Dr. Joseph Mau




Ph. D. (1990): The University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa.

Major: Counseling in Human Development

Minor: Statistics and Measurement

M. A. (1985): The University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA.

Major: Counselor Education

B. A. (1979): Tamkang University, Taipei, Taiwan.

Major: Business Administration

Position Held
  • Professor (2002-Present). Department of Counseling, Educational Leadership, Educational and School Psychology, Wichita State University.
  • Associate Dean (2010-2012). College of Education, Wichita State University
  • College Assessment Coordinator (2007- 2010), Professional Education Unit for College of Education, Liberal Arts and Science, and Fine Arts.
  • Associate Professor (1997 - 2002). Department of Administration, Counseling, Educational and School Psychology, Wichita State University.
  • Assistant Professor (1991- 1997). Department of Administration, Counseling, Educational and School Psychology, Wichita State University.
  • Counselor (1990). Student Counseling Center, Kirkwood Community College, IA.
  • Research Assistant (1990-1991). Evaluation and Examination Services, University of Iowa.
  • Research Associate (1989-1990): American College Testing (ACT), Iowa City, IA.
  • Research Assistant (1986-1988): Counselor Education, University of Iowa.
  • Instructor (1985). Des Moines Area Community College, Des Moines, IA.
  • Office Manager (1984-1985). International Education and Services, University of Iowa, IA.
  • Manager and Resident Supervisor (1981-1983). Taipei Lutheran Student Center, Taipei, Taiwan.
Visiting and Honorary Positions
  • Fulbright Senior Scholar (2015-2016).
  • Visiting Scholar (2016). University Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
  • Visiting Professor (2016). Tunghai University, Taichung, Taiwan.
  • Visiting Scholar (2006). University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada.
  • Visiting Scholar (2006). Center for Research on Educational Evaluation, National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan.
  • Visiting Scholar (2005). Center for Higher Education Research, National Tsing-Hua University, Taiwan.
  • Visiting Scholar (1998). National College Entrance Exam Center, Taipei, Taiwan.
  • Fellow (2002-2016). Center for Educational Research and Evaluation, College of Education, WSU.
Article (refereed)
  • Mau, W.C., Chen, S.J., & Lin, C.C. (2019). Assessing high school student’s STEM career interests using a social cognitive framework. Education Sciences, 9(2), 151-162. https://doi.org/10.3390/educsci9020151

  • Li, J., Mau, W. C., Chen, S. J., Lin, T, C., & Lin, T. Y. (2019). A qualitative exploration of STEM career development of high school students in Taiwan. Journal of Career Development. https://doi.org/10.1177/0894845319830525

  • Mau, W.C., & Li, J. (2018). Factors influencing STEM career aspirations of underrepresented high school students, Career Development Quarterly, 66 (3), 246-258. doi: 10.1002/cd.150

  • Li, J., & Mau, W. C. (2018). Application of an ecological approach to examine online activities and Internet addiction among college students. Journal of Counselor Practice, 9, 1-22. doi:10.22229/wct902108

  • Li, J., Mau, W. C., & Bray, S. (2017). Examining the role and practices of high school counselors in helping students make career transition. Research in the School, 24(2), 56-66.

