Proposal from the Library Committee: to amend the charges of the Faculty Senate's Library Committee as described below

Rationale: Current charges to the Library Committee define its role as an advisory group to the Dean of Libraries. The proposed revisions make it clear that the committee represents the faculty and Faculty Senate on issues concerning the libraries.
The composition and selection of the Library Committee would be unchanged.

a. Composition: 16: 8 Faculty, one chosen from each of the Senate academic divisions, 1 representative appointed by the Graduate Council, 2 students (one graduate student, one undergraduate student), and 5 library faculty and administrators, ex-oficio non-voting (Dean, Coordinator for Collection Development, Associate Dean for Access Services, Head of Reference, Associate Dean of Administration)

b. Selection: Standard

c. Charges:
1. Advise and make recommendations to the Dean of University Libraries concerning all aspects of long range development of library services and facilities in support of Wichita State University.
1. Represent faculty views and interests in matters relating to the University Libraries .
2. Advise the Dean of University Libraries in identifying and articulating long-term institutional priorities in library services and facilities, including collection development and the updating of collection development planning statements, and information systems development as related to hardware, software and systems support.
2. Represent faculty concerns to the University Libraries about the impact of library policies and procedures on faculty and student interests
3. Advise and make recommendations to the Dean of University Libraries on library policies and procedures.
3. Assist the Faculty Senate and the University Libraries in identifying and articulating long-term institutional priorities with respect to library resources, services and facilities.
4. Advise the Dean of University Libraries on the organization of library services.
4. Advise the Faculty Senate, University Libraries, and other committees and individuals charged with understanding the role and impact of current and emerging technologies in the WSU and other libraries and with implementing policy with respect to technological coordination and development .
5. Consult and coordinate with the office of the university's Chief Information Officer with respect to information services and infrastructure, as well as support for library facilities and systems.
5. Report annually to the Faculty Senate. The report should identify significant developments during the year with regard to Library policy and long-range planning. Specific accomplishments and policy initiatives and revisions should be identified, as well as the expected consequences for faculty and students.
6. Report annually to the Faculty Senate. The report should treat the status of the Library's long-range plan, noting what has been accomplished, as well as how and why the plan has been revised. It should summarize for the Senate new policies or revisions to existing policies, including the expected consequences for faculty and students.

Accepted by the Faculty Senate 11-22-10