Constitution of the Wichita State University Staff Senate
The Constitution of the Wichita State University Staff Senate (Senate) determines the selection and composition of the Senate, its organization, and rules, and procedures for amending the Constitution. The full text of the Constitution follows.
Article I. Composition & Selection
Section 1. Membership to the Staff Senate
- The membership shall consist of all State of Kansas Unclassified Professional and University Support Staff personnel who are in non-teaching or research faculty roles at Wichita State University defined as all half-time (0.5 FTE) or greater, exempt and nonexempt personnel who have an appointment status of emergency, temporary, seasonal, contingent, provisional, hourly, or regular. Eligible members of the staff also serve as the electorate. Administrators and members of the President’s Executive Team are ineligible for the Senate electorate. Executive administrators and members of the President’s Executive Team include, but are not limited to, those persons holding the title, or interim title, of President, Executive Vice President, Senior Vice President, Associate Vice President, Assistant Vice President, and Dean.
- For purposes of representation, Senators shall be allocated on the basis of a proportional system. The apportionment of elected Senators shall be made up of exempt and non-exempt non-teaching/research faculty personnel of the University and shall be determined by the Elections Committee based on the number of non-teaching/research faculty personnel appointed on or after the twentieth (20th) day of class each spring semester.
- Twenty-four (24) members, elected by the electorate, split between exempt and non-exempt staff. Note – the balance should be checked periodically to ensure that we have equal representation between exempt and non-exempt staff. If more than a 60/40 split occurs, discuss reallocation of Senator representation.
- Six (6) at-large members, appointed by the President; split between exempt and non-exempt staff and approved by the Senate
- The President of the University, the President of the Faculty Senate, and the President of the Student Government Association are ex officio, non-voting members of the Senate.
- A representative from the Wichita State University Foundation, Wichita State University Intercollegiate Athletic Association, Inc., Wichita State University Union Corporation and the Wichita State University Alumni Association ex officio non-voting members of the Senate.
Section 2. Election, Term Limit, Vacancies and Removal
- Elections shall be held annually to replace approximately one-half the membership of the Senate as determined by the Senate
- Regular election to the Senate shall be for a term of two years beginning July 1 following each annual election. After serving two consecutive terms or four years, a Senator shall not be eligible for re-election for one year
- Upon assuming the role of President, the Senator shall vacate their seat
- The President and President-elect are exempt from term limits for the term of their appointment.
- A vacancy on the Senate shall be filled by a majority vote of the Senate for the remainder of the unexpired term. Being appointed to the Senate to fill an unexpired term has no impact on that person's eligibility for serving two consecutive elected terms.
- The term for an At-Large Senator is two years or one single term. Staff are not eligible to serve consecutive terms as an At-Large Senator
- The Executive Committee of the Senate has the responsibility of consulting with any Senator who has a record of poor attendance at Senate meetings. After consultation with the senator, the senator may choose to resign, or the Executive Committee may recommend to the Senate dismissal of the senator. A two-thirds vote of the members present at the Senate meeting is required for dismissal.
Article II. Organization of the Senate
Section 1. Officers of the Senate
- The Senate shall elect its own President, Vice President, President-elect, Secretary, Past President, and USS/UP Representative, as well as other positions needed for the operation of the Senate, from among its membership.
- Following service as President-elect, that officer becomes President of the Senate. In the year after serving as President, that officer becomes Past President.
- The duties of these positions are identified in the Senate Bylaws.
Section 2. Meetings of the Senate
- Meetings generally shall be once a month during the fall and spring semester, unless others are required by the Senate. The time and place shall be set by the President.
ARTICLE III. Authority of the Senate
Section 1. General Meetings of the Staff
- The President of the Senate will consult with the University regarding the scheduling of General Meetings of the Staff at least once a semester. Matters that shall be submitted to the General Staff for ratification include fundamental principles of policy, substantive issues associated with staff welfare, and significant changes in the governmental structure or organization of the Senate.
Section 2. Senate Authorization
- The Senate may deliberate and act on all matters related to the staff.
- The Standing Committees shall report at each meeting as requested by the President
- The Senate shall have the authority to create, dissolve, or amend standing committees and shall select their membership according to its bylaws
- The Senate shall have the authority to create, dissolve, establish or amend its own bylaws for the procedure and operations of this Constitution
Section 3. Senate Committee Structure
- The composition, selection procedures, and charges of each standing committee are listed in the Senate Bylaws and are subject to modification by recommendation and vote of the Senate.
- In addition to the Senate's standing committees, ad hoc committees may be formed by the President of the Senate to address major issues arising at the University.
Article IV. Amendments to the Constitution
Section 1. Senate Recommendation
- Any amendment that alters the intent of any section of the Constitution may be introduced to the Senate by any staff member.
- The Senate shall review, debate and vote on the amendment prior to formal recommendation to the electorate
Section 2. Staff Approval
- Following approval by the Senate, an amendment to the Constitution may be placed on the agenda of the next General Staff Meeting for final approval.
5/16/2023 – Reviewed and revised by Senate Executive Committee to correct inconsistencies with the Bylaws, edits approved by unanimous vote in Senate this date.