  • Mau, W.C., Li, J., & Hoetmer, K. (2016). Transforming high school counseling: counselors’ roles, practices, and expectations for student success. Administrative Issues Journal: Connecting Education, Practice, and Research, 6 (2), 83-95. doi:10.5929/2016.6.2.5
  • Mau, W.C. (2016). Characteristics of US students that pursued a STEM major and factor predicted persistence in degree completion. Universal Journal of Educational Research, 4 (6) 1495-1500. DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2016.040630
  • Mau, W.C. & Perkins, V. Mau, Y.H. (2016). Gender and racial differences in career decisionmaking dispositions of college students enrolled in STEM majors. Universal journal of Psychology, 4 (6), 254-260. DOI: 10.13189/ujp.2016.040602
  • Thompson, J., Bakken, L., Mau, W.C. (2009). Equity education: Issues facing multicultural education: A longitudinal study comparing multicultural knowledge and dispositions of fieldbase and campus-based teacher candidates. Policy Futures in Education, 7, 416-422.
  • Mau, W.C., Ellsworth, R., Hawley, D. (2008). Job satisfaction and career persistence of beginning teachers. International Journal of Educational Management, 22(1), 48-61.
  • Mau, W.C., & Mau, Y-H. (2006). Factors influencing high school students to persist in aspirations of teaching careers: A longitudinal study. Journal of Career Development, 32, 234-249.
  • Mau, W.C. (2004). Cultural dimensions of career decision-making difficulties. Career Development Quarterly, 53, 63-77.
  • Mau, W.C. (2003). Factors influencing persistence in science and engineering career aspirations Career Development Quarterly, 51, 234-243.
  • Lynn, R., & Mau, W. C. (2002). Why do Black American males earn less than Black American women? An examination of four hypotheses. Journal of Social, Political & Economic Studies, 27, 307-313.
  • Mau, W.C., & Fernandes, A. (2001). Characteristics and satisfaction of students who utilized career counseling services. Journal of College Student Development, 42, 581-588.
  • Mau, W.C., & Kopischke, A. (2001). Job search methods, job search outcomes, and job satisfactions of college graduates: a comparison of race and gender. Journal of Employment Counseling, 38, 141-149.
  • Mau, W.C. (2001). Assessing career decision-making difficulties: A cross-cultural study. Journal of Career Assessment, 9, 353-364.
  • Lynn, R., & Mau, W.C. (2001). Ethnic and sex differences in the predictive validity of the scholastic achievement test for college grades. Psychological Reports, 88, 1099-1104.
  • Mau, W.C., & Lynn, R. (2001). Gender differences on the Scholastic Aptitude Test, the American College Test and College Grades. Educational Psychology, 21, 133-136.
  • Mau, W.C. (2000). Cultural differences in career decision-making styles and self-efficacy. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 53, 365-378.
  • Mau, W.C., & Lynn, R. (2000). Gender differences in homework and test scores in mathematics, reading and science at tenth and twelfth grade. Psychology, Evolution and Gender. 2, 119- 125.
  • Schommer, M., Mau, W.C., Brookhart, S., & Hutter, R. (2000). Understanding middle school students’ beliefs about knowledge and learning using a multidimensional paradigm. Journal of Educational Research, 94, 120-127.
  • Mau, W.C., & Bikos, L.H. (2000). Educational and vocational aspirations of minority and female students: A longitudinal study. Journal of Counseling and Development, 78, 186-194.
  • Mau, W.C. (1999). Effects of computer-assisted career decision making on vocational identity and career exploratory behavior. Journal of Career Development, 25, 261-274.
  • Mau, W.C., & Lynn, R. (1999). Racial and ethnic differences in motivation for educational achievement in the United States. Personality and Individual Differences, 27, 1091-1096.
  • Thompson, J., Bakken, L., & Mau, W.C. (1998). Comparing knowledge, attitudes, and confidence of cross-cultural interactions of field-based and campus-cased preservice teachers. Teaching Education Journal, 10, 67-75.
  • Mau, W. C., Hitchcock, R., & Calvert, C. (1998). Career plans and perceived counselors’ and other influential persons’ expectations of high school students. Professional School Counseling, 2, 161-166.
  • Mau, W.C. (1998). Counseling and Educational Reform. New Waves -Educational Research & Development, 2 (6), 7-11.
  • Mau, W. C. (1997). Parental Influences on high school students’ academic achievement: A comparison of Asian-immigrant, Asian-Americans, and White-American. Psychology in the Schools, 34, 267-277.
  • Mau, W. C. (1997). Assessing the cognitive complexity of vocational constructs using the career grid: A comparison of the expressed and supplied methods. Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development, 29, 202-214.
  • Mau, W. C., Calvert, C., & Gregory, R. (1997). Effects of career interventions on vocational cognitive complexity. Journal of Career Development, 23, 279-293.
  • Mau, W.C. (1996). Career counseling at the edge of 21st century. New Waves -Educational Research & Development, 1 (2), 25-29.
  • Mau, W. C. (1995). Educational planning and academic achievement of middle school students: A racial/cultural comparisons. Journal of Counseling and Development, 73, 518-526.
  • Mau, W. C. (1995). Decision-making styles as a predictor of career decision status and treatment gains. Journal of Career Assessment, 3, 90-101.
  • Mau, W. C., Domnick, M., & Ellsworth, R. D. (1995). Characteristics of female students who aspire to science and engineering or homemaking careers. Career Development Quarterly. 43, 323-337.
  • Mau, W. C., & Pope-Davis, D. B. (1993). World view differences between college students and graduate counseling trainees. Counseling and Values, 38, 42-50.
  • Prediger, D., Swaney, K., & Mau, W. C. (1993). Extending Holland's hexagon: Procedure, counseling application, and research. Journal of Counseling and Development, 71, 422-428.
  • Mau, W. C., & Jepsen, D. A. (1992). Effects of computer-assisted instruction in using formal decision-making strategies to choose a college major. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 39, 185-192.
  • Mau, W. C., & Jepsen, D. A. (1990). Help-seeking perceptions and behaviors: A comparison of Chinese and American graduate students. Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development, 18, 94-104.
  • Mau, W. C., & Jepsen, D. A. (1988). Attitudes toward counselor and counseling processes: A comparison of Chinese and American graduate students. Journal of Counseling and Development, 63, 189-192.
Book and Chapter
  • Mau, W.C. (2013) Ability Explorer. In C. Wood. & D.C. Hays. (Eds.). A counselor's guide to career assessment instrument, (6th ed., pp.116-120). Broken Arrow, OK: National Career Development Association. [ISBN: 978-1-885333-38-4]
  • Mau, W.C. (2008). Career Development Interventions in School. In H.L.K. Coleman, & C. Yeh (Eds.), Handbook of school counseling (pp. 497-515). New York, NY: Taylor & Francis Group. [ISBN: 9780805856231].
  • Mau, W.C., Grimsley, S., & Sherwood, C. (2002). Janine: The case of the negative nonconformist. In S.G., Niles, J., Goodman, & M. Pope (Ed.), Career counseling casebook: A resource for practitioners, students, and counselor educators (pp. 97-101). Tulsa, OK: National Career Development Association.
  • Mau, W. C. (1986). 愛,接訥, 饒恕 [Love, acceptance, and forgiveness]. (J. Cook, & S. C. Baldwin, Trans.). Taipei, Taiwan: Christian Witness Press.
  • Mau, W.C., & Mau, Y.H. (1986). 愛, 接訥, 饒恕 -- 領袖手冊 [Love, acceptance, and forgiveness -- Leader's guide]. (J. Cook, & S. C. Baldwin, Trans.) Taipei, Taiwan: Christian Witness Press.
Monograph, Bulletin, Proceeding, and Review
  • Mau, W.C. (2016). Social, Cognitive, and Cultural Factors of STEM Career Aspirations and Decision-Making in Taiwan, Research and Reflections, Taiwan Fulbright.
  • Thompson, J., Bakken, L., Mau, W.C. (2008). Equity education: Issues facing multicultural education. Proceeding of the Paris International conference on Education, Economy and Society. Novotel Paris Tour Effel, July 17-19.
  • Mau. W.C. (2007, April). Impacts of school-based career interventions on NCDG outcomes. Career Convergence. National Career Development Association.
  • Mau, W.C. (2006). Equity of access and school experience of first generation, low income college students. Proceedings of the annual meeting of Asia Pacific Educational Research association, November, 28-30.
  • Mau, W.C. (2003). Persistence in science and engineering career aspirations of women and minority students. Higher Education Abstracts. 38, 175.
  • Mau, W.C. (2001, Fall). Test review: The ability explorer. Newsnotes, 40, 3-4, Association for Assessment in Counseling and Education.
  • Mau, W. C. (1997). Computer-based career interventions. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Counseling in the 21st Century (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED439319)
  • Mau, W. C., Swaney, K., & Prediger, D. (1990). Mapping career groups on basic interest dimensions. ACT Research Report Series, 90-7, American College Testing, Iowa City, IA. (Internal review)
  • Mau, W.C. (1990, December). Myth of interpersonal relationships. Renewed Life Magazine, 12, 35-41.
  • Mau, W. C. (1989). An international student's perspective on Counselor Education. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 305562)
Conference Presentations

