Summer Programs | January Term (winter) Programs
Summer Study Abroad Programs
Deadline to apply for summer programs is February 1st unless indicated otherwise on
the program's webpage.
Low cost programs include programs under $4,400 excluding the cost of the flight. Some program fees will include meals and health insurance. See their program webpage for details or email
- Heredia, Costa Rica – ISA: Spanish language. Cost = $3,650
- Puebla, Mexico – WSU Faculty-led program: Spanish language and culture. Cost = $4,000
- Asuncion, Paraguay – Teach in Paraguay: Teaching Opportunity. Cost = $600
- Asuncion, Paraguay – Paraguay Honors Travel Seminar. Cost = starts at $1,500
- Orleans, France – Université d’Orléans: French language and culture. Cost = $1,800
- Berlin, Germany – HWR Berlin: Business, German language and culture, political science, and international relations courses. Cost = starts at $1,800
- Milan, Italy – ISEP: Multiple course offerings. Cost = $3,995
- Barcelona, Spain – Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona: Multiple course offerings. Cost = $1,500
- Salamanca, Spain – ISA: Spanish language and culture. Cost = $3,650
- Jukjeon, South Korea – Dankook University: Korean language and culture, business, and teaching courses. Cost = starts at $1,000
- Puebla, Mexico: Spanish Language and Culture
- Asuncion, Paraguay: Paraguay Honors Travel Seminar
London, England: English Literature Travel Seminar
- London, England: Social Work Travel Seminar (Social work students only. Email for more information)
- Pau, France: Global Entrepreneurship Experience
- Paraguay Honors Travel Seminar - 2 week
London Travel Seminar - 9 day
- London Social Work Travel Seminar - 10 days (Social work students only. Email for more information)
Check with your academic advisor on which general education courses would fit into your degree plan.
- Valparaiso, Chile - ISA: ENTR 310, PHYS 314, MATH 344
- San Jose, Costa Rica - ISA: COMM 335 and Intensive Spanish
- Prague, Czech Republic – AIFS: ARTH 103
- London, England - AIFS: STAT 370
- Athens, Greece – ISA: PHIL 306, PHIL 100, ECON 201, ECON 202, ANTH 102, SOC 111, BIOL 370, BIOL 309, STAT 460, MATH 144, COMM 321, GEOL 200, GEOL 310
- Thessaloniki, Greece – ISEP: PSY 323, PSY 323H
- Barcelona, Spain - Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona: PHIL 105, POLS 220, PSY 320, SOC 111, GEOL 300
- Seoul, South Korea - ISEP: STAT 370, MATH 242, CHEM 661
- Seoul, South Korea - ISEP: PHIL 385, SOC 111, PSY 111
- Sydney, Australia – TEAN: PHIL 125
- Orleans, France – Université d’Orléans: French language
- Caen, France – ISEP: French language
- Berlin, Germany – HWR Berlin: German language
- Rome, Italy – AIFS: Italian language
- Barcelona, Spain – Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona: Spanish Language
- Puebla, Mexico – WSU Faculty-led Program: Spanish language
- Nagoya, Japan – ISEP: Japanese language
- Tokyo, Japan – TEAN: Japanese language
- Jukjeon, South Korea – Dankook University: Korean language
- Critical Language Scholarship Program – Fully funded language program: multiple languages
- Buenos Aires, Argentina – AIFS: Teaching Spanish as a Second Language Teaching Assistant Placement
- Asuncion, Paraguay – Teach in Paraguay: Teaching Opportunity
- London, England – AIFS: What is Education? and Educational Representations in the Media courses
- Lille, France – ISA: Multilingualism in Education course
- Seville, Spain – ISA: Education, Diversity and Multiculturalism course
- Jukjeon, South Korea – Dankook University: Global Village Teaching Program
- Seoul, South Korea – ISEP: PSY 111
Human Performance Studies
- Thessaloniki, Greece – ISEP: PHS 331
- Valencia, Spain – ISA: PHS 331
- Seoul, South Korea – ISEP: Sport Courses
Sport Management
- Florence, Italy – AIFS: Soccer and Italian Identity course
- Lisbon, Portugal – AIFS: SMGT 466
Organizational Leadership
- Stellenbosch, South Africa – AIFS: EDUC 325
- Valparaiso, Chile - ISA: Business Courses
- Pau, France - WSU Faculty-led: Global Entrepreneurship Experience
- Berlin, Germany - HWR Berlin: Business Courses
- Berlin, Germany - The Berlin Experience: MGMT 885G The Berlin Experience (Graduate Program)
- Athens, Greece - ISA: PHIL 306, MGMT 360, MKT 300 and other courses
- Maynooth, Ireland - AIFS: IB 601 and other courses
- Lisbon, Portugal - AIFS: MGMT 450, MGMT 463 and other courses
- Barcelona, Spain – Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona: Business courses
- Barcelona, Spain - ISA: IB 601, IB 333 and other courses
- Seoul, South Korea - ISEP: MKT 405, FIN 340, MKT 300 and other courses
- Stellenbosch, South Africa - AIFS: Doing Business in Southern Africa
Engineering+ requirement can be fulfilled by completing a credit-bearing program in a foreign country where English is not the first language, regardless of the courses you take. If unsure, please check with your engineering academic advisor to confirm whether or not they would count a specific program/country for Engineering+.
