Employee Assistance Program

The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is a special service provided for State of Kansas benefits eligible employees and their dependents at no charge. The EAP provides information, short-term counseling, advice, and referrals from licensed professionals who understand the typical stresses we all face day in and day out. At times, the need for these valuable services may not be readily recognized, in which case, the employee’s leader may make a mandatory referral. 

In today’s fast-paced world, trying to manage work, home, family, and all the associated demands can sometimes be a real test. And occasionally, wouldn't it be nice if there were an experienced, objective professional who could answer a confidential question or help with one of life’s concerns?

Services Offered Through EAP

Through the EAP, you and your dependents receive confidential assistance from caring professionals who can help you evaluate the situation, answer questions, explore possible alternatives, develop a plan of action, and then help you find a solution. EAP offers these services:

Short-Term Personal Counseling

EAP counselors provide short-term counseling (up to eight sessions per issue) and/or referral for the concerns that affect most employees in today’s hectic world. A few of the most common examples include the following:

  • Marriage and relationship concerns
  • Family and parenting questions
  • Domestic violence
  • Emotional and stress related issues
  • Alcohol and drug problems
  • Grief and loss
  • Work related concerns

If long-term counseling appears necessary after the initial visit(s), your EAP counselor will advise you of additional counseling benefits that may be available through your health plan or other community resources.

Legal Advice and Discounts

You have an attorney “on call” whenever you have questions about legal matters. Speak with on-staff licensed attorneys about legal concerns such as divorce, custody, adoption, real estate, debt and bankruptcy, landlord/tenant issues, civil and criminal actions and more. If you require representation, you can be referred to a qualified local attorney for a free 30-minute consultation and a 25 percent reduction in customary legal fees.

Personal Money Management Assistance and Information

Everyone has financial questions. With your EAP benefit, you can get answers from on-staff CPAs, Certified Financial Planners® and other financial experts on a variety of topics including:

  • Home budgeting
  • Wise use of credit
  • Debt consolidation
  • Credit matters
  • Tax issues and concerns
  • College funding
  • Estate planning
  • Investments
  • Retirement planning

Work-Life Solutions

Too much to do, and too little time to get it all done? The work-life specialists can do the research for you, and provide qualified referrals and customized resources for child and elder care, moving, pet care, college planning, home repair, buying a car, planning an event, selling a house and more.

GuidanceResources Online

Go online to access timely, expert information on thousands of topics, including relationships, work, school, children, wellness, legal, financial and free time. You can search for qualified child and elder care, attorneys and financial planners as well as ask questions, take self-assessments and more.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What should I expect when I call?

When you call the 24-hour EAP help line, you will talk with a caring and experienced counselor who will take a small amount of initial information, and depending upon your needs will:

  • Provide any immediate help, assistance or guidance you may need.
  • Connect you with a specialist for assistance with childcare, personal money management, eldercare, legal advice, etc.
  • Help you make an appointment with an EAP counselor for a face-to-face visit in your community.
  • EAP counselors are professional counselors working for ComPsych under contract to the State. EAP counselors are not State employees. All counselors are certified or licensed in their field of expertise.
Is My Call Confidential?

EAP services are always completely confidential. All discussions, in accordance with very stringent state and federal regulations are confidential, and no one has access to your personal information without your written permission. The only exception is if someone is in immediate danger of harming self or others, or if child abuse is suspected.

Who is Eligible to Use the EAP?

The EAP is available to all active, benefits-eligible employees of the State of Kansas and Non State Employer Groups, as well as their family members living in the same household or dependent children.

Benefits-eligible employees who have been laid off/terminated are eligible to use the EAP for six months after layoff.

Retirees and COBRA participants are not eligible to participate.

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Who to Contact:

EAP Website:

  • Company ID: SOKEAP
  • 1-888-275-1205 (option 1)
  • TDD 800-697-0353

For questions or concerns, contact kdhe.healthquest@ks.gov.

State Employee Health Plan EAP Website


Revised: 11/06/2024 NH