Mau, W. C., Chen, S.J., Li, J., Mau, Y.H. (2019). Gender Equity in STEM Learning Experiences and Parental Involvement: Predicting STEM interests of Taiwan and American High School Students. Paper presented at the annual conference of World Educational Research Association, Tokyo, Japan.

Mau, W. C., Chen, S.J., Lin, C.C., Mau, Y.H. (2019). STEM Career Aspirations as a Function of Learning Experience and Parental Involvement: A comparison of Taiwanese and American High School Students. Paper presented at the International Conference on Education, Psychology and Society, Hokkaido, Japan.

Li, J., Mau, W. C., Chen, S. J., Lin, T, C., & Lin, T. Y. (2019). A qualitative exploration of STEM career development of high school students in Taiwan. Paper accepted for presentation at the annual conference of American Educational Research Association, Toronto, CA, April, 13-17.

Mau, W.C., Mau, Y.H. Chen, S.J., Lin, C.C., & Chen, K-M. (2018). Applying social-cognitive career theory to understand the STEM career development of students in Taiwan. Paper presented at the annual conference of World Educational Research Association, Cape Town, South Africa, August, 3-6.

Mau, W.C., Chen, S.J., Lin, C.C., & Y.H. Mau (2018). Psychometric Properties of the STEM Career Interest Survey: Assessment of High School Students in Taiwan, A poster presented at the annual conference of American Educational Research Association, New York, NY, April, 13- 17.

