https://ipe4faculty.ouhsc.edu/].
Role: Project Faculty(15% effort)
Grant #20071951, P. Forni (PI)V. McCleary-Jones(PI & Director), 2007-2013
Title:Communities Foundation Accelerated Master’s Education Program Grant:Accelerated Post Baccalaureate Tracks Preparing Nursing Faculty Phase II
Description:Addressed the shortage of nursing faculty in Oklahoma nursing programs by offering two innovative tracks at OU College of Nursing leading to either an MS in Nursing (with a concentration in education) or a post-master’s certificate in nursing education.Funded $3 million.
Product:93 Scholarship recipients, and a total of 134 masters-prepared nurse educators.
Role:Principal Investigator & Director, assumed roles in year 4 of grant.
Grant #- -, K. Dwyer (PI)V. McCleary-Jones(Co-Investigator), 2011
Title:Faithful, fit, and strong:Reducing Disparities in the African American Community
Description: Community Participatory Research. NIH PAR-10-137. Submitted, not funded.
Role: Co-Investigator
Grant # HRSA Diversity Grant #D1HP04593, K. Edwards (PI) – Mentor, V. McCleary-Jones (Project Faculty), 2006-2008
Title: Recruitment Enhancement and Cultural Affirmation Project
Description:Recruitment and retention of culturally diverse students.Funded.Health Resources Services Administration ($826,000).
Role:Project Faculty
(* = Data-based;‡ = Mentor)
Double-Blind, Peer-Reviewed Publications
- *Harris, J., Bett, C., & McCleary-Jones, V. (2022). Farmer’s market voucher initiative to improve diabetes control in older adults. The Journal for Nurse Practitioners, 18(2), 236-238.
- McCleary-Jones, V. (2016). A systematic review of the literature on health literacy in nursing education. Nurse Educator Journal, 41(2), 93-97.
- McCleary-Jones, V., Smith, P., Carithers, C., Craft, M., Forsythe, L., Kupperschmidt, B.,Pascucci,M., Shortridge, A., Wisnieski, D., & Weatherby, F. (2014). Collaboration in the face of change:A successful graduate curriculum revision.Journal of Nursing Education and Practice, 4 (1), 33-41.
- *McCleary-Jones, V., Scheideman-Miller, Dorn, J.A., Johnson, B., Overall, M., & Dwyer, K.(2013). Health information technology use and health literacy among community-dwelling African Americans.ABNF Journal, 24(1), 10-16.
- *McCleary-Jones, V. (2012). Assessing nursing students’ knowledge of health literacy.Nurse Educator Journal, 37(5), 214-217.
- *Carter-Parker, K., Edwards, K., & McCleary-Jones, V. (2012). Correlates of Physical Activity and the Theory of Planned Behavior between African American Women Who are Physically Active and Those Who are Not.Association of Black Nursing Faculty (ABNF Journal), 23(3), 51-58.
- *McCleary-Jones, V. (2011). Health literacy and Its association with diabetes knowledge,self-efficacy, and disease self-management among African Americans with diabetes mellitus.Association of Black Nursing Faculty (ABNF Journal), 22(2), 25-32.
- McCleary-Jones, V. (2008). Strategies to facilitate learning among nursing students with learning disabilities. Nurse Educator Journal, 33(3), 105-106.
- *McCleary-Jones, V. (2008). Students with learning disabilities in the community college:Their goals, issues, challenges and successes.Association of Black Nursing Faculty (ABNFJournal), 19(1), 14-21.
- McCleary-Jones, V. (2007). Learning disabilities in the community college and the role of disability service departments. Journal of Cultural Diversity, 14(1), 43-48.
- McCleary-Jones, V. (2005). The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and its impact on higher education and nursing education. Association of Black Nursing Faculty (ABNFJournal), 16(2), 24-27.
- *McCleary-Jones, V. (1996). Health promotion practices of smoking and non-smoking Black women. Association of Black Nursing Faculty (ABNF Journal), 7(1), 7-10.
Non-Blinded Peer Reviewed Publications
- McCleary-Jones, V. (2017, Winter). A career highlight: Induction as a fellow in the National League for Nursing’s Academy of Nursing Education.ABNF Newsletter, 10(1).
- Pratt-Lafevers, B., & ‡McCleary-Jones, V. (2015). Building community and creating a sense of presence in online learning environments.The Oklahoma Nurse, 60(2), 5-6.
Abstracts (*Data Based)
- *McCleary-Jones, V. (2011, June). “Health literacy & its association with disease self-management among African Americans with diabetes mellitus”. [Abstract and Paper Presentation].Association of Black Nursing Faculty, Inc.24th Annual Meeting &Scientific Conference.ABNF:Teaching Clinical Nursing & Conducting Research in an Era of Healthcare Reform”. Arlington, VA.
