Other Tuition and Fees

For-credit and non-credit courses for non-degree seeking students

Type Cost
Concurrent High School Enrollment Tuition (per course) $149.00
Shocker Academy Courses (per course) $99.00
Badges (Undergraduate and Graduate, per badge) Based on costs
Market-based Tuition Courses (per credit hour or per course) Based on market


Type Cost Per Credit Hour
Workshop Fee (per credit hour) $15.00
Non-Credit Workshops (per workshop) Based on costs

CATIA Workshops (regardless of location)

The laboratory fees for CATIA workshops are as follows:

Type Cost Per Workshop
1.5-credit-hour workshops (tuition and fees) $800.00*
0.75-credit-hour workshops (tuition and fees) $400.00*

* If workshop is taken for academic credit, new students will have a one-time admissions fee of $40.00.

Open/Alternative Textbook Fee

Type Cost Per Course
For courses that utilize open/alternative textbooks $10.00
Access Now textbook fee that utilizes McGraw Hill's Inclusive Access program varies