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Undergraduate Guide to Success in Biology

How to get the most out of your biology degree at Wichita State University.

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Organization that promotes initiatives for first-generation students to ensure their success and seeks to build a culture of awareness and celebration for first-gen students at Wichita State.

Art installation on campus of a brass centipede surrounded by tulips.

Obtain transfer information specific from the Kansas institution you are or have attended.

Student sitting across a desk from an administrator

Services offered through Wichita State to help students develop skills and plans to graduate in a timely manner.

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Academic Advising

First-year students are required to go through OneStop Student Services for their academic advising. Following the first year of OneStop advising, students majoring in Biological Sciences are encouraged to meet with our academic advisor, Emmy Engasser. Acadmic advising appointments cover both major courses and general education courses.

Scholarship & Research Funding Opportunities
Lab Coordinators
If you are repeating a course, you must repeat the lab (if the lab is zero credit hours). You can reach out to the lab coordinator for any clarification.
Waitlisting a Course
When enrolling for classes, you may find that a course is closed due to meeting maximum enrollment. Waitlists for biology courses are monitored daily and additional sections are offered if possible.
Preparing for Graduation?
  • Working with LAS Advising, you will need to complete a senior form after 90 credit hours. This form outlines all remaining requirements that must be fulfilled by both you and the Biological Sciences Department.
  • You are required to complete an Application for Degree, which is found on your myClasses tab of the myWSU homepage.This application will trigger:
    • All biology majors who must complete the Major Field Test during their final semester. There is no minimum score to for the exam, but it allows us to assess your knowledge obtained from our program.
    • You will receive an email for Commencement about a week after the Application for Degree deadline. This email will instruct you on how to RSVP for commencement.
  • Want to continue your education in Biological Sciences at Wichita State University? Learn about our Master's Degree Program.