Literacy Camp
This program involves reading, writing, fun activities and hands-on materials to strengthen children's literacy skills.
Who is Literacy Camp for?
- Children who will complete first or second grade by the month of May, prior to camp.
- Children who receive classroom support for reading and/or writing skills.
- Children who do not have a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder.
- Children who speak English as their first language.
Literacy Camp Schedule example
- Pre-testing
Two pre-testing sessions at 60-90 minutes each. - Regular Camp Sessions
Early June - Mid July (NO CAMP on July 4th).
Tuesdays/Thursdays from 9 a.m. to noon for 7 weeks (13 sessions). - Post-testing
One session - 45 minutes, held on an afternoon directly after the end of camp.
We strongly encourage parents/caregivers to have their child attend all literacy camp
sessions. If you anticipate your child will have multiple absences, please contact
us about other available programs.
All sessions will be held at the Wichita State University Speech-Language-Hearing
Eugene M. Hughes Metropolitan Complex
5015 E. 29th Street N. (Entrance T)
Wichita, KS 67260
If you're a public constituent who is interested in literacy services for your child, please contact Brenda Vest at: for school-year options.