Chen, K-M., Hodson,B., Strattman, K., DiLollo, A., Schommer-Aikins, M. Mau, W.C. (2017). Phonological Systems & Intelligibility of Mandarin-Speaking 4-Year Olds in Taiwan. A poster presented at the annual convention of ASHA, Los Angeles, CA, November 11.

Mau, W.C. & Perkins, V. (2016). Gender and Racial Differences in Career Decision-Making Dispositions of College Students Enrolled in STEM Majors. Paper Presented at the Global Conference on Education and Psychology, Hong Kong, China.

Mau, W.C. (2016). Characteristics of US students that pursued a STEM major and factor predicted persistence in degree completion. Paper presented at the International Conference on Education, Psychology and Society, Fukuoka, Japan.

Mau, W.C. (2013). STEM career aspirations of high school students: A social-cognitive perspective, paper presented at the annual meeting of Association for Institutional Research, Long Beach, CA.

Mau, W.C. & V. Perkins (2013). Career Decision–Making Characteristics and Perceived Barriers of College Students Enrolled in STEM Majors. Paper presented at the annual meeting of National Career Development Association. Boston, MA.

Mau, W.C. & Yeager, M.E. (2013). Factors influencing students’ choice of a STEM major and degree completion, paper presented for presentation at the annual meeting of Association for Institutional Research, Long Beach, CA.

Mau, W.C. & Yeager, M.E. (2011). The American high school counselor: What they do, and their expectations of students learning. Paper Presented at the joined conference of World Educational Research Association and Taiwan Educational Research Association meeting, December 15-18, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.

Mau, W.C. (2008). Designing and implementing an innovative assessment system that meets accreditation requirements. Paper presented at the annual meeting of Asia Pacific Educational Research Association, Singapore, November, 26-28.

Thompson, J., Bakken, L., Mau, W.C. (2008). Equity education: Issues facing multicultural education. Paper presented at the Paris International conference on Education, Economy and Society. Novotel Paris Tour Effel, July 17-19.

Mau, W.C. (2007). Salient factors important to first generation students' decision about college and academic major. Paper presented at the meeting of National Career Development Association, Seattle, July 6-8.

Mau, W.C. (2007). Important factors considered by first-generation-low-income students in deciding on a college and academic major: A survey of college freshmen in Taiwan. Paper presented at the meeting of Association for Institutional Research, Kansas City, June 2-4.

Mau, W.C. (2007). Characteristics of First Generation, Low Income College Students In Taiwan: Are They Different from those of US Students? Paper presented at the annual meeting of American Educational Research Association, Chicago, April 9-13.

Mau, W.C. (2007). Salient factors important to first generation students' decision about college and academic major. Paper presented at the meeting of National Career Development Association, Seattle, July 6-8.

Mau, W.C. (2006). Equity of access and school experience of first generation, low income college students. Paper presented at the annual meeting of Asia Pacific educational Research association, November, 28-30.

Mau, W.C., Sudjanto, R. (2006). Effectiveness of career interventions in college/university settings. Paper presented at the annual meeting of National Career Development Association, Chicago, July 6-9.

Mau, W.C., & Unruh, A. (2006). School-based career interventions. Paper presented at Jointed convention of Canadian Counselling Association and the American Counseling Association, April 1-4. Montreal, Canada.

Mau, W.C., & Mau, Y-H. (2005). Factors influencing career persistence and satisfaction of beginning teachers. Paper presented at the annual meeting of National Career Development Association, June 22-25, Orlando, Florida.

Mau, W.C., & Mau, Y.H., Ellsworth, R., & Hawley, D. Mau, Y.H. (2005). Factors influencing youngsters to aspire to and stay in teaching careers. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Association for Institutional Research. May, 29-June 1. San Diego, CA.

Mau, W.C. & Mau, Y-H. (2005). Factors influencing high school students to persist in aspirations to teaching careers. Paper presented the annual meeting of American Educational Research Association, Montreal, CA.

Mau, W.C. & Mau, Y-H. (2005). Job satisfaction of career persistence of beginning teachers. Paper presented the annual meeting of American Educational Research Association, April 11- 16, Montreal, CA.

Mau. W.C. (2004). Characteristics of high school students who persisted in aspirations to teaching careers. Paper presented at the annual meeting of National Career Development Association, San Francisco, CA.

Mau, W.C. (2002). Cultural Perspectives on career decision-making difficulties. Symposium conducted at the annual American Psychological Association meeting, Chicago, IL.

Mau, W.C. (2002). Persistence in science and engineering career aspirations of woman and minority students. Paper presented presentation at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans.

Mau, W.C. (2001, March). Educational and vocational aspirations of high school students: A longitudinal study. In D.A. Jepsen (Chair), Informing career guidance policy and practice through longitudinal research. Symposium conducted at the American Counseling Association meeting, San Antonio, TX.

