Community of CARE Folder

This page houses a handout with resources to help identify and help a student in distress created by CARE Team. Scroll down to read the accessible version, and click the button below to download the PDF version.

Accessible Handout Description

Wichita State Univeristy

How To Identifiy And Help A Student In Distress

Helpful Resources

On-Campus Services

  • CARE Team (316) 978-3149
  • Counseling & Psychological Services (316) 978-4792
  • Student Outreach & Support (316) 978-6122
  • Office of Student Accommodations & Testing (316) 978-3309
  • Student Health Services (316) 978-4792
  • WSU Police (316) 978-3450

Outside Resources

  • National Suicide & Crisis Lifeline 988 / TTY 711
  • COMCARE (24-hour Crisis Hotline) (316) 660-7500
  • United Way 211
  • Wichita Area Sexual Assault Center (316) 263-0185
  • Wichita Family Crisis Center (316) 263-7501

For Emergencies Call 911

Building A Community Of CARE

At Wichita State, our success as a community depends first and foremost on our
respect for each other, and how we reflect that respect in our everyday interactions.
We care about our students’ success, not only academically but emotionally and
physically as well. When faculty and staff demonstrate care, students are more apt
to be engaged, have a sense of belonging on campus, and build a lasting emotional
connection to the university.

What Can You Do:

  • Educate yourself about how to assist students in distress
  • Learn about campus resources
  • Speak to the student about your concern
  • Share your concerns with your department leadership and others who can help
  • Take threats seriously
  • When in doubt, consult!
  • Utilize our Report It! website at

Potential Warning Signs:

  • Drastic change in academic performance, cognitive functioning, personality, weight, hygine, energy level, or habits
  • Social isolation
  • Mood swings/agitation
  • Misuse of alcohol/drugs
  • Verbal/written threats of harm to self or others
  • Acts of aggression

Disruptive Students

What is Disruptive Behavior?

Behavior that interferes with or disrupts the educational process of other students, facultiy, staff, or functions of the university.

Examples of Behavior

  • Vague threats to self or others
  • Demanding, verbally abusive, or intimidating behavior (yelling)
  • High levels of irritability or inappropriate behavior
  • Loss of contact with reality (seeing/hearing things that are not there, beliefs or actions at odds with reality)

How Should One Respond?

Disruptive behavior should not be ignored. Remain calm. Verbally ask that the behavior stop and remind yourself that it is not about you; it is about the situation. If possible, discuss the reasons for disruptive behavior. Tell the individual that such behavior is inappropriate and if it does not stop, ask them to leave the area or leave yourself if necessary.


Disruptive behavior should be documented. Write a  detailed account of what occurred. Share the documentation appropriately through our Report It! website and/or your immediate supervisor.

The Dos

  • Use active listening. Listen through the anger.
  •  Acknowledge the feelings of the individual.
  • Allow the person to tell you their situation/issue.
  • Set limits. Explain clearly and directly what behaviors are acceptable (ie. “I am willing to speak with you as soon as you lower your voice.”)
  • Be assertive, fair, consistent, and honest.
  • Focus on what you can do to help resolve the issue.
  • Make personal referrals. Give a name of an individual when possible, and call ahead to brief the person.
  • Report to WSU Police and/or Report it!

The Don'ts

  • Don’t minimize the situation
  • Don’t get into an argument or shouting match
  • Don’t blame, ridicule, or use sarcasm
  • Don’t touch
  • Don’t ignore warning signs
  • Don’t ignore your own limitations

It's Okay To Not Be Okay
But it's not okay to stay that way.

Distressed Students

What is my Role?

While emotional or stressful responses are expected at certain times during the semester, you may notice someone acting in a way that is inconsistent with your normal experience with that person. You may be able to serve as a guide in times of distress/personal struggle. Your expression of interest and concern may be critical factors in helping the student re-establish an emotional connectedness with family and friends. You may also submit a concern to our CARE Team to ensure a timely and appropriate intervention.

Possible Signs of Distress

  • Changes in academic performance in the classroom
  • Disjointed speech or writings
  • Persistent sadness or unexplained crying
  • Change in patterns of social interaction
  • Changes in physical appearance or personal hygiene
  • Trouble eating and/or sleeping
  • Disruptive behavior or undue aggressiveness
  • Dependency (individual hangs around and makes excessive appointments to see you)
  • Feelings of helplessness or hopelessness
  • Physical confrontations or attacks
  • Direct threats of harming self or others
  • Paranoid or suspicious behaviors
  • Verbal or written references to suicide
  • Suspected abuse

The Dos

  • Speak with the student privately
  • Let the individual know you are concerned about their welfare. “I’m concerned and noticed......"
  • Express your concern by describing changes you observed in non-judgmental terms
  • Listen carefully and actively to what they are troubled about
  • Share resources with them
  • Consult with others about your concerns
  • Make referrals to the appropriate department and offer to accompany them if able
  • Reiterate that support is available and seeking help is a sign of strength and courage, rather than a weakness or failure
  • Report to WSU Police and/or CARE Team

The Don'ts

  • Don’t judge or criticize
  • Don’t ignore the unusual behavior
  • Don’t make the problem your own
  • Don’t involve yourself beyond the limits of your time or skill

8 a.m. - 5 p.m. | Monday-Friday
Rhatigan Student Center Room, 231
(316) 978-3149 /


The Campus Assessment, Response, and Evaluation (CARE) Team provides a proactive and multidisciplinary team approach to prevention, assessment, and intervention for situations that may interfere with students, faculty or staff functioning at their fullest potential.

The CARE Team is comprised of representatives from across campus to help ensure relevant expertise is available for a wide variety of potential concerns.

The Office of Student Outreach & Support provides case management, basic need services, and general support for students experiencing a disruption to their normal academic studies. They support the CARE Team by connecting students  with campus and community resources.


FERPA allows university faculty and staff to share information about student behavior and concerns with WSU personnel who have responsibility for the health, safety, and welfare of students and/or campus community. Consideration for student privacy should be given before information is shared beyond reporting.

Sharing A Concern About A Student

In case of emergency and if the student is in crisis (at immediate risk of harming oneself or others), call 911 or WSU Police at (316) 978-3450. Counseling & Psychological Services (CAPS) (316) 978-4792 offers crisis appointments. You may need to walk the student directly over to CAPS in the Student Wellness Center. Call ahead to let them know you are bringing a student over so they can expect you.

If the student is not at immediate risk or in the event of hospitalization as the result of an accident or serious illness, submit a CARE Report.
If the incident occurs after hours, and there is a direct threat call 911 or Comcare Community Crisis (316) 660-7500 and submit a CARE Report.    

Reporting An Incident And Reporting Processes

We understand that students can face a variety of challenges during their college journey. WSU strives to support students as challenges arise. Concerns can be reported at and click on CARE Team.

When a concern is submitted, each report is reviewed on a case by case basis with intentional outreach made to the individual of concern within 2 business days.  If additional support is needed regarding a concern or report, contact or the AVP of Student Affairs.

When an individual is reported deceased, notify, AVP of Student Affairs immediately. The AVP will initiate the student death protocol process on behalf of the institution.