- *McCleary-Jones, V. (2010, October). "Health literacy & disease self-management among African Americans with diabetes mellitus." [Abstract and Poster Presentation]. Health Literacy Annual Research Conference.Bethesda, MD.
- McCleary-Jones, V. (2009). "Health literacy and its association with diabetes knowledge, self-efficacy, and disease self-management among African Americans with diabetes mellitus." [Abstract]. Sigma Theta Tau Beta Delta Chapter-at-Large Newsletter, April.Oklahoma City, OK.
- McCleary-Jones, V. (2008). “Time management and organizational skills for the nursing student” [Abstract and Paper Presentation]. Association of Black Nursing Faculty, Inc., 21st Annual Meeting and Scientific Conference: Nursing Evidence-based Practice and Teaching Generation X and Y Students, June 11-15.Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
- Edwards, K., Patchell, B., Radcliffe, S., Broussard, K., Wood, Ed., Smiley, T., Ogans, J., & McCleary-Jones, V.(2007). Recruitment and retention of minority students in schools of nursing.[Invited Paper Presentation and Abstract]. Native Alaskan American Indian Nursing Association and Case Western Reserve University Summit VIII meeting, Cleveland, OH.
Non Peer-Reviewed Publications
- (2020, December 18) Wichita Business Journal.Vol. 35, No. 51.Women Who Lead in Healthcare. Interview with Dr. Voncella McCleary-Jones. Wichita, KS.
- (2020, April 13) WSU Strategic Communications, Wichita State University. WSU launches satellite nursing program at K-State. Interview with Dr. Voncella McCleary-Jones.
- (2019, September 18) The Sunflower Newspaper, Wichita State University. WSU, K-State hope to develop satellite nursing program in Manhattan. Interview with Dr. Voncella McCleary-Jones by Daniel Caudill. Wichita, KS.
- (2019, September 18) KMUW National Public Radio 89.1 Wichita, KS. Wichita State, K-State Planning Joint Nursing Program. Interview with Dr. Voncella McCleary-Jones by Suzette Sponel. Wichita, KS.
- (2019, May 17) Wichita Business Journal.Vol. 34, No. 20.Table of Experts Nursing. Panelists speak with moderator Bill Roy: Dr. Voncella McCleary-Jones, Abbey Elliott, & Paula Fulgham. Wichita, KS.
- (2019, May 3) Wichita Business Journal. Vol. 34, No. 18. List analysis: Healthcare Industry sees increased worker demand in Wichita. Interview with Dr. Voncella McCleary-Jones by Daniel McCoy. Wichita, KS
(2020, November 19; Broadcast released March 31, 2021). “Let’s Talk About It: Leadership.” The FUSE hosted by Bobby Berry at Wichita State University, KS.Interview with Dr. Voncella McCleary-Jones, Dr. Aleks Sternfeld-Dunn, and Rija Khan. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JIuQ7s0dhlY
Case Study
McCleary-Jones, V. (2015).Setting the stage for IPE within the health sciences center. Case Study for Harvard Macy Institute Program for Educators in the Health Professions.Harvard University Medical School. Boston, MA.
McCleary-Jones, V. (2009). Management of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus. Brockton, MA: Western Schools, Inc.ISBN:978-1-57801-268-8.
McCleary-Jones, V. (2007).Students with learning disabilities in the community college: Their goals, issues, challenges and successes (Doctoral dissertation, The University of Oklahoma).Available from ProQuest Dissertations and Theses database.(No. ATT 3263438).
McCleary-Jones, V. (1995).Health promotion practices of smoking and non-smoking Black women (Master’s Thesis).The University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, Oklahoma City, OK.
Professional Experience
Wichita State University - College of Health Professions
[2018 - Present]
- Associate Dean of Academic, Faculty & Student Affairs - & Tenured Professor (2/2021 to present)
- Associate Dean, CHP & Chair, School of Nursing - & Tenured Associate Professor (7/2018 - 1/2021)
University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center - College of Nursing
[2006 - 2018]
- Assistant Dean for Educational Excellence (interim) - & Tenured Associate Professor (8/2017 - 6/2018)
- Director of Masters Nurse Education Program - & Tenured Associate Professor (8/2010 - 6/2018)
Rose State College - R.N. Nursing Program. Midwest City, OK
[1995 - 2006]
- Coordinator of Nursing 4/ Senior Level - & Tenured Professor (1999 - 2006)
Clinical Experience
Registered Nurse since 1985 in North Carolina, Hawaii, Oklahoma, & Kansas
Specialty areas: Adult Intensive Care Unit, Recovery Unit, Medical-Surgical
Board Certifications
- Certified Nurse Educator (CNE) -
- Certified by: National League for Nursing (NLN)
- Medical-Surgical Nursing (RN-BC) -
- Certified by: American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC)
- 2024 - Health Care Hero Award - Health Care Education. Selected by the Wichita Business Journal. Wichita, KS
- 2022 - Fellow, American Academy of Nursing (FAAN). (July 25).Official induction ceremony October 2022 at AAN Health Policy Conference. Washington, DC.
