HPC Resources
High-performance computing (HPC) combines multiple computational resources into a cluster or supercomputer with parallel data processing capabilities to solve extreme-scale simulations, AI inferencing, and data analyses that may not be feasible on a single system.
Wichita State University has partnered with Kansas State University and Oklahoma State University in order to provide additional computing resources to WSU researchers and staff. This includes access to large-scale computational resources from Beocat and Pete.
Pete Supercomputer
Pete is a HPC cluster at Oklahoma State University, supported by Oklahoma State University's high-performance computing center. Get more information about the Pete supercomputer.
Oklahoma State University recently was awarded a Major Research Instrumentation award #2216084 from the National Science Foundation (NSF) to build and develop a new supercomputer. This award was a joint effort between Oklahoma State University, Arkansas State University, Wichita State University, Kansas State University, the University of Tulsa, the University of Central Oklahoma, the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, and the Great Plains Network. Award information can be found at MRI: Acquisition of a High-Performance Computational System for OAK Region to Enable Computing and Data Driven Discovery.
To apply the account, visit the webpage: https://hpcc.okstate.edu/account-request.html. For "Advisor Name" and the "Advisor or Faculty Email", please list our campus coordinator, Dr. Terrance Figy and terrance.figy@wichita.edu. For "College", select "other(external, none of the above)".
Beocat is a HPC cluster at Kansas State University run by the Institute for Computational Research. Access is available to any educational researcher in the state of Kansas (and their collaborators) without cost. Priority access is given to those researchers who have contributed resources. Learn more about accessing Beocat.
HTC Resources
High-throughput computing (HTC) executes numerous and self-contained tasks across available computing resources to optimize their overall completion. In comparison, the HTC environments deliver large amounts of computational power over a long period of time, while the HPC environments deliver a tremendous amount of computational power over a short period of time.
Open Science Grid (OSG)
OSG is a national, distributed High Throughput Computing (dHTC) service for data-intensive research. Learn more about the OSG documentation and New User Training Video.
Sharing is a core principle of the OSG. Over 100 million CPU hours delivered on the OSG in the past year were opportunistic:
they would have remained on but idle if it was not for the OSG. WSU is one of the
collaborating campuses of OSG. BeoShock contributes resources to the OSG through the Great Plains Augmented Regional Gateway to the Open Science Grid (GP-ARGO), which is supported by the National Science Foundation awards #2018766. Award information can be found at CC* Compute: GP-ARGO: The Great Plains Augmented Regional Gateway to the Open Science
Grid. (GP-ARGO dashboard)
National Research Platform
The National Research Platform (known as the Pacific Research Platform before 2021) is a research platform for engineering and science that connects the major university research networks and supercomputing centers.
Nautilus provided by the NRP is a HyperCluster that uses Kubernetes for running containerized Big Data Applications. Learn more about accessing Nautilus. The Nautilus documentation can be found here. WSU researchers can log in to the PRP Nautilus portal through your WSU credentials. To get access to the WSU namespace "wsu-jupyterhub", please contact Dr. Terrance Figy for more detail.
ACCESS (Advanced Cyberinfrastructure Coordination Ecosystem: Services & Support, formerly XSEDE) is a national research cyberinfrastructure (CI) ecosystem for computational- and data-intensive research in science and engineering. ACCESS offers a broad range of computational resources, including systems such as HPC clusters, virtualization (cloud-style) clusters, HTC clusters, massive storage clusters, large memory clusters, and composable clusters. The list of resource providers can be found here for more information about their capabilities. Learn more about ACCESS.
Our Campus Champion, Dr. Terrance Figy will assist you to create the account and provide you with information about high-performance computing resources available from ACCESS.
CloudBank was created in 2020 to serve NSF grantees and aimed to manage service to simplify cloud access for computer science research and education. Researchers can request "CloudAccess" when preparing NSF proposals. Educators can submit CloudBank community requests for teaching purposes. Learn more about CloudBank.