The Supply Chain Analytics track of the Management Science and Supply Chain Management (MSSCM) master's degree provides students with knowledge and skills to use innovative tools and techniques in decision-making processes from the design to planning phases. This course of study exposes students to various networks, tools and strategies to successfully analyze and develop strategies.

Required Courses (9 credit hours)

  • DS 883 Supply Chain Analytics (Offered in Spring semesters only)
  • ECON/BSAN 710 Python Programming
  • BSAN 734 Introduction to Data Mining and Machine Learning OR IME 734 Intro to Data Mining and Analytics 

Elective courses (6 credit hours)

  • DS 890 Seminar in Special Topics (including Management Science Applications in SC, etc.)   
  • BSAN 875 Advanced Business Analytics
  • FIN 790 FinTech
  • MIS 884 Database Planning and Management
  • ECON 803 Quant Analysis of Business and Forecasting OR IME 880Y Forecasting and Analytics
  • IME 724 Statistical Methods for Engineers
  • IME 780AN Big Data Analytics in Engineering
  • PHS 810 Strategic Planning and Performance Analytics