Research Workshop


Office of Research Virtual Workshop: Introduction to the Research Office

  • Tuesday, February 11, 2025 at 9:00am

Join Fran Cook, CRA, Trainer from the Wichita State Office of Research, who will host a virtual workshop explaining the role of a sponsored projects / research office, WSU Office of Research contacts and resources, and WSU policies and procedures related to externally sponsored funding.  The workshop will be held via Microsoft Teams with lots of time for practical application and discussion.

For more information or to receive a link to the virtual workshop, contact  You may also register directly on MyTraining.



Office of Research Virtual Workshop: Writing Proposals

  • Tuesday, March 11, 2025 at 3pm

New to writing grant proposals?  Join Fran Cook, CRA, Trainer from the Wichita State Office of Research, who will cover the basics of proposal writing for grants as well as tips for improving grant applications.  The virtual workshop will be held via Microsoft Teams, and will include hands-on activities including reviewing a sample solicitation. 

For more information or to receive a link to the virtual workshop, contact  You may also register directly on MyTraining.



Office of Research Virtual Workshop: Using Pivot to Find Funding

  • Tuesday, April 22, 2025 at 10:00am 

Looking for external sponsored project funding?  Join Fran Cook, CRA, Trainer from the Wichita State Office of Research, who will host a virtual workshop demonstrating tips and tricks for using Pivot to search for funding opportunities.  We will also discuss how to find potential funding opportunities that might not be listed in Pivot. 

Participants should sign up for a Pivot account before the workshop to practice searching Pivot during the workshop. For more information or to receive a link to the virtual workshop, contact  You may also register directly on MyTraining.



Office of Research Assistance: SciENcv

Several federal funds are now requiring the use of SciENcv for submission of biographical sketch and current and pending support information.  Thus, the WSU Office of Research is assisting WSU Faculty and Staff with setting up a profile in SciENcv and generating documents; please see the SciENcv website for more information and to see a list of federal sponsors using this system.  Our office recommends first setting up an ORCID account and then registering with SciENcv.   

To request assistance with using SciENcv, please email  Assistance will take place via Microsoft Teams.



NCURA Webinars:



Past Workshop Recordings:

Introduction to WSU Office of Research

Topics will include 1) WSU research office resources and contacts, 2) finding funding, 3) project budgeting and 4) grant-writing tips

Introduction to WSU Office of Research - August 27, 2021

Introduction to WSU Office of Research Handouts


Institutional Review Board & Data Security

Topics Covered: 

  • Institutional Review Board (IRB) - Discussion on process of applying to the WSU IRB for research involving human subjects.
  • Health Insurance Portability & Accountability Act (HIPAA) - Discussion about HIPAA and its relevance to University researchers.
  • Data Security - Discussion on data security with regard to sensitive data such as personally-identifying information, controlled unclassified information, and research data in general.

This workshop is recommended especially for those in health professions, and those whose research involves working with human subjects or sensitive data.


Institutional Review Board & Data Security - December 4, 2020

Institutional Review Board & Data Security - December 8, 2020

Faculty Support Committee

This is a panel discussion with the WSU Faculty Support Committee about internal grant funding opportunities available to WSU Faculty, including the URCA, ARC and MURPA. 

The WSU Faculty Support committee will describe:

  • Each funding opportunity,
  • The rating criteria that is used to evaluate applications, and
  • How to improve your likelihood of receiving this internal funding.

Faculty Support Committee - August 26, 2021

Faculty Support Committee Powerpoint

Internal Grant Opportunities Handouts

Hanover Research Workshops

Grants for Clinical & Health Sciences Faculty

Topics will include: an overview of agencies and opportunities specific to health sciences/clinical faculty (e.g. NIH, HRSA, PCORI), followed by a grant consultant panel with expertise in this area.

Grants for Clinical & Health Sciences Faculty: Federal Profiles - October 30, 2020

Grants for Clinical & Health Sciences Faculty: Foundation Profiles - October 30, 2020

Grants for Clinical & Health Sciences Faculty Handouts

Building Your Research Career

Topics will include: an overview of research opportunities for mid-career faculty, how to get back into research after a pause, incremental funding strategies, and program officer outreach.

