Resources to Improve Educational Equity
Each term, as you work to update and improve your course content and design, it's
important to apply an equity lens too. There are campus resources available to you
including help from the Office of Diversity and Inclusion, the Office of Disability
Services, and the Office of Instructional Resources. You will also find excellent
research and useful tools to support your work at the Every Learner, Everywhere website. The Office of Instructional Resources recommends these reports and instruments:
In addtion to these resources, the Office of Instructional Resources provides materials
covering accessibility and accommodations, serving ASD students, as well as other students (see the Section Menu above). The Office of Diversity and Inclusion provides materials addressing marginalized identies, poverty-affected students, and other students who
experience more institutional/systemic barriers. Reach out to the Office of Disability Services for questions about necessary accommodations.