Report Options

In the section below, we have added descriptions of the new reports that we can provide.  For additional information, see Exam Grading Definitions.

We offer 4 types of exam grading reports, all of which are briefly explained here.  Please click on the links for more detailed information on each report.

  1. Student Statistics Report
  2. Student Score Histogram Report
  3. Student Response Report
  4. Condensed Test Report

Report 1:

Student Statistics Report:  This is very similar to the Detailed List by Name report we previously provided.  It has the same information just in a different layout.  The main difference is that the WSUID will be included in the student field on the report.  If a student fills out the bubbles for their WSUID, it will appear.  If they do not, the area will be blank.  With this new combined field, we will not offer a separate report by WSUID.  

  • The PDF report includes columns for incorrect and missing responses.  Note that the incorrect column includes multiple response answers and the missing response column includes blank responses.  
  • This report can now be saved as a CSV file.  This is the only report that can be saved as a CSV file.  It provides columns for Last Name, First Name, WSUID, # correct, # incorrect, # blank, # multiple, percent, # missing, percentile, and z-score.
    • The filename provides the header information.  However, if instructors print the CSV file, the header information will not appear.
  • Options for output are printed, emailed as CSV file, and/or emailed as PDF file.

Report 2:

Student Score Histogram Report:  This report is similar to the raw score distribution available with the previous set of reports.  This report also provides a distribution of the student scores for an exam.  It displays the overall possible points in addition to total students, and other statistical measures. 

  • The report appears in two formats:
    1.  An overall table of the students' raw scores and the frequency of the raw score.
    2. A graph of the frequency of raw scores is displayed.
  • Printouts from the SSRL will not show the color text.

Report 3:

Student Response Report:  This is very similar to the Items Missed List by Name report we previously provided.  It has the same information just in a different layout.   The main difference is that the WSUID will be included in the student field on the report.  If a student fills out the bubbles for their WSUID it will appear.  If they do not, the area will be blank.  With this new combined field, we will not offer a separate report by WSUID.  

  • This report provides instructors with detailed information, including the student’s Last Name, First Name, WSUID, total score, percent, and the items missed.  It also shows the average overall and per question.
    • It is more in a graph format than just text.
    • The incorrect responses are shaded darker.
    • The correct responses are shaded lighter.
    • If the student left an item unanswered, the report shows a blank square.
    • If the student marked multiple answers for a question, the report shows an asterisk (*).
  • Options for output are printed and/or emailed as PDF file.

Report 4:

Condensed Test Report:  This is very similar to the Descriptive Statistics and Item Analysis report we previously provided.  It consolidates all the information together instead of dividing it into two separate sections.  

  • Options for output are printed and/or emailed as PDF file.