Thompson, J., Bakken, L., Mau, W.C. (2001). A three-year longitudinal study comparing crosscultural attitudes and experience of professional development site-based and campus-based preservice teachers. Association of Teacher Education Annual Conference, February 17-21, 2001, New Orleans, LA.

Mau, W.C., & Fenandes, A. (2000). Utilization of career counseling and job placement services in higher education. Paper presented at the annual meeting of National Career Development Association, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

Mau, W.C. (2000). Assessing career decision-making difficulties. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Counseling Association, Washington D.C.

Mau, W.C. (1999). Career decision-making styles and career decision-making self-efficacy. Paper presented at the National Career Development Association meeting, Portland, OR.

Schommer, M., Mau, W.C., Brookhart, S. (1999). Middle school students’ beliefs about knowledge and learning. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association, Montreal, Canada.

Thompson, J., Bakken, L., Mau, W.C. (1999). A three-year longitudinal study comparing crosscultural attitudes and experience of professional development site-based and campus-based preservice teachers. Paper presented at the annual ATE conference, Chicago, IL.

Mau, W. C. (1998). Computer technology and counseling: Computer –assisted career decisionmaking program. 1998 Global Conference on Mental Health and Counseling, Taipei, Taiwan.

Mau, W. C., & Bikos, L.H. (1998). Logistic model of educational/vocational intentions of minority and female students. Research paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Diego, CA.

Mau, W. C., Tien, H.L., & Kopischke, A.L. (1998). College students’ job search strategies, search outcomes, and job satisfactions: A comparison of race and gender. Paper presented at the National Career Development Association meeting, Chicago, IL.

Tien, H.L., & Mau, W.C. (1998). College students’ perceptions of career-related barriers. Paper presented at the National Career Development Association meeting, Chicago, IL.

Mau, W. C. (1997). Computer-based career interventions. A research paper presented at the 6th International Counseling Conference, Beijing, China.

Mau, W. C. (1997). Effects of computer-assisted career guidance programs on vocational identity and exploratory behavior. A research paper presented at the National Career Development Association, Daytona, Florida.

Mau, W. C. & Calvert, C. (1997). Educational and vocational behavior of adolescents: A longitudinal study of race and gender. A research paper presented at the American Counseling Association World Conference, Orlando, Florida.

Mau, W. C., & Calvert, C. (1996). Career plans and perceived counselor’s expectations of high school students: A longitudinal study. A research paper presented at the American Counseling Association World Conference, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

Mau, W. C., & Calvert, C. (1995). Comparative effects of three career interventions: Vocational card sort, SDS, SIGI+. A research paper presented at the National Career Development Association, San Francisco, CA.

Mau, W. C., Gariglietti, G., & Calvert, C. (1995). Students' perceptions of counselors' and other significant persons' opinions about their career plans. A research paper presented at the National Career Development Association, San Francisco, CA.

Mau, W. C. (1995). Comparing two assessment methods, expressed vs. supplied, using Repertory Grid. Research paper presented at the Association for Assessment in Counseling and ERIC Counseling and Student Services Clearinghouse, Tucson, Arizona.

Mau, W. C. (1994). Predictors of academic achievement: A comparison of bilingual Chinese, American-born Chinese, and White American high school students. Paper presented at the Chinese American Educational Research and Development Association Annual Conference, New York, NY, 1994.

Mau, W. C. (1994). Counseling for educational success: What can we learn from Chinese culture. Research paper accepted for presentation in the 1994 American Counseling Association Bilateral Conference, Hong Kong.

Mau, W. C. (1994). Characteristics of female students who aspire to nontraditional careers. Paper presented at the 1994 American Counseling Association convention, Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Mau, W. C. (1994). Energizing young adolescents through their career aspiration: Causal models for racial/ethnic groups. Paper presented at the 1994 National Career Development Association Convention, Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Mau, W. C. (1993). Integrating personality variables in measuring career Interests. Paper accepted for presentation at the 1993 American Counseling Association annual convention, Atlanta, GA.

Mau, W. C. (1992). Computerized career decision making system. Paper presented at the American Vocational Association Annual Convention, St. Louis, Missouri.

Mau, W. C. (1992). Relative efficacy of personal and situational variables in predicting the outcomes of computer-based career interventions. Paper presented at the 1992 national conference of National Career Development Association, San Antonio, Texas.

Mau, W. C. (1990). Computer-assisted guidance for students choosing academic majors. Paper presented at the 1990 American Association for Counseling and Development Association annual convention, Cincinnati, OH.

Mau, W. C. (1990). Making career choices. Software demonstration at the 1994 American Association for Counseling and Development Association annual convention, Cincinnati, OH.

