Below is the type of information you would receive in the various reports given by the Exam Grading Program. For additional information, see Exam Grading Definitions and Response Analysis Guide.

Detail List by Name lists the Students Name, Form, Bad Responses, Raw Score, % Grade, %-tile, z-score

Bad Raw %
Name Form Resp Score Grade %-tile z-score

Barber, Jonas A 0 20 100 97.8 1.615

Sazar, April A 0 14 70 16.7 -0.924

Detail List by Number lists Students ID Number, Form, Bad Responses, Raw Score, % Grade, %-tile, z-score

Bad Raw %
ID Form Resp Score Grade %-tile z-score

x123b532 A 0 20 100 97.8 1.615

c767n372 A 0 14 70 16.7 -0.924

Item Missed by Name lists Students Name, Form (FM), Raw Score, % Grade, Items Missed

Name FM Raw % Items Missed

Barber, Jonas A 20 100

Sazar, April A 14 70 2B 3E 10A 11D 13B 14E

Item Missed by Number lists Students ID Number, Form (FM), Raw Score, % Grade, Items Missed

ID Number FM Raw % Items Missed

x123b532 A 20 100

c767n372 A 14 70 2B 3E 10A 11D 13B 14E

Descriptive Statistics and Grade Distribution lists Total points, High and Low Score, Quartiles, Number of exams graded, Median, Mean, Standard Deviation, Skewness, Reliability, Grade Distribution and Response Analysis *

Descriptive Statistics and Grade Distribution

Total Points. . . 20 N . . . . . . . . .114
High Score . . . 20 100.0% Median . . . . . . 16.4 82.1%
Low Score . . . . 10 50.0% Mean . . . . . . . 16.2 80.9%
1st Quartile . . 15 75.0% Standard Deviation 2.36 11.8%
2nd Quartile . . 16 80.0% Skewness. . . . . . -0.55
3rd Quartile. . . 18 90.0% Reliability . . . . 0.52

Item Analysis lists Item, Answer, Weight, Point Biserial Coefficient (PBSR), # Correct, % Correct

Item Analysis

Item Key WT PBSR #Correct % Correct

1 E 1 0.180 111 97.4
2 C 1 0.115 59 51.8

* See Response Analysis Page for further explanation.


9 9 ]
10 10 ]**
11 11 ]*****
12 12 ]*
13 13 ]*****
14 14 ]************
(distribution would continue. This is just a sample)

Response Analysis

The correct response is indicated by an "*".
For each item: line 1 gives the number giving that response.
line 2 gives the percentage giving that response.
line 3 gives the point biserial coefficients.

Item blank A (1) B (2) C (3) D (4) E (5)

1 1 0 0 1 1 111*
% 0.9 0.0 0.0 0.9 0.9 97.4
pbsr ***** ***** -.171 0.073 0.180

2 0 18 37 59*
% 0.0 15.8 32.5 51.8
pbsr -.300 0.111 0.115