
At Team PPMC, we try our best to be “real” about life, expectations, and moments that call for celebration, mourning, or laughter… and sometimes that laughter is directed at each other. We take our work seriously, but life? Life calls for laughter.

meet team ppmc: briaja tucker

Welcome Briaja to Team PPMC!

workforce priorities wordcloud

To finish our workforce series, we conducted a Q&A with staff to highlight the generational differences of how we all view work. The generational makeup of Team PPMC ranges from Gen Z to Baby Boomer – and we all have different approaches to work and how we see it play out in our lives.

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How did you get here? Where are you going? “I didn’t grow up in local government.” That is my standard answer, when friends would ask about my path to the Public Policy and Management Center and Wichita State. I grew up helping, working, and connecting with those in my rural communities. I saw the commitment to service, strength, and ingenuity of those around and beside me.

summer workforce series; two people working

This blog is the third in a series discussing retention strategies in an environment where talent is hard to find. Last month we discussed retention through accountability. How does prioritizing funding play a role in retention and overall organizational success?

ppmc news update

The Public Policy & Management Center (PPMC) at Wichita State University welcomes Kathy Sexton as the newest member of Team PPMC. The PPMC is honored to further expand resources and capabilities with Kathy's expertise.

summer workforce series; two people working

Everyone is talking about retention – but what are we actively doing about it? This blog is the second in a series discussing retention strategies in an environment where talent is hard to find and retaining high performers is harder than ever.