- Valparaiso, Chile – ISA: Engineering courses
- London, England – AIFS: AC 121, PHIL 354
- Berlin, Germany – HWR Berlin: Multiple course offerings
- Athens, Greece – ISA: ECON 201, MKT 300, MGMT 360
- Thessaloniki, Greece – ISEP: CS 211, PSY 323
- Amsterdam, Netherlands – ISA: Engineering course and fieldwork experience
- Barcelona, Spain – Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona: Multiple course offerings
- Barcelona, Spain – ISA: IB 333
- Seoul, South Korea – ISEP: PHIL 385, ME 522, CS 311, CS 664, CS 400
- Seoul, South Korea – ISEP: PSY 111, MKT 300
- Syndey, Australia – TEAN: PHIL 125
- San Jose, Costa Rica – AIFS: Spanish language with painting or photography course
- Salzburg, Austria – AIFS: Art, Music courses
- Prague, Czech Republic – AIFS: Art History and Photography courses
- London, England – ISEP: Photography, Theatre, Art History courses
- London, England – AIFS: Art, Graphic Design, Photography, Art History courses
- Athens, Greece – ISA: Media Arts, Music, Photography courses
- Thessaloniki, Greece – ISEP: Art, Photography courses
- Florence, Italy – AIFS: Art, Painting, Photography courses
- Limerick, Ireland – AIFS: Theatre course
- Barcelona, Spain – Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona: Performing Arts course
- Barcelona, Spain – AIFS: Art, Photography courses
- Seoul, South Korea – ISEP: Ceramics, Dance, Media Arts, Graphic Design courses
- Sydney, Australia – TEAN: Photography course
- Accra, Ghana – ISEP: Art History course
- Buenos Aires, Argentina - AIFS: Clinical Rotation Experience and Medical Spanish Immersion
- San Jose, Costa Rica - ISA: Health and Spanish Courses
- Europe Multi-country - AIFS: Comparative Healthcare
- London, England - AIFS: Health Courses
- London, England - AIFS: Frontiers in Human Health
- Lille, France - AIFS: Health: A Common Good?
- Thessaloniki, Greece - ISEP: PHS 331 Principles of Diet and Nutrition
- Rome, Italy - ISEP: Health Courses
- Barcelona, Spain - Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona: PHS 344 and other course offerings
- Valencia, Spain - ISA: Health Courses
- Stellenbosch, South Africa - AIFS: Healthcare in South Africa
- San Jose, Costa Rica – AIFS: History, Religion, Philosophy with Spanish language
- Prague, Czech Republic – AIFS: History, English
- Athens, Greece – ISA: History, Philosophy
- Maynooth, Ireland - AIFS: Women’s Studies, English
- Barcelona, Spain – Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona: Women’s Studies, Law, Philosophy
- London, England- WSU Faculty-led travel seminar: English Literature
- Sydney, Australia – TEAN: History, Philosophy
Math and Natural Sciences
- Valparaiso, Chile – ISA: Biology, Math, Physics
- Athens, Greece – ISA: Geology, Biology, Math, Statistics
- Glasglow, Scotland – ISA: Chemistry
- Barcelona, Spain – Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona: Geology, Biology
Social And Behavioral Sciences
- San Jose, Costa Rica – AIFS: Psychology, Sociology, Communication, International Relations, Political Science with Spanish language
- Prague, Czech Republic – ISEP: Homeland Security, Communication, Philosophy, International Relations
- Berlin, Germany – HWR Berlin: International Relations, Political Science
- Athens, Greece – AIFS: Psychology, Sociology, Anthropology, Communication
- Limerick, Ireland – AIFS: Criminal Justice
- Barcelona, Spain – Univeristat Autonoma de Barcelona: Political Science, International Relations, Psychology, Communication
- Jukjeon, South Korea – Dankook University: International Relations
If there are no other summer programs that fit your interest, then you can check out additional programs through an independent program provider.
January Term (winter) Study Abroad Programs
Deadline to apply for J-term programs is September 1st unless indicated otherwise
on the program's webpage.
Low cost programs include programs under $4,400 excluding the cost of the flight. Some program fees will include meals and health insurance. See their program webpage for details or email
- San Jose, Costa Rica – AIFS: Business, Biology, Healthcare, and Sustainability courses. Cost = $4,390
- Berlin, Germany – HWR Berlin: Business courses. Cost = Approx. $1,500
- Galapagos, Ecuador – AIFS: Ecosystems and Biodiversity in the Galapagos course
- Europe Multi-country – AIFS: European Art, Culture and Society course
- Florence, Italy – AIFS: Painting, Photography, Art History, Marketing, Communication, Italian Language and culture courses
- Rome, Italy – AIFS: HIST 382, COMM 335, Psychology, Italian Language, Art and Italian Culture courses
- Lisbon, Portugal – AIFS: MGMT 450
- Stellenbosch, South Africa – AIFS: Doing Business in Southern Africa and Travel Photography courses
If there are no other January programs that fit your interest, then you can check out additional programs through an independent program provider.
WSU Study Abroad Application
Students must complete the WSU Study Abroad Application before proceeding with the application for a specific program.