Mau, W. C. (1989). International student perspectives of counselor education. Paper presented at the 1989 American Association for Counseling and Development Association annual convention, Boston, MA.

Jepsen, D. A., Mau, W. C., Rosene, C., & Truemper, S. (1988). Career decision-making strategies. Paper presented at the 1988 American Association for Counseling and Development association annual convention, Chicago, IL.


Li, J., Bray, S., Mau, W.C. (2019). The role of high school counselors in helping students make career transitions. Paper presented at the annual conference of Kansas Counseling Association. Lawrence, Kansas, March, 7-8.

Li, J., Bray, S., Mau, W.C., Crouse, S. (2015). Implementing Play Therapy on Schools: A target approach to treating emotional disturbance. Paper presented at the annual conference of Kansas Counseling Association. Wichita, Kansas

Mau, W.C., & Yeager, M.E. (2014). Kansas College Students who Entered and Persisted in STEM Career Pipeline. Paper accepted for presentation at the annual meeting of Kansas Counseling Association, Manhattan, Kansas, March, 6-7.

Hitchcock, R., Mau, W.C., Gaskill, R., Bray, S. (2014). Play Therapy: Overview, application, research and caution. Paper accepted for presentation at the annual meeting of Kansas Counseling Association, Manhattan, Kansas, March, 6-7.

Mau, W.C. (2009). Cultural diversity and mental health. Paper presented at the annual meeting of Kansas Alliance of Advanced Nurse Practitioners conference, Wichita, Kansas.

Mau, W.C. (2006). Effectiveness of career interventions. School of psychology, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China, December 5.

Mau, W.C. (2006). Educational research writing for publications in the American Journals. School of education, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China, December 4.

Mau, W.C. (2006). How to turn research paper, thesis/ dissertation into publications. Training workshop for university faculty and graduate students, national Chung-Cheng University, Chi-Yi, Taiwan, July 16.

Mau, W.C. (2005). Utilizing national databases for scholarly research: American experience. Jointed Research forum, Hsin-Ju Area Universities, Taiwan, December 22.

Thompson, J., Bakken, L., Mau, W.C. (2000). A longitudinal study comparing cross-cultural knowledge, attitude, and perception of teaching efficacy of professional development sitebased and campus-based preservice teachers. Paper presented at the Mid-Western Educational Research Association annual meeting, Chicago, IL.

Mau, W. C. (1998). Correlates of language used at home and academic achievements. Paper presented at the Midwest-America Chinese Science and Technology Conference, St. Louis, Missouri.

Mau, W. C. (1998). Counseling minority clients at crisis. Women Sexual Assault Center, Wichita, KS.

Thompson, J., Bakken, L., Mau, W.C. (1996). Comparing knowledge, skills, and confidence of cross-cultural interactions of field-based and campus-based preservice teachers. Paper presented at the Mid-Western Educational Research Association annual meeting, Chicago, IL.

Mau, W. C. (1995). Counseling international students in crisis. Keynote speaker for the Kansas Association of Foreign Students Advisors conference, Wichita, KS.

Mau, W. C. (1995). Counseling Asian Americans: The silent people. Paper presented at the Mental Health Association of South Central Kansas, Wichita, KS.

Mau, W. C., & Gariglietti, G. (1994). Cultural Influences on academic achievement of Chinese and White American High school Students. Paper presented at the Mid-Western Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL.

Mau, W. C. (1992). Educational planning and academic achievement of eight-grade student: A racial/ethnic comparison. Paper presented at the Mid-Western Educational Researcher Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois.

Mau, W. C. (1992). Educational and vocational aspiration of Asian American students. Paper presented at the Ninth Midwest-America Chinese Science and Technology Conference, St. Louis, Missouri.

Mau, W. C. (1989). Special program in multicultural counseling. Paper presented at the meeting of the Iowa Association for Counselor Education & Supervision, Cedar Rapids, IA.

Jepsen, D. A., Mau, W. C., Rosene, C., & Truemper, S. (1987). Career decision-making strategies. Paper presented at the meeting of the Iowa Association of Counseling and Development conference, Des Moines, IA.

Invited Speeches

2016 - American school counseling models and practices. Keynote speaker of the 8th annual teacher professional development conference, Tunghai University, Taichung, Taiwan.

2016 - Toward understanding of career decision-making behaviors and processes. Day-Yah University.

2016 - Academic preparation and job search strategies in US. Taiwan Normal University.

2016 - Social-cognitive model of STEM career interests. University of Hong Kong, China.

2016 - Toward an Understanding of Career Interest, Personality and Decision-Making, City University, Hong Kong, China


Li, J., & Mau, W. C. (2018). Examining factors influencing high school students to persist in Aspirations of legal education. AccessLex Institute. Submitted in October 2018 (Pending: $96,360).

