3rd OAK Supercomputing Conference
Monday, May 20, 2024
Cost: Free
Event Contact
Terrance FigyEmail: terrance.figy@wichita.eduPhone: 316-978-5565
This is the third conference in a series of semi-annual conferences in the southwest and midwest regions and is co-organized with the 4th High-Performance Computing Workshop (May 20-21, 2024). The conference will bring together supercomputing experts, researchers, and students from across the nation for a discussion and exploration of the latest trends, topics and technologies in high performance computing and related fields.
Major topics will include:
- High Performance and High Throughput Computing (HPC/HTC)
- Cybersecurity
- Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML)
- Data Analytics and Data Visualization
- Internet of Things (IoT)
Who Should Attend:
The conference is open to participants from higher-education, government, and industry. Attendance is anticipated from many of the major national labs, research centers and HPC centers from across the nation. The event will provide a unique opportunity to interact with many of the leading and emerging players in the community.
Encouraged to participate:
The program committee specially encourages participants from emerging and smaller institutions to attend. Travel support is available through the HPC Security Workshop.
For registration and agenda information go to: https://www.wichita.edu/services/hpc/oaksupercompute2024/index.php