- 2022 - Advisory Board Member. Steve Clark YMCA. Wichita, KS (September).
- 2022 - Excellence in Health Care Award. Selected by the Wichita Business Journal. Wichita, KS.
- 2022 - Recipient, Excellence in Academic Leadership. Association of Black Nursing Faculty, Inc. Atlantis, Bahamas (June 11).
2022 - Inaugural Board Member. Chamberlain University Nurse Faculty Residency Advisory Council. [Invited]. The nation’s first virtual Nurse Faculty Residency Institute (NFRI); 18 month pilot program begins summer 2022.
- 2022 - National League for Nursing Research in Nursing Education. Grant Reviewer.
- 2021 -- National League for Nursing. Academy of Nursing Education Review Panel. Appointed. Two year term (2021-2023).
- 2021 — Elected. Board of Directors. Association of Black Nursing Faculty, Inc. Two year term (2021-2023).
- 2021 - Grant Reviewer. [Invited]. Netherlands Organization for Health Research and Development.
- 2020 — Woman Who Leads in Healthcare Award. Selected by the Wichita Business Journal. Wichita, KS.
- 2020-2022 — American Association of Colleges of Nursing.Faculty Development Conference Program Subcommittee.Appointed. Member. Two year term (2020-2022).
- 2019 — Elected to Nominations Committee.National League for Nursing.Three year term (2019-2022).
- 2017 — Johnella Banks Membership Achievement Award.Association of Black Nursing Faculty, Inc. Given for distinguished achievements in multiple areas during the preceding year.Lake Buena Vista, FL. (June 9)
- 2016 — Certificate of Appreciation.Service as a Faculty Senator 2013-2016.Presented by Faculty Senate Chair, University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center Faculty Senate. OKC, OK (June)
- 2016 — Fellow, Academy of Nursing Education (ANEF).National League for Nursing (May 19).Official induction ceremony Sept 2016 at NLN Education Summit. Orlando, FL
- 2016 — Recipient, Outstanding Educator Award – Higher Education, Jeannine Rainbolt College of Education, University of Oklahoma. Presented at the Celebration of Education in Oklahoma (March 4).
- 2015 — Recipient, Excellence in Innovation in Teaching Award, Association of Black Nursing Faculty, Inc.New York City, NY (June 12).
- 2015 — Best Overall Faculty Member, Nursing.2015 U.S. Higher Education Faculty Awards Vol. 2. Art, Business, Education, Health Sciences and Nursing, Law, Medicine, Political and Policy Sciences, and Public Affairs (p. 452). River Publishers: Denmark & Netherlands.
- 2015 — Faculty Facilitator and alumni faculty, Harvard Macy Institute Program for Educators in Health Professions, Harvard University Medical School. Boston, MA
- 2014 — Scholar, Harvard Macy Institute Program for Educators in Health Professions. Harvard Medical School. Boston, MA
Honor Societies
- Gamma Beta Phi
- Phi Kappa Phi
- Sigma Theta Tau, International Nursing Honor Society
Other Honors
- Academic Keys Who’s Who in Health Science and Higher Education
- Manchester Who’s Who Among Executives and Professionals in Nursing and Health Care
- Who’s Who in American Colleges and Universities
Grant | Requested Funding | Role | Notes |
Kansas Board of Regents - Kansas Nursing Initiative Grant* 2020-2021 | $67,300 |
Grant PI |
Awarded 7.1.2020 |
Blue Cross Blue Shield of KS Foundation Scholarship Grant 2020-2021 | $5,000 | Grant PI |
Distributed to RN-BSN students |
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Kansas Scholarship Grant 2019-2020 | $5,000 | Grant PI |
Distributed to RN-BSN students |
Kansas Board of Regents - Kansas Nursing Initiative Grant 2019-2020 |
$47,550 | Grant PI |
Submitted final budget report and narrative 6.2020 |
Kansas Board of Regents - Kansas Nursing Initiative Grant 2018-2019 |
$85,300 | Grant PI |
Submitted final budget report and narrative 7.2019 |
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Kansas Scholarship Grant 2018-2019 |
$5,000 | Grant PI |
Distributed to RN-BSN students |
Kansas Board of Regents - Kansas Nursing Initiative Grant 2017-2018 | $77,550 | Grant PI |
*Assumed roles 7.1.2018 Submitted final budget report and narrative 8.2018 |
*Funding for the Kansas Nursing Initiative Grant is provided by the Kansas Board of Regents to address the growing nursing shortage in Kansas.