Courses and Semester Information

Need help with beginning math courses?

The Math Lab, located in the Shocker Succes Center on the Second Floor West, is a free tutoring service for WSU students.

Placement Exam

If you need to take the Placement Exam you can do so through

Credit by Exam

The rules for credit-by-exam (CBE) in Mathematics and Statistics courses.

Student Employment

Positions for Math Lab and paper graders.


The following is a list of organizations that our department works with. As a department we are committed to the advancement of mathematics not only through our college, but also through support of organizations that work to bring the wonder of mathematics to everyone.

  • Additions Anonymous. The student chapter of the Mathematical Association of America. Discounts are provided to students on MAA membership, publications and conferences. For additional information or questions, contact the Math Department.
  • Pi Mu Epsilon National Honorary Mathematics Society.