Li, J., Bray, S. S., Mau, W.C. (2016) WSU College of Education Curriculum Development Grant. (Funded, $3,000)

Mau, W.C., Yeager, M.E., (2012-2013). Factors influencing Kansas college students’ choice of a STEM major and factors influencing their success in completing a STEM degree. Kansas Education Research Scholars Program (KERSP) Grant ($10,500).

Kansas Board of Regents Teacher Education Competitive Grant Program. 2010-2013. Served on grant writing team to increase the number of teachers in hard to fill areas. Grant Administrator. $300,000.

Schultheiss, D., Bluestein, D., Mau, W.C., Perry, J., Stead, G. (2007). Transitions and Work in the Global Economy. Partnerships for International Research and Education, National Science Foundation (NSF 06-589) (Not funded)

Mau, W.C., Ellsworth, R., Hawley, D. (2004-2005). Finding leakage in the pipeline of teacher supply: Factors influencing youngsters to aspire to and stay in teaching career. (AIR-NCESNSF Grant, Improving Institutional Research in Postsecondary Institution, Funded, $25,980)

Hitchcock, R. & Mau, W.C. (2001-2003). Evaluation grant for USD259: Helping Children Dream (US Department of Education, second year and third year, funded, $70,000)

Mau, W.C. (1998). Career decision-making difficulties of college students. (Wichita State University Faculty Research Grant, $4,500, Funded)

Mau, W.C. (1997). Advanced seminar on the use of NCES national databases. (Department of Education, National Center for Educational Statistics, $3,000, Funded)

Mau, W.C. (1997). Factors influencing educational/vocational behaviors of adolescents. (Wichita State University Summer Faculty Research Grant, $3,995, Funded)

Thompson, J., Bakken, L., Mau, W.C. (1996). Comparing knowledge, skills, and confidence of cross-cultural interactions of field-based and campus-based preservice teachers. (Wichita State University Summer Faculty Research Grant, $3,000, Funded)

Mau, W. C. (1993). Computerized interest inventory and career exploration system. (Wichita State University Summer Faculty Research Grant, $3,200, Funded)

Mau, W. C. (1992). Facilitating students' career decision making using a non-sexist, Individualized computer simulation design. (Wichita State University Faculty Research Grant, $3,995, Funded)

Patent/Copyright Certification

Mau, W.C. (March 2, 1992). Simulated Career Decision-Making: Maximizing Strategy. [Interactive computer program]. Wichita, KS: Author. [Registration Number: TXu 517-270]

Mau, W.C. (March 2, 1992). Simulated Career Decision-Making: Elimination Strategy. [Interactive computer program]. Wichita, KS: Author. [Registration Number: TXu 517-274]

Multi-Media Developed

Mau, W.C. (2008). Making career choices. [Interactive CD-ROM]. Wichita, KS: Author.

Mau, W.C. (2008). Exploring career Interests [Interactive CD-ROM]. Wichita, KS: Author.

