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Wichita Biomedical Campus

Oct. 9, 2024 - The Wichita Biomedical Campus is using a $1 million grant to purchase audiology equipment for assessment, teaching, and research, supporting workforce training for in-demand jobs.

Employees discussing a presentation they will give

April 22, 2024 Wichita State University has offered the traditional educational pathways for over 125 years, typically ending at the point of graduation, but the need for learning continues throughout a person’s lifetime. In a rapidly changing world, continuing education has never been more important. More and more jobs require skill-based certification of learning, which includes the attainment of validated durable and technical skills. To meet those needs, WSU was the first in Kansas to create badge courses for non-degree seeking students in 2015, after approval from the Kansas Board of Regents.

Sheree Utash

March 16, 2023 — WSU Tech President and Vice President of Workforce Development at Wichita State University Dr. Sheree Utash testified before the U.S. Senate’s Commerce Committee on Aviation on Thursday about the growth of the aviation industry and the increasing demand for highly skilled aviation workers.

WSU students at Lockheed Martin

Nov. 10, 2021 -- Building on a 20-year history of collaboration, Lockheed Martin recently named Wichita State University and WSU Tech as a tier one collegiate partner institution, emphasizing collaboration with the institution as an Aeronautics Sector Emerging School to bolster the pipeline for future Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematical (STEM) careers.

Wichita State campus with water tower and sunflowers

Nov. 4, 2020 -- Wichita State University's Center for Economic Development and Business Research has released an economic impact analysis of Wichita State University. This report gives an analysis of the dynamic impact WSU has on Wichita, the region and the state economies.

College of Engineering graduation, 2019

Oct. 20, 2020 — The Kansas Legislature in 2011 made a commitment to invest $105 million statewide over the next decade with the purpose of increasing the number of engineers available to industry. For its $35 million share of that money – granted under the University Engineering Initiative Act (UEIA) – Wichita State College of Engineering pledged to double the number of bachelor’s degrees it awarded annually. The aggressive goal was surpassed this past academic year as the college awarded 380 bachelor’s degrees.