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Summer Programs | January Term (winter) Programs

Summer Study Abroad Programs

Deadline to apply for summer programs is February 1st unless indicated otherwise on the program's webpage.

Low Cost Programs

Low cost programs include programs under $4,400 excluding the cost of the flight. Some program fees will include meals and health insurance. See their program webpage for details or email studyabroad@wichita.edu.

  • Heredia, Costa Rica – ISA: Spanish language. Cost = $3,650
  • Puebla, Mexico – WSU Faculty-led program: Spanish language and culture. Cost = $4,000
  • Asuncion, Paraguay – Teach in Paraguay: Teaching Opportunity. Cost = $600
  • Asuncion, Paraguay – Paraguay Honors Travel Seminar. Cost = starts at $1,500
  • Orleans, France – Université d’Orléans: French language and culture. Cost = $1,800
  • Berlin, Germany – HWR Berlin: Business, German language and culture, political science, and international relations courses. Cost = starts at $1,800
  • Milan, Italy – ISEP: Multiple course offerings. Cost = $3,995
  • Barcelona, Spain – Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona: Multiple course offerings. Cost = $1,500
  • Salamanca, Spain – ISA: Spanish language and culture. Cost = $3,650
  • Jukjeon, South Korea – Dankook University: Korean language and culture, business, and teaching courses. Cost = starts at $1,000
Faculty-led Programs
Programs for General Education Courses

Check with your academic advisor on which general education courses would fit into your degree plan.

Programs to Learn Another Language
Programs for Applied Studies Students


Human Performance Studies

Sport Management

Organizational Leadership

Programs for Business Students
Programs for Engineering Students

Engineering+ requirement can be fulfilled by completing a credit-bearing program in a foreign country where English is not the first language, regardless of the courses you take. If unsure, please check with your engineering academic advisor to confirm whether or not they would count a specific program/country for Engineering+.

Programs for Fine Arts Students
Programs for Health Professions Students
Programs for Liberal Arts and Sciences Students


Math and Natural Sciences

Social And Behavioral Sciences

  • San Jose, Costa Rica – AIFS: Psychology, Sociology, Communication, International Relations, Political Science with Spanish language
  • Prague, Czech Republic – ISEP: Homeland Security, Communication, Philosophy, International Relations
  • Berlin, Germany – HWR Berlin: International Relations, Political Science
  • Athens, Greece – AIFS: Psychology, Sociology, Anthropology, Communication
  • Limerick, Ireland – AIFS: Criminal Justice
  • Barcelona, Spain – Univeristat Autonoma de Barcelona: Political Science, International Relations, Psychology, Communication
  • Jukjeon, South Korea – Dankook University: International Relations
Other Program Options

If there are no other summer programs that fit your interest, then you can check out additional programs through an independent program provider.

January Term (winter) Study Abroad Programs

Deadline to apply for J-term programs is September 1st unless indicated otherwise on the program's webpage.

Low Cost Programs

Low cost programs include programs under $4,400 excluding the cost of the flight. Some program fees will include meals and health insurance. See their program webpage for details or email studyabroad@wichita.edu.

  • San Jose, Costa RicaAIFS: Business, Biology, Healthcare, and Sustainability courses. Cost = $4,390
  • Berlin, GermanyHWR Berlin: Business courses. Cost = Approx. $1,500
Other January Term Programs
Other Program Options

If there are no other January programs that fit your interest, then you can check out additional programs through an independent program provider.

WSU Study Abroad Application

Students must complete the WSU Study Abroad Application before proceeding with the application for a specific program.


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