Program Development & Accreditation
  • Chaired NCATE accreditation steering committee.
  • Member of NCATE Self-Study teams; Lead writer for Standard 2.
  • Member of Higher Learning Commission Self-Study team; Lead writer for Criterion 4.
  • Member of CAEP steering committee.
  • Member of CACREP self-study team.
  • Developed a Graduate Certificate in Higher Education Leadership.
  • Developed the Higher Education Counseling Degree Track.
  • Modified MEd Counseling program.
Professional Activities & Credential
  • National Certified Counselor, Certificate Number #62029
  • Kansas Board of Examiner, National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education
  • Participant of AACTE Leadership Academy for Education Deans and Department Chairs, Charlotte, NC. (June, 2010)
University Services
  • University Strategic Planning Activation Team (2018-present)
  • University Higher Learning Commission Workgroup (2011-2016)
  • University Retention Council (2011-2013)
  • University Assessment Committee (2008-2012)
  • University Faculty Grievance Committee (2008-2011)
  • University Faculty Affairs Committee (2012-2015)
  • University Faculty Senate (2000-2006)
  • University Planning and Budget Committee (2000-2006)
  • University Admission Committee (2004-2006)
  • University Faculty Admission Advisory Board (1999-2007)
  • University Diversity Committee (1998 - 1999)
  • Graduate School Dean Search committee (2014)
  • Graduate School Assessment Committee (2008-2012)
  • College of Education Leadership Team (2007-2012)
  • College Accreditation Steering Committee (2010-2012, Chair)
  • College Advanced Program committee (2010-2012, Chair)
  • College Unit Assessment Committee (2007-2012, Chair)
  • College Personnel Committee (2008)
  • College Ad Hoc Tenure and Promotion Committee (2008- present)
  • College of Education Curriculum Committee (1996 - 2002)
  • College of Education Historian (Photography) (1997 - 1998)
  • College of Education Award/Recognition Committee (1997 - 1998)
  • College Technology Committee (1993-1995, 2004-2007).
  • Department Faculty Merit Review Committee (2001-present)
  • Department Graduate Faculty Status Committee (2012-2016)
  • Department Search Committee (2012-present)
  • Department Program Assessment Coordinator (2005-2007)
  • Department Travel Committee (1999-2002)
  • Department NCATE Assessment Representative (1999-2001)
  • Marty and Harry Hitchcock Endowed Fellowship Award Committee (2001-2005)
  • Counseling program Graduate Coordinator (2014-2015)
  • Counseling Program Coordinator, Higher Education Counseling Track (2016-present)
  • Counseling program committee (1991-presnet)
  • Counseling Accreditation Committee (CACREP) (2014-present)
  • Counseling Program Search Committee (2014-2015, Chair)
Professional Services
  • Editorial Board Member, Measurement & Evaluation in Counseling (2004-present)
  • Editorial Board Member, Tunghai Educational Review (2016-Present).
  • Editorial Board Member, Sage Open Journal (2016-present)
  • Editorial Board Member, Higher Education Forum (2016-present)
  • Editorial Board Member, Journal of Vocational Behavior (2001-2003)
  • Editorial Board Member, Career Development Quarterly (1996 - 2003)
  • Article Editor, Sage Open (2015-present)
  • Ad Hoc Reviewer: Future Review (2019)
    • Journal of Education Sciences (2017-Present)
    • Journal of Asian Pacific Educational Research (2017-Present)
    • Journal of Counseling Psychology (2012-Present)
    • American Sociological Review (2008)
    • British Journal of Educational Psychology (2008)
    • Journal of Vocational Behavior (1998 - 2000)
    • Illinois Journal of Counseling and Development (2005)
    • Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering (2006-2007)
    • Personality and Individual Differences (1999-2005)
    • 應用心理學〔Applied Psychology〕(2000-2002)
  • Higher Education Forum Committee (2016-present)
  • Technology in Assessment Committee, Association for Assessment in Counseling and Education (Chair, 2002-2010)
  • Screening Assessment Instrument Committee, Association for Assessment in Counseling and Education (1998- 2010)
  • APA and NCDA Join Task Force on Career Counseling Practice Standards (2005-2007)
  • Annual National Conference Program Proposal Reviewer for ACA, AACE, CAERDA (2001-2009)
Community Services
  • Kid Training Team Resource Panel, Children Mental Health, Wichita, Kansas (2000-present)
  • Board of Director, Wichita Chinese School (1997 - 1999)
  • Principal, Wichita Chinese School (1994-1995)
  • Vice-President, Wichita Chinese Association (1993-1994)
  • Pro Bono Consultation, Kansas Career Pipeline
  • Pro Bono Consultation, Cessna Aircraft Company, Pawnee, Wichita, Kansas
  • National Career Development Association Awards: Article of the Year (2019)

  • WSU Post-Tenure Review (2018)

  • Fulbright Senior Scholar (2015-2016)
  • College Curriculum Development Award (2016)
  • Professor Incentive Review Award (2008)
  • Dr. Harshini de Silva Graduate Faculty Mentor Award (2004)
  • Outstanding Service Award, Association for Assessment in Counseling and Education (2003)
  • College of Education Research Award (1994, 2002)
  • McNair Scholar Mentor (1998-2000)
  • Nominated for the Academy for the Effective Teaching (1993, 1998, 2003, 2004, 2009)
  • Nominated for Board of Trustees Excellence in Teaching (2001)
  • Marquis Who’s Who in America (2001-2010)
  • Marquis Who’s Who in Education (2003)
  • Franklin Stone Outstanding Student Award (1988)
Professional Memberships
  • American Counseling Association (1987 - present)
  • Association for Assessment in Counseling and Education (1989 - present)
  • National Career Development Association (1987 - present)
  • Association for Counselor Education and Supervision (2015-2017)
  • American Educational Research Association (1988 - present)
  • American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (2007-2013)
  • Association for Institutional Research (2004 - 2014)
  • Association for Multicultural Counseling and Development (1988 - 2000)
  • American Psychological Society (1988-1992)
  • Advanced Studies of National Databases Special Interest Group (1997 -present)
  • Chinese American Educational Research and Development Assoc. (1993 - 2010)
  • Kansas Counseling Association (2013-2017)
  • Midwestern Educational Research Association (1991- 2000)
  • Phi Delta Phi International (2009-2013)