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Yolanda and Gene Camarena

Aug. 31, 2020 -- Gene and Yolanda Camarena are well known for helping underserved Kansas youth improve their lives through education and other causes. Now the Wichita couple is enhancing that legacy with a $1 million gift to Wichita State University to give students of color opportunities they otherwise might not have.

Screen shot from music video

Aug. 28, 2020 — Dr. Kevin Harrison, a community engagement coordinator for Wichita State, launched the Breathe project, which he says “is an attempt to use art as means of addressing social injustice and racial stereotypes.”

Kaushik Sinha

Aug. 26, 2020 — Wichita State University has been named a founding member of a newly formed AI Institute for Foundations of Machine Learning (IFML), established by a $20 million grant from the National Science Foundation.

Dr. Crystal Dozier

Aug. 10, 2020 — From suburbia to cities across the globe, caffeine and wine are often a source of collective comfort: the first for a morning pick-me-up, the latter to unwind. Now a Wichita State University professor has discovered evidence to suggest that even our ancient ancestors enjoyed these drinks.

Dr. Ali Eslami demonstrates a prototype of his invention.

Aug. 3, 2020 — If necessity is the mother of invention, it may also be the source of new patents: The story of how Dr. Ali Eslami became the holder of US Patent 10,689,898 – his first – begins with a local company asking for an invention to save it money.

Dr. Vinod Namboodiri

July 16, 2020 — The National Science Foundation (NSF) has awarded more than $1.1 million to Dr. Vinod Namboodiri, professor of electrical engineering and computer science at Wichita State University, and his team to create a community-wide wayfinding system for people with disabilities.

B-1 Bomber

July 8, 2020 — Wichita State’s National Institute for Aviation Research's Digital Twin program uses insights gained through the digital assembly of aging aircraft to provide valuable data to those who might work to maintain and repair similar aircraft in the future.

Braillo printer

July 6, 2020 -- Wichita State University is committed to delivering accessible content to its students regardless of ability. One way WSU provides content to its visually impaired students is through the recent purchase of the Braillo 300 S2 Braille Printer.

Campus with downtown in the background

June 19, 2020 -- As the nation celebrates the 155th anniversary of Juneteenth, so too does Wichita State University.

Data science graduate certificate

June 4, 2020 — Responding to industry demand for workers with specialized skills, Wichita State is now offering a graduate certificate in computational data science.

Black Hawk

May 19, 2020 -- The Army is turning to “digital-twin” technology from Wichita State University to resolve challenges and boost efficiencies for its enduring fleet of Black Hawk helicopters.

Remote learning

April 8, 2020 - The preparation and instruction completed by the Media Resource Center’s Instructional Design and Access department is the critical part of Wichita State University’s new way of working during the COVID-19 pandemic. The IDA’s work on moving faculty and students online began in late February and it prepared its first website – designed with the idea of a few illnesses disrupting classes – on Feb. 27.

BAASE 2020 group

March 3, 2020 -- In support of their shared goals, Wichita State University and Wichita Public Schools have expanded a partnership to create a stronger system of support for African American and Hispanic students who want to pursue post-secondary education.

Aira company logo

Feb. 13, 2020 -- Blind and low-vision Shockers and campus visitors now have a high-tech option for free visual aid on campus offered through an Aira Access agreement with the Wichita State Office of Disability Services.

Linwood Sexton Endowed Scholarship finalists

Jan. 16, 2020 -- Wichita State University has chosen the top 10 finalists for the Linwood Sexton Endowed Scholarship, a full-ride award geared toward minority students majoring in business or education.