Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Quantum Computing
A Tutorial At
The International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN) 2015
Killarny Ireland July 12, 2015
Organizers: Elizabeth Behrman and Jim Steck
In this Tutorial, we will give an introduction to quantum mechanics, then to the emerging
field of quantum computing, then show how the use of AI and machine learning in quantum
computing can be a powerful way of "programming" quantum computers. The Tutorial is intended for the general AI community, and no
prior knowledge or background in quantum mechanics will be assumed.

Workshop at Pacific Rim International Conference on Aritificial Intelligence (PRICAI)
Keynote: Paul Werbos, Program Manager- U.S. National Science Foundation, Originator
of Backpropagation in 1975: "Time-Symmetric Physics: A Radical Approach to the Decoherence
Presentation: Elizabeth Behrman, Jim Steck, Wichita State University: "Implementing
learning for a quantum lattice gas computer" FULL TEXT PDF
Presentation: Maria Schuld, Ilya Sinayskiy and Francesco Petruccione, University of
KwaZulu_Natal South Africa: "Quantum computing for pattern classi cation" FULL TEXT
Presentation: Fernando Neto, Wilson Oliveira, Adenilton da Silva and Teresa Ludermir,
Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Recife, Brazil: "The qRAM Quantum Weightless Neuron
Node Elitist Dynamics" FULL TEXT PDF
Presentation: Alexandr Ezhov, Andrei Khromov, and Svetlana Terentyeva,Troitsk Institute
for Innovation and Fusion Research, Troitsk, Russia, "On the quantum implication function
and strategies for multi-agent models" FULL TEXT PDF