Building Your Research Career: Prospecting & Networking - October 30, 2020

Building Your Research Career: Grant Seeking Strategy - October 30, 2020

Building Your Research Career Handouts

Good vs. Fundable Proposals

Topics will include: the difference between a good project and a fundable one, with particular emphasis on how to speak to funders’ expectations around innovation.  

Good vs Fundable Proposals - January 22, 2021

Good vs Fundable Proposals Handouts

How to Write a Concept Paper Handout

PO Outreach Guidance Handout

Links and Resources Handout

National Institutes of Health’s (NIH) R15

This workshop will discuss the National Institutes of Health’s R15 funding mechanism and applying to NIH overall. The R15 is now known as a Research Enhancement Award.  WSU is eligible to receive Research Enhancement Awards, which support small-scale research projects at institutions that have not received major NIH support. 

NIH R15 funding goals include:

  1. Supporting meritorious research, 
  2. Exposing students to research and 
  3. Strengthening the research environment of the institution. 

NIH R15 - January 27, 2021

NIH R15 Handouts

National Science Foundation's (NSF) Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences Directorate (SBE)

On April 21 at 3 pm CT, Kansas State University’s Office of Research is hosting an overview session via zoom on the National Science Foundation’s (NFS) Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences Directorate (SBE). Our speaker is Dr. Kellina M. Craig Henderson, SBE’s current Deputy Assistant Director. This Directorate focuses on human behavior and social organizations, in particular how economic, political, environmental, social, and cultural forces affect the lives of people from birth to old age – and how people in turn shape those forces. SBE consists of four divisions—Behavioral and Cognitive Sciences, Social and Economic Sciences, Office of Multidisciplinary Activities and National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics. The funding opportunities offered by this directorate reflect the diversity of its research interests.

Login Information

SBE Directorate Overview Flyer

National Science Foundation Seminars

On April 23, 2021 and April 30, 2021 Dr. Coleen Pugh and Dr. Jan Twomey presented two seminars on applying to the National Science Foundation.  Dr. Pugh covered topics related to general NSF proposal development; Dr. Twomey discussed both the NSF CAREER and NSF ERI programs. 

NSF Workshop Slides - Dr. Coleen Pugh (2021-04-23)

Webinar Recording - Dr. Twomey (2021-04-30)

NSF Workshop Slides - NSF CAREER - Dr. Twomey (2021-04-30)

NSF Workshop Slides - NSF ERI - Dr. Twomey (2021-04-30)

LAS Humanities Funding Opportunities

On March 10, 2022 Dr. Pugh, Vice Provost for research at Wichita State University presented a zoom meeting for LAS Faculty, especially for those Faculty in the Social Sciences and the Humanities. The WSU Office of Research assists WSU Faculty in aplying for external funding.

At the Zoom meeting, we discussed:

  • Previous awards received by LAS and LAS' research performance;
  • Dr. Darren DeFrain's grant experience, as he recently received funding from the National Endowment for the Humanities;
  • Information about the Office of Research, resources to assist Faculty, and potential funding sources; and
  • Information about working with the WSU Foundation on finding funding.

Office of Research LAS Humanities Visit (2022-03-10)

Handout_Foundation Grants FAQ

Handout_LAS Funding for Research

Handout_FY21 for LAS WSU Research

Handout_Dr. DeFrain: The Vizling App Grant Writing

Health Professions Funding Opportunities

On May 2, 2022 Dr. Pugh, Vice Provost for Research at Wichita State University presented a zoom meeting for Health Professions Faculty. The WSU Office of Research assists WSU Faculty in applying for external funding.

At the Zoom meeting, we discussed:

  • Previous awards received by Health Professions and Health Professions’ research performance;
  • Information about the Office of Research, resources to assist Faculty, and potential funding sources; and
  • Information about working with the WSU Foundation on finding funding.

Office of Research Health Professions Visit (2022-05-02)

Handout_FY21 for Health Professions

Handout_